Requesting a CFEngine Enterprise License

To get a license please open a support request including the number of hosts you would like each hub to be licensed for with the archive generated by running tar --create --gzip --directory /var/cfengine --file $(hostname)-ppkeys.tar.gz ppkeys/ on each hub.

License installation instructions

First ensure there is no license.dat /var/cfengine/masterfiles or /var/cfengine/inputs.

Install the license using cf-key.

cf-key --install-license license.dat

Note: If you get an error complaining about an existing license simply move it out of the way.

The new license should take effect automatically in about 5 minutes.

To have the license take effect immediately re-start cf-hub.

systemctl restart cf-hub


service /etc/init.d/cfengine3 restart

You can check the license information in the Mission Portal About page (top right) or by querying the API.

curl --cacert /var/cfengine/httpd/ssl/certs/$(hostname -f).cert --silent https://$(hostname -f)/api/settings --user admin