Integrating alerts with PagerDuty

In this How To tutorial we will show you can integrate with PagerDuty using the CFEngine notification dashboard.

We will create a policy that ensures file integrity, and have CFEngine notify PagerDuty whenever there is a change in the file we manage.

System requirements:

  • CFEngine Mission Portal
  • Active PagerDuty Account

Create the file we want to manage

Run the following command on your policy server to create the file we want to manage.

# touch /tmp/file-integrity

Create a new policy to manage theĀ file

Insert the following policy into /tmp/

bundle agent file_integrity
      "/tmp/test-integrity" -> {"PCI-DSS-2", "SOX-nightmare"}
        handle => "ensure-test-file-integrity",
        changes => change_detection;

body changes change_detection
 hash => "md5";
 update_hashes => "true";
 report_changes => "all";
 report_diffs => "true";

Ensure the policy always runs

Normally, to ensure your policy file is put into action, you would need to follow these three steps:

  1. Move the policy file to your masterfiles directory (/var/cfengine/masterfiles):

    Normally, to ensure your policy file is put into action, you would need to follow these three steps:

    # mv /tmp/ /var/cfengine/masterfiles/
  2. Modify to include your policy

    Unless you use version control system, or has a non-standard CFEngine setup, modify your file by adding the new bundlename and policy-file so it will be picked up by CFEngine to be included in all future runs.

    # vi /var/cfengine/masterfiles/

    a) Under the body common control, add file_integrity to your bundlesequence


    b) Under body common control, add to your inputs section.


    Now, any change you manually make to the /tmp/file_integrity file will be picked up by CFEngine!

    Next we need to a new service in PagerDuty which we will notify whenever a change is detected by CFEngine.

Create a new Service in PagerDuty

  1. Go to In your account, under Services tab, click Add New Service


  2. Enter a name for the service and select an escalation policy. Select Integrate via email. Copy the integration email provided for use in CFEngine.


  3. Click Add Service button. Copy the integration email which we will use in CFEngine.

Create a new Alert in CFEngine Mission Portal

  1. Go to the the CFEngine Dashboard and click Add button to create a new alert.


  2. Fill out a new alert name File integrity demo, severity level High and name for the condition File integrity demo.


  3. Select Policy under type


  4. Select Bundle, type in the bundle name which is file_integrity, and finally select Repaired as the promise status. This means that whenever CFEngine needs to repair the bundle, it will create an alert notification.


  5. Type in the integration email defined above in the Notifications section. Press Save to active the alert. Choose any name you like for the New widget. In our demo we name the widget PagerDuty.

    Integration complete!


Test it!

Now we have a made a policy to monitor the /tmp/file-integrity file. Whenever there is a change to this file, whether it be permissions or content, this will be detected by CFEngine which will send a notification to PagerDuty.

  1. Make a change to the /tmp/file_integrity file on your policy server:

    # echo "Hello World!!" > /tmp/file_integrity

    The next time CFEngine runs, it will detect the change and send an notification to PagerDuty. Go to PagerDuty and wait for an alert to be triggered.
