
Prototype: sublist(list, head_or_tail, max_elements)

Return type: slist

Description: Returns list of up to max_elements of list, obtained from head or tail depending on head_or_tail.


  • list : The name of the list variable, in the range [a-zA-Z0-9_$(){}\[\].:]+
  • head_or_tail : Whether to extract elements from the beginning or from the end. in the range head, tail
  • max_elements : Maximum number of elements to return in the range 0,999999999


    bundle agent test
          "test" slist => {
                            "one", "two", "three",
                            "long string",
                            "four", "fix", "six",

          "test_head9999" slist => sublist("test", "head", 9999);
          "test_head1" slist => sublist("test", "head", 1);
          "test_head0" slist => sublist("test", "head", 0);

          "test_tail9999" slist => sublist("test", "tail", 9999);
          "test_tail10" slist => sublist("test", "tail", 10);
          "test_tail2" slist => sublist("test", "tail", 2);
          "test_tail1" slist => sublist("test", "tail", 1);
          "test_tail0" slist => sublist("test", "tail", 0);

          "The test list is $(test)";
          "This line should not appear: $(test_head0)";
          "The head(1) of the test list is $(test_head1)";
          "The head(9999) of the test list is $(test_head9999)";
          "This line should not appear: $(test_tail0)";
          "The tail(1) of the test list is $(test_tail1)";
          "The tail(10) of the test list is $(test_tail10)";
          "The tail(2) of the test list is $(test_tail2)";
          "The tail(9999) of the test list is $(test_tail9999)";
