
classes bodies


Prototype: u_results(scope, class_prefix)

Description: Define classes prefixed with class_prefix and suffixed with appropriate outcomes: _kept, _repaired, _not_kept, _error, _failed, _denied, _timeout, _reached


  • scope: The scope in which the class should be defined (bundle or namespace)
  • class_prefix: The prefix for the classes defined

This body can be applied to any promise and sets global (namespace) or local (bundle) classes based on its outcome. For instance, with class_prefix set to abc:

  • if the promise is to change a file's owner to nick and the file was already owned by nick, the classes abc_reached and abc_kept will be set.

  • if the promise is to change a file's owner to nick and the file was owned by adam and the change succeeded, the classes abc_reached and abc_repaired will be set.

This body is a simpler, more consistent version of the body scoped_classes_generic, which see. The key difference is that fewer classes are defined, and only for outcomes that we can know. For example this body does not define "OK/not OK" outcome classes, since a promise can be both kept and failed at the same time.

It's important to understand that promises may do multiple things, so a promise is not simply "OK" or "not OK." The best way to understand what will happen when your specific promises get this body is to test it in all the possible combinations.

Suffix Notes:

  • _reached indicates the promise was tried. Any outcome will result in a class with this suffix being defined.

  • _kept indicates some aspect of the promise was kept

  • _repaired indicates some aspect of the promise was repaired

  • _not_kept indicates some aspect of the promise was not kept. error, failed, denied and timeout outcomes will result in a class with this suffix being defined

  • _error indicates the promise repair encountered an error

  • _failed indicates the promise failed

  • _denied indicates the promise repair was denied

  • _timeout indicates the promise timed out


bundle agent example
      classes => results("bundle", "my_class_prefix");

      "My promise was kept";

      "My promise was repaired";

See also: scope, scoped_classes_generic, classes_generic


body classes u_results(scope, class_prefix)
  scope => "$(scope)";

  promise_kept => { "$(class_prefix)_reached",
                    "$(class_prefix)_kept" };

  promise_repaired => { "$(class_prefix)_reached",
                        "$(class_prefix)_repaired" };

  repair_failed => { "$(class_prefix)_reached",
                     "$(class_prefix)_failed" };

  repair_denied => { "$(class_prefix)_reached",
                     "$(class_prefix)_denied" };

  repair_timeout => { "$(class_prefix)_reached",
                      "$(class_prefix)_timeout" };

depth_search bodies


Prototype: u_cfe_internal_recurse(d)

Description: Search for files recursively to a depth of d across file system boundaries


  • d: Number of levels deep to traverse


body depth_search u_cfe_internal_recurse(d)
      depth => "$(d)";
      xdev => "true";

classes bodies


Prototype: u_kept_successful_command_results(scope, class_prefix)

Description: Set command to "kept" instead of "repaired" if it returns 0 and define classes suffixed with the appropriate outcomes.


  • scope: The scope in which the class should be defined (bundle or namespace)
  • class_prefix: The prefix for the classes defined

See also: scope, scoped_classes_generic, classes_generic, results


body classes u_kept_successful_command_results(scope, class_prefix)
  inherit_from =>  u_results( "$(scope)", "$(class_prefix)" );
  kept_returncodes => { "0" };
  failed_returncodes => { "1" };

service_method bodies


Prototype: u_systemd_services

Description: Define service method for systemd


body service_method u_systemd_services
      service_autostart_policy => "none";
      service_dependence_chain => "ignore";
      service_type => "generic";
      service_args => "";

perms bodies


Prototype: u_mog(mode, user, group)

Description: Set the file's mode, owner and group


  • mode: The new mode
  • user: The username of the new owner
  • group: The group name


body perms u_mog(mode,user,group)
      owners => { "$(user)" };
      groups => { "$(group)" };
      mode   => "$(mode)";

# Remove after 3.20 is not supported
        rxdirs => "true";
@if minimum_version(3.20)
        rxdirs => "false";


agent bundles


Prototype: u_systemd_services(service, state)

Description: Manage standard systemd services


  • service: The name of the service
  • state: The desired state the service should be in.


bundle agent u_systemd_services(service,state)

    # We explicitly guard for systemd to avoid unnecessary agent time in
    # pre-eval

      "systemctl" string => "/bin/systemctl";
      "call_systemctl" string => "$(systemctl) --no-ask-password --global --system";
      "systemd_properties" string => "-pLoadState,CanStop,UnitFileState,ActiveState,LoadState,CanStart,CanReload";
      "systemd_service_info" slist => string_split(execresult("$(call_systemctl) $(systemd_properties) show $(service)", "noshell"), "\n", "10");



      # define a class named after the desired state
      "$(state)" expression => "any";
      "non_disabling" or => { "start", "stop", "restart", "reload" };

# A collection of classes to determine the capabilities of a given systemd
# service, then start, stop, etc. the service. Also supports a custom action
# for anything not supported

      "service_enabled" expression => reglist(@(systemd_service_info), "UnitFileState=enabled");
      "service_active"  expression => reglist(@(systemd_service_info), "ActiveState=active");
      "service_loaded"  expression => reglist(@(systemd_service_info), "LoadState=loaded");
      "service_notfound" expression => reglist(@(systemd_service_info), "LoadState=not-found");

      "can_stop_service"   expression => reglist(@(systemd_service_info), "CanStop=yes");
      "can_start_service"  expression => reglist(@(systemd_service_info), "CanStart=yes");
      "can_reload_service" expression => reglist(@(systemd_service_info), "CanReload=yes");

      "request_start"   expression => strcmp("start", "$(state)");
      "request_stop"    expression => strcmp("stop", "$(state)");
      "request_reload"  expression => strcmp("reload", "$(state)");
      "request_restart" expression => strcmp("restart", "$(state)");

      "action_custom"  expression => "!(request_start|request_stop|request_reload|request_restart)";
      "action_start"   expression => "request_start.!service_active.can_start_service";
      "action_stop"    expression => "request_stop.service_active.can_stop_service";
      "action_reload"  expression => "request_reload.service_active.can_reload_service";
      "action_restart"         or => {

                                      # Possibly undesirable... if a reload is
                                      # requested, and the service "can't" be
                                      # reloaded, then we restart it instead.

      # Starting a service implicitly enables it
      "action_enable"  expression => "request_start.!service_enabled";

      # Respectively, stopping it implicitly disables it
      "action_disable" expression => "request_stop.service_enabled";

    systemd.service_loaded:: # note this class is defined in `inventory/`
      # conveniently, systemd states map to `services` states, except
      # for `enable`

      "$(call_systemctl) -q start $(service)"   if => "action_start";
      "$(call_systemctl) -q stop $(service)"    if => "action_stop";
      "$(call_systemctl) -q reload $(service)"  if => "action_reload";
      "$(call_systemctl) -q restart $(service)" if => "action_restart";
      "$(call_systemctl) -q enable $(service)"  if => "action_enable";
      "$(call_systemctl) -q disable $(service)" if => "action_disable";

      # Custom action for any of the non-standard systemd actions such a
      # status, try-restart, isolate, et al.
      "$(call_systemctl) $(state) $(service)" if => "action_custom";

      "DEBUG $(this.bundle): using systemd layer to $(state) $(service)";

      "DEBUG $(this.bundle): Service $(service) unit file is not loaded; doing nothing"
        if => "systemd.!service_loaded";

      "DEBUG $(this.bundle): Could not find service: $(service)"
        if => "systemd.service_notfound";