
Prototype: splitstring(string, regex, maxent)

Return type: slist

Description: Splits string into at most maxent substrings wherever regex occurs, and returns the list with those strings.

If the maximum number of substrings is insufficient to accommodate all entries,then the final entry in the slist that is generated will contain the rest of the un-split string.


  • string : A data string, in the range .*
  • regex : Unanchored regular expression to split on, in the range .*
  • maxent : Maximum number of substrings, in the range 0,99999999999


bundle agent test

  "split1" slist => splitstring("one:two:three",":","10");
  "split2" slist => splitstring("one:two:three",":","1");
  "split3" slist => splitstring("alpha:xyz:beta","xyz","10");


  "split1: $(split1)";  # will list "one", "two", and "three"
  "split2: $(split2)";  # will list "one" and "two:three"
  "split3: $(split3)";  # will list "alpha:" and ":beta"
