How do I integrate custom policy?

There are many different ways that custom polices can be organized. CFEngine does not prescribe any specific organizational layout but generally speaking keeping custom policy files under as few different paths as possible can ease policy framework upgrades.

For example, it is common to store custom policy files under services/SERVICE or ORGINIZATION from the root of your policy set.

Here we only describe ways to include and execute custom policies.

Using autorun

The autorun feature in the Masterfiles Policy Framework automatically adds policy files found in services/autorun to inputs and executes bundles tagged with autorun as methods type promises in lexical order.

See also: services_autorun in the Masterfiles Policy Framework

Using augments

Augments uses the inputs key to define def.augments_inputs which is included in inputs of body common control in by default.

    "inputs": [ "" ]

Alternatively you can define augments_inputs directly.

    "vars": {
        "augments_inputs": [ "" ]

To extend inputs in the update policy define update_inputs.

    "vars": {
        "update_inputs": [ "" ]

See also: Augments, Extend inputs for update policy in the Masterfiles Policy Framework

Using body file control

inputs in body file control can be used to load additional policy files. This can be very useful for loading policy files that are relative to each other.


  • body file control can not be used to specify bundles that should be executed.
  • this.promise_* variables can not be used directly in body file control.

    body file control
     inputs => { "$(this.policy_dirname)/../" };

    Bundle variables can be used to achieve relative inputs.

    bundle common example_file_control
          string => "$(this.policy_dirname)/../";
        "inputs" slist => getvalues( policy );
    body file control
     inputs => { "$(example_file_control.inputs)" };
  • sys.policy_* variables can be used directly in body file control.

    body file control
     inputs => { "$(sys.policy_entry_dirname)/lib/" };

See also: inputs in body file control

Using body common control

body common control is the classic way to define the list of policy files that make up the policy set ( inputs ), and the order of the bundles to be executed ( bundlesequence ).

See also: inputs in body common control, bundlesequence in body common control