
Just like classes are defined as promises, variables (or "variable definitions") are also promises. Variables can be defined in any promise bundle.


CFEngine variables have two high-level types: scalars and lists.

  • A scalar is a single value,
  • a list is a collection of scalars.

Each scalar may have one of three types: string, int or real. String scalars are sequences of characters, integers are whole numbers, and reals are float pointing numbers.

List variables can be of type slist, ilist or rlist to hold lists of strings, integers or reals, respectively.

Integer constants may use suffixes to represent large numbers. The following suffixes can be used to create integer values for common powers of 1000.

  • 'k' = value times 1000
  • 'm' = value times 10002
  • 'g' = value times 10003

Since computing systems such as storage and memory are based on binary values, CFEngine also provide the following uppercase suffixes to create integer values for common powers of 1024.

  • 'K' = value times 1024.
  • 'M' = value times 10242
  • 'G' = value times 10243

However, the values must have an integer numeric part (e.g. 1.5M is not allowed).

In some contexts, % can be used a special suffix to denote percentages.

Lastly, there is a reserved value which can be used to specific a parameter as having no limit at all.

  • 'inf' = a constant representing an unlimited value.

CFEngine typing is mostly dynamic, and CFEngine will try to coerce string values into int and real types, and if it cannot it will report an error. However, arguments to built-in functions check the defined argument type for consistency.

Scalar Variables

Scalar variables hold a single value.

      "my_scalar" string => "String contents...";
      "my_int" int    => "1234";
      "my_real" real   => "567.89";

Here are a series of variable definitions which set a string, an int, and a real variable. Notice that they are defined in a bundle of type common that has the name examples. This bundle name can be used as a context when using variables outside of the bundle they are defined in.

Scalar Referencing and Expansion

Scalar variables are referenced by $(my_scalar) (or ${my_scalar}) and expand to the single value they hold at that time. if you refer to a variable by ‘$(unqualified)’, then it is assumed to belong to the current bundle. To access any other (scalar) variable, you must qualify the name, using the name of the bundle in which it is defined:



List variables hold several values. The are declared as follows:

         "my_slist" slist => { "list", "of", "strings" };
         "my_ilist" ilist => { "1234", "5678" };
         "my_rlist" rlist => { "567.89" };

List Substitution and Expansion

An entire list is referenced with the symbol ‘@’ and can be passed in their entirety in any context where a list is expected as ‘@(list)’. For example, the following variable definition references a list named "shortlist":

        "shortlist" slist => { "you", "me" };
        "longlist" slist => { @(shortlist), "plus", "plus" };

The declaration order does not matter – CFEngine will understand the dependency, and execute the promise to assign the variable ‘@(shortlist)’ before the promise to assign the variable ‘@(longlist)’.

Using the @ symbol in a string scalar will not result in list substitution.
For example, the string value "My list is @(mylist)" will not expand this reference.

Using the scalar reference to a local list variable, will cause CFEngine to iterate over the values in the list. E.g. suppose we have local list variable ‘@(list)’, then the scalar ‘$(list)’ implies an iteration over every value of the list.

Mapping Global and Local Lists

Only local lists can be expanded directly. Thus ‘$(list)’ can be expanded but not ‘$(context.list)’. Global list references have to be mapped into a local context if you want to use them for iteration. Instead of doing this in some arbitrary way, with possibility of name collisions, CFEngine requires you to make this mapping explicit. There are two possible approaches.

The first uses parameterization to map a global list into a local context.

    body common control
        bundlesequence => { hardening(@(va.tmpdirs)) };

    bundle common va
            "tmpdirs"  slist => { "/tmp", "/var/tmp", "/usr/tmp"  };

    bundle agent hardening(x)
            "ok" expression => "any";

            "other"    slist => { "/tmp", "/var/tmp" };

                "Do $(x)";
                "Other: $(other)";

In this example, there is a bundle named hardening which takes a list argument. This list argument is defined in the context va and is passed to the hardening bundle via an argument listed in the bundlesequence.

As you can see, the reports section references both the list passed in as an argument x and a local list variable defined in other.

The alternative is to map the global reference "va.tmpdirs" within the hardening bundle.

    body common control
        bundlesequence => { hardening };

    bundle common va
            "tmpdirs"  slist => { "/tmp", "/var/tmp", "/usr/tmp"  };

    bundle agent hardening
            "ok" expression => "any";

            "other"    slist => { "/tmp", "/var/tmp" };
            "x"        slist => { @(va.tmpdirs) };

                "Do $(x)";
                "Other: $(other)";

This time, the hardening bundle does not take an argument. Instead it converts the va.tmpdirs list into a local list variable "x" directly.

Associative Arrays

Associative array variables are written with [ and ] brackets that enclose an arbitrary key. These keys are associated with values

    bundle agent example

            "component" slist => { "cf-monitord", "cf-serverd", "cf-execd" };

            "array[cf-monitord]" string => "The monitor";
            "array[cf-serverd]" string => "The server";
            "array[cf-execd]" string => "The executor, not executioner";


            "/bin/echo $(component) is"
                args => "$(array[$(component)])";

This example defines three values in an associative array under the keys cf-monitord, cf-serverd, and cf-execd. They and are sequently printed with the echo command.

Arrays are associative and may be of type scalar or list. Enumerated arrays are simply treated as a special case of associative arrays, since there are no numerical loops in CFEngine. Special functions exist to extract lists of keys from array variables for iteration purposes.

Here is an example of using the function getindices() which extracts all of the keys from an associative array. If this series of promises were executed it would print out two messages, one for each key.

    bundle agent array

          "v[index_1]" string => "value_1";
          "v[index_2]" string => "value_2";

          "parameter_name" slist => getindices("v");

          "Found index: $(parameter_name)";