
While the idea of a promise is very simple, the definition of a promise can grow complicated. Complex promises are best understood by breaking them down into independent, re-usable components. The CFEngine reserved word body is used to encapsulate the details of complex promise attribute values. Bodies can optionally have parameters.

    bundle agent example
            handle => "example_files_not_windows_passwd",
            perms => system;

            handle => "example_files_not_windows_bills_priv_ssh_key",
            perms => mog("600", "bill", "sysop"),
            create => "true";

The promisers in this example are the files /etc/passwd and /home/bill/ The promise is that the perms attribute type is associated with a named, user-defined promise body system and mog respectively.

    body perms system
      mode => "644";
      owners => { "root" };
      groups => { "root" };

    body perms mog(mode,user,group)
      owners => { "$(user)" };
      groups => { "$(group)" };
      mode   => "$(mode)";

Like bundles, bodies have a type. The type of the body has to mach the left-hand side of the promise attribute in which it is used. In this case, files promises have an attribute perms that can be associated with any body of type perms.

The attributes within the body are then type specific. Bodies of type perms consist of the file permissions, the file owner, and the file group, which the instance system sets to 644, root and root, respectively.

Such bodies can be reused in multiple promises. Like bundles, bodies can have parameters. The body mog also consists of the file permissions, file owner, and file group, but the values of those attributes are passed in as parameters.

Implicit, Control Bodies

A special case for bodies are the implicit promises that configure the basic operation of CFEngine. These are hard-coded to CFEngine and control the basic operation of the agents, such as cf-agent and cf-serverd. Each agent has a special body whose name is control.

    body agent control
        bundlesequence => { "test" };

This promise bodies configures the bundlesequence to execute on a cf-agent.

    body server control
        allowconnects         => { "" , "::1", @(def.acl) };

This promise bodies defines the clients allowed to connect to a cf-serverd. For more information, see the reference documentation about the CFEngine Agents