
Table of Contents

Prototype: eval(expression, mode, options)

Return type: string

Description: Returns expression evaluated according to mode and options. Currently only the math mode with infix option is supported for evaluating traditional math expressions.

All the math is done with the C double type internally. The results are returned as a string

The supported infix mathematical syntax, in order of precedence, is:

  • ( and ) parentheses for grouping expressions
  • ^ operator for exponentiation
  • * and / operators for multiplication and division
  • % operators for modulo operation
  • + and - operators for addition and subtraction
  • == "close enough" operator to tell if two expressions evaluate to the same number, with a tiny margin to tolerate floating point errors. It returns 1 or 0.

The numbers can be in any format acceptable to the C scanf function with the %lf format specifier, followed by the k, m, g, t, or p SI units. So e.g. -100 and 2.34m are valid numbers.

In addition, the following constants are recognized:

  • e: 2.7182818284590452354
  • log2e: 1.4426950408889634074
  • log10e: 0.43429448190325182765
  • ln2: 0.69314718055994530942
  • ln10: 2.30258509299404568402
  • pi: 3.14159265358979323846
  • pi_2: 1.57079632679489661923 (pi over 2)
  • pi_4: 0.78539816339744830962 (pi over 4)
  • 1_pi: 0.31830988618379067154 (1 over pi)
  • 2_pi: 0.63661977236758134308 (2 over pi)
  • 2_sqrtpi: 1.12837916709551257390 (2 over square root of pi)
  • sqrt2: 1.41421356237309504880 (square root of 2)
  • sqrt1_2: 0.70710678118654752440 (square root of 1/2)

The following functions can be used, with parentheses:

  • ceil and floor: the next highest or the previous highest integer
  • log10, log2, log
  • sqrt
  • sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
  • abs: absolute value
  • step: 0 if the argument is negative, 1 otherwise


  • mode: string, in the range: .*
  • options: one of
    • math
  • expression: one of
    • infix


body common control
      bundlesequence => { run };

bundle agent run
      "values[0]" string => "x"; # bad
      "values[1]" string => "+ 200"; # bad
      "values[2]" string => "200 + 100";
      "values[3]" string => "200 - 100";
      "values[4]" string => "- - -"; # bad
      "values[5]" string => "2 + 3 - 1";
      "values[6]" string => ""; # 0
      "values[7]" string => "3 / 0"; # inf but not an error
      "values[8]" string => "3^3";
      "values[9]" string => "-1^2.1"; # -nan but not an error
      "values[10]" string => "sin(20)";
      "values[11]" string => "cos(20)";
      "values[19]" string => "20 % 3"; # remainder
      "values[20]" string => "sqrt(0.2)";
      "values[21]" string => "ceil(3.5)";
      "values[22]" string => "floor(3.4)";
      "values[23]" string => "abs(-3.4)";
      "values[24]" string => "-3.4 == -3.4";
      "values[25]" string => "-3.400000 == -3.400001";
      "values[26]" string => "e";
      "values[27]" string => "pi";
      "values[28]" string => "100m"; # 100 million
      "values[29]" string => "100k"; # 100 thousand

      "indices" slist => getindices("values");

      "eval[$(indices)]" string => eval("$(values[$(indices)])", "math", "infix");

      "math/infix eval('$(values[$(indices)])') = '$(eval[$(indices)])'";


2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400     info: eval error: expression could not be parsed (input 'x')
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400     info: eval error: expression could not be parsed (input '+ 200')
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400     info: eval error: expression could not be parsed (input '- - -')
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('x') = ''
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('+ 200') = ''
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('floor(3.4)') = '3.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('sqrt(0.2)') = '0.447214'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('2 + 3 - 1') = '4.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('sin(20)') = '0.912945'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('200 - 100') = '100.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('20 % 3') = '2.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('ceil(3.5)') = '4.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('200 + 100') = '300.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('pi') = '3.141593'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('- - -') = ''
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('-3.400000 == -3.400001') = '0.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('3 / 0') = 'inf'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('e') = '2.718282'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('cos(20)') = '0.408082'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('') = '0.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('-1^2.1') = '-nan'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('abs(-3.4)') = '3.400000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('-3.4 == -3.4') = '1.000000'
2013-09-14T08:34:16-0400   notice: R: math/prefix eval('3^3') = '27.000000'