
Prototype: selectservers(hostlist, port, query, regex,maxbytes, array)

Return type: int

Description: Returns the number of tcp servers from hostlist which respond correctly to a query send to port, and populates array with their names.

This function allows discovery of all the TCP ports that are active and functioning from an ordered list, and builds an array of their names. This allows maintaining a list of pretested failover alternatives.


  • hostlist : The identifier of a cfengine list of hosts or addresses to contact, in the range @[(][a-zA-Z0-9]+[)]
  • port : The port number, in the range 0,99999999999
  • query : An optional query string, in the range .*
  • regex : A regular expression to match success, in the range .*

If a query string is sent, this regular expression is anchored, meaning it must match the entire resulting reply. If query is empty, then no reply-checking is performed (and any server reply is deemed to be satisfactory).

  • maxbytes : Maximum number of bytes to read from server, in the range 0,99999999999
  • array : Name for array of results, in the range [a-zA-Z0-9_$(){}\[\].:]+


    bundle agent example

     "hosts" slist => { "", "", "" };
     "fhosts" slist => { "", "" };

     "up_servers" int =>  selectservers("@(hosts)","80","","","100","alive_servers");
     "has_favicon" int =>
                "@(hosts)", "80",
            "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0$(const.n)Host:$(const.n)$(const.n)",
            "200", "favicon_servers");


      "someone_alive" expression => isgreaterthan("$(up_servers)","0");

      "has_favicon" expression => isgreaterthan("$(has_favicon)","0");

        "Number of active servers $(up_servers)";

        "First server $(alive_servers[0]) fails over to $(alive_servers[1])";

        "At least $(favicon_servers[0]) has a favicon.ico";


If there is a multi-line response from the server, special care must be taken to ensure that newlines are matched, too. Note the use of (?s) in the example, which allows . to also match newlines in the multi-line HTTP response.