Settings used by Mission Portal APIs, no reported data.

Table: build_modules

Information about build modules available from the index (


  • name (text) The name of the build module.
  • readme (text) The readme file content of the build module in HTML.
  • description (text) The description of the build module.
  • version (text) The version of the build module.
  • author (jsonb) The author information of the build module as a JSON object with keys such as url, name, image.
  • updated (timestamp with time zone) The last updated time of the build module.
  • downloads (integer) The number of downloads of the build module.
  • repo (text) The repository URL of the build module.
  • documentation (text) The documentation URL of the build module.
  • website (text) The website URL of the build module.
  • subdirectory (text) The subdirectory of the build module in the repository.
  • commit (text) The commit hash of the build module.
  • dependencies (jsonb) The dependencies of the build module as a JSON object.
  • tags (jsonb) The tags of the build module as a JSON object.
  • versions (jsonb) The available versions of the build module as a JSON object.
  • latest (boolean) A flag indicating whether the build module is the latest version.
  • ts_vector (tsvector)* Generated ts_vector column based on id and description.

Table: build_projects

Build application projects.


  • id (bigint) The unique identifier of the build project, generated from a sequence.
  • repository_url (text) The URL of the git repository that contains the build project.
  • branch (text) The branch of the git repository that the build project uses.
  • name (text) The name of the build project, derived from the repository URL and branch.
  • authentication_type (authentication_types) The type of authentication that the build project uses to access the git repository. Must match authentication_types such as password or private_key.
  • username (text) The username that the build project uses to access the git repository, if applicable.
  • password (text) The password that the build project uses to access the git repository, if applicable.
  • ssh_private_key (text) This field is not used. Ref ENT-11330.
  • ssh_key_id (integer) The foreign key that references the ssh_keys table, if applicable.
  • created_at (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the build project was created.
  • pushed_at (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the build project was last pushed to the git repository.
  • is_local (boolean) The flag that indicates whether the build project is local or remote.
  • is_deployed_locally (boolean) The flag that indicates whether the build project is deployed locally or not.
  • action (text) The action that the build project performs, such as push, pushAndDeploy, localDeploy.

Table: cfbs_requests

cfbs requests and responses handled by cf-reactor.


  • id (bigint) The unique identifier of the cfbs request, generated from a sequence.
  • request_name (text) The name of the cfbs request, such as init_project, local_deploy, etc.
  • arguments (jsonb) The JSONB object that stores the arguments of the cfbs request, such as git, project_id, etc.
  • created_at (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the cfbs request was created.
  • finished_at (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the cfbs request was finished, may be null if the request is still in progress.
  • response (jsonb) The JSONB object that stores the response of the cfbs request, such as status, details, etc.

Table: external_roles_map

Map of external directory group to Mission Portal RBAC role for automatic association of directory users to Mission Portal roles.


  • external_role (text) The name of the external directory (LDAP/Active Directory) group.
  • internal_role (text) The name of the internal Mission Portal role, such as admin, auditor, or guest.
  • changetimestamp (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the mapping was last changed.

Table: federated_reporting_settings

Federated reporting settings when enabled.


  • key (character varying) The name of the federated reporting setting, such as enable_as, enable_request_sent, or target_state.
  • value (text) The value of the federated reporting setting, such as superhub, 1, or on.

Table: inventory_aliases

Inventory attributes aliases.


  • inventory_attribute (text) The name of the inventory attribute, such as Kernel, Kernel Release, etc.
  • alias (text) The alias of the inventory attribute, such as os type, os kernel, etc.

Table: keyspendingfordeletion

Keys of deleted hosts yet to be deleted.


  • hostkey (text) The key of the host that was deleted from the database but not yet from the ppkeys directory.

Table: licenseinfo

Information about the currently installed license.


  • expiretimestamp (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the license expires.
  • installtimestamp (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the license was installed.
  • organization (text) The name of the organization that owns the license.
  • licensetype (text) The type of the license such as Enterprise.
  • licensecount (integer) The number of hosts that the license covers.

Table: oauth_access_tokens

OAuth access tokens and expiration.


  • access_token (character varying(40)) The access token that grants access to the OAuth client.
  • client_id (character varying(80)) The client identifier of the OAuth client that obtained the access token.
  • user_id (character varying(255)) The user identifier of the user that authorized the access token.
  • expires (timestamp without time zone) The timestamp of when the access token expires.
  • scope (character varying(2000)) The scope of access that the access token grants.

Table: oauth_authorization_codes

OAuth authorizations.


  • authorization_code (character varying(40)) The authorization code that grants access to the OAuth client.
  • client_id (character varying(80)) The client identifier of the OAuth client that requested the authorization code.
  • user_id (character varying(255)) The user identifier of the user that authorized the OAuth client.
  • redirect_uri (character varying(2000)) The URI that the OAuth client will redirect to after obtaining the authorization code.
  • expires (timestamp without time zone) The timestamp of when the authorization code expires.
  • scope (character varying(2000)) The scope of access that the authorization code grants.

Table: oauth_clients

OAuth clients.


  • client_id (character varying(80)) The unique identifier of the OAuth client.
  • client_secret (character varying(80)) The secret key of the OAuth client.
  • redirect_uri (character varying(2000)) The URI that the OAuth client will redirect to after authorization.
  • grant_types (character varying(80)) The grant types that the OAuth client supports, such as authorization_code, password, etc.
  • scope (character varying(100)) The scope of access that the OAuth client requests, such as read, write, etc.
  • user_id (character varying(80)) The user identifier that the OAuth client is associated with.

Table: oauth_jwt

OAuth JSON Web Tokens.


  • client_id (character varying(80)) The client identifier of the OAuth client that uses JSON Web Tokens.
  • subject (character varying(80)) The subject of the JSON Web Token, usually the user identifier.
  • public_key (character varying(2000)) The public key of the OAuth client that verifies the JSON Web Token signature.

Table: oauth_refresh_tokens

OAuth token expiration.


  • refresh_token (character varying(40)) The refresh token that can be used to obtain a new access token.
  • client_id (character varying(80)) The client identifier of the OAuth client that obtained the refresh token.
  • user_id (character varying(255)) The user identifier of the user that authorized the OAuth client.
  • expires (timestamp without time zone) The timestamp of when the refresh token expires.
  • scope (character varying(2000)) The scope of access that the refresh token grants.

Table: oauth_scopes

OAuth scopes.


  • scope (text) The name of the OAuth scope, such as read, write, etc.
  • is_default (boolean) The flag that indicates whether the OAuth scope is the default scope for new clients.

Table: rbac_permissions

RBAC permissions.


  • alias (character varying(100)) The unique alias of the RBAC permission, used as the primary key.
  • group (character varying(50)) The group that the RBAC permission belongs to, such as Inventory API, Changes API, Events API, Hosts, etc.
  • name (character varying(100)) The name of the RBAC permission, such as Get inventory report, Get event list, etc.
  • description (character varying(200)) The description of the RBAC permission, explaining what it does and why it is needed.
  • application (character varying(50)) The application that the RBAC permission applies to, such as API, Mission Portal, etc.
  • allowed_by_default (boolean) The flag that indicates whether the RBAC permission is allowed by default for new roles, defaults to false.

Table: rbac_role_permission

This table associates roles to permissions in a 1-to-many relationship.


  • role_id (character varying) The name of the role that has the permission.
  • permission_alias (character varying) The alias of the permission that the role has.

Table: remote_hubs

Information about federated reporting feeder hubs when federated reporting has been enabled.


  • id (bigint) The unique identifier of the remote hub, generated from a sequence.
  • hostkey (text) The host key of the remote hub.
  • ui_name (character varying(70)) The user-friendly name of the remote hub, must be unique among all remote hubs.
  • api_url (text) The URL of the remote hub API, used for communication and data transfer.
  • target_state (character varying(20)) The desired state of the remote hub such as on, paused.
  • transport (json) The JSON object that stores the transport settings of the remote hub with keys such as mode, ssh_user, ssh_host, ssh_pubkey.
  • role (character varying(50)) The role of the remote hub, such as feeder or superhub.

Table: roles

Role definitions that manage host visibility.


  • name (text) The name of the role, must be unique and not null.
  • description (text) The description of the role.
  • include_rx (text) The regular expression that matches classes reported by the host governing what the role can see.
  • exclude_rx (text) The regular expression that matches classes reported by the host governing what the role cannot see.
  • changetimestamp (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the role was last change.
  • is_default (boolean) The boolean flag that indicates whether the role is the default role for new users, defaults to false.

Table: scheduledreports

Users scheduled reports.


  • username (text) The username of the user who scheduled the report.
  • query (text) The SQL query that defines the report.
  • query_id (text) The unique identifier of the query.
  • run_classes (text) A CFEngine class expression (without ::) such as (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December).GMT_Hr22.Min50_55 describing when the report should be run.
  • last_executed (text) The timestamp of when the report was last executed.
  • email (text) The email address of the user who scheduled the report.
  • email_title (text) The title of the email that contains the report.
  • email_description (text) The description which is present in the email providing the report.
  • host_include (text[]) The array of hosts that the report should include.
  • host_exclude (text[]) The array of hosts that the report should exclude (overriding inclusions).
  • already_run (boolean) The boolean flag that indicates whether the report has already run or not.
  • enabled (boolean) The boolean flag that indicates whether the report is enabled or not.
  • output (text[]) The array of output formats (csv, pdf) that the report should generate.
  • excludedhosts (json) The JSON object that stores the hosts that are excluded from the report.

Table: settings

User settings and preferences for RBAC, host not reporting threshold, collision threshold (duplicate host indicator), and Enterprise API log level. Populated when non-default settings are saved.


  • key (text) The Key of the setting.
  • value (json) The value of the setting.

Table: ssh_keys

Generated ssh keys.


  • id (bigint) The unique identifier of the ssh key, generated from a sequence.
  • public_key (text) The public key of the ssh key, used for authentication and encryption.
  • private_key (text) The private key of the ssh key, used for decryption and signing.
  • generated_at (timestamp with time zone) The timestamp of when the ssh key was generated, defaults to the current time.
  • generated_by (text) The username of the user who generated the ssh key.

Table: users

User settings (name, email, password, timezone, provenance) and roles associated with the user.


  • username (text) The username of the user.
  • password (text) The hashed password of the user.
  • salt (text) The salt used to hash the password of the user.
  • name (text) The name of the user.
  • email (text) The email address of the user.
  • external (boolean) The boolean flag that indicates whether the user is an external user or not, defaults to false.
  • active (boolean) The boolean flag that indicates whether the user is active or not, defaults to false.
  • roles (text[]) The array of roles that the user has, defaults to an empty array.
  • time_zone (text) The timestamp of when the user settings were last changed.
  • changetimestamp (timestamp with time zone) The time zone of the user, defaults to Etc/GMT+0.