
Prototype: parsestringarrayidx(array, input, comment, split, maxentries, maxbytes)

Return type: int

Description: Populates the two-dimensional array array with up to maxentries fields from the first maxbytes bytes of the string input.

This function mirrors the exact behavior of readstringarrayidx(), but reads data from a variable instead of a file. By making data readable from a variable, data driven policies can be kept inline.


  • array : Array identifier to populate, in the range [a-zA-Z0-9_$(){}\[\].:]+
  • input : A string to parse for input data, in the range "?(/.*)
  • comment : Regex matching comments, in the range .*
  • split : Regex to split data, in the range .*
  • maxentries : Maximum number of entries to read, in the range 0,99999999999
  • maxbytes : Maximum bytes to read, in the range 0,99999999999


    bundle agent test(f) 
      # Define data inline for convenience
      "table"   string => "one: a
                           two: b
                         three: c";


     "dim" int => parsestringarrayidx(

     "keys" slist => getindices("items");


History: Was introduced in version 3.1.5, Nova 2.1.0 (2011)