Prototype: accumulated(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)

Return type: int

Description: Convert an accumulated amount of time into a system representation.

The accumulated function measures total accumulated runtime. Arguments are applied additively, so that accumulated(0,0,2,27,90,0) means "2 days, 27 hours and 90 minutes of runtime" ". However, you are strongly encouraged to keep your usage of accumulated sensible and readable; for example, accumulated(0,0,0,48,0,0) or accumulated(0,0,0,0,90,0).


  • years, in the range 0,1000

Years of run time. For convenience in conversion, a year of runtime is always 365 days (one year equals 31,536,000 seconds).

  • month, in the range 0,1000

Months of run time. For convenience in conversion, a month of runtime is always equal to 30 days of runtime (one month equals 2,592,000 seconds).

  • days, in the range 0,1000

Days of runtime (one day equals 86,400 seconds)

  • hours, in the range 0,1000

Hours of runtime

  • minutes, in the range 0,1000

Minutes of runtime 0-59

  • seconds, in the range 0,40000

Seconds of runtime


bundle agent testbundle


      process_count   => anyprocs,
      process_select  => proc_finder;



     "Found processes in range";

body process_select proc_finder
  ttime_range => irange(accumulated(0,0,0,0,2,0),accumulated(0,0,0,0,20,0));
  process_result => "ttime";

body process_count anyprocs
  match_range => "0,0";
  out_of_range_define => { "any_procs" };

In the example we look for processes that have accumulated between 2 and 20 minutes of total run time.

See also: