
Table of Contents

Variables in CFEngine are defined as promises that an identifier of a certain type represents a particular value. Variables can be scalars or lists of types string, int, real or data.

The allowed characters in variable names are alphanumeric (both upper and lower case) and undercore. Associative arrays using the string type and square brackets [] to enclose an arbitrary key are being deprecated in favor of the data variable type.

Scalar Variables


Description: A scalar string

Type: string

Allowed input range: (arbitrary string)



     "xxx"    string => "Some literal string...";
     "yyy"    string => readfile( "/home/mark/tmp/testfile" , "33" );


Description: A scalar integer

Type: int

Allowed input range: -99999999999,9999999999



     "scalar" int    => "16k";
     "ran"    int    => randomint(4,88);
     "dim_array" int =>  readstringarray(


Int variables are strings that are expected to be used as integer numbers. The typing in CFEngine is dynamic, so the variable types are interchangeable. However, when you declare a variable to be type int, CFEngine verifies that the value you assign to it looks like an integer (e.g., 3, -17, 16K).


Description: A scalar real number

Type: real

Allowed input range: -9.99999E100,9.99999E100



     "scalar" real   => "0.5";


Real variables are strings that are expected to be used as real numbers. The typing in CFEngine is dynamic, so the variable types are interchangeable, but when you declare a variable to be type real, CFEngine verifies that the value you assign to it looks like a real number (e.g., 3, 3.1415, .17, 6.02e23, -9.21e-17).

Real numbers are not used in many places in CFEngine, but they are useful for representing probabilities and performance data.

List variables

Lists are specified using curly brackets {} that enclose a comma-separated list of values. The order of the list is preserved by CFEngine.


Description: A list of scalar strings

Type: slist

Allowed input range: (arbitrary string)



     "xxx"    slist  => {  "literal1",  "literal2" };
     "xxx1"   slist  => {  "1", @(xxx) }; # interpolated in order
     "yyy"    slist  => {
                                      "#[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*",

     "zzz"    slist  => { readstringlist(


Some functions return slists, and an slist may contain the values copied from another slist, rlist, or ilist. See policy.


Description: A list of integers

Type: ilist

Allowed input range: -99999999999,9999999999




           ilist => { "10", "11", "12" };

      "xxx1" ilist  => {  "1", @(variable_id) }; # interpolated in order


Integer lists are lists of strings that are expected to be treated as integers. The typing in CFEngine is dynamic, so the variable types are interchangeable, but when you declare a variable to be type ilist, CFEngine verifies that each value you assign to it looks like an integer (e.g., 3, -17, 16K).

Some functions return ilists, and an ilist may contain the values copied from another slist, rlist, or ilist. See policy


Description: A list of real numbers

Type: rlist

Allowed input range: -9.99999E100,9.99999E100



      "varid" rlist => { "0.1", "0.2", "0.3" };

      "xxx1" rlist  => {  "1.3", @(varid) }; # interpolated in order


Real lists are lists of strings that are expected to be used as real numbers. The typing in CFEngine is dynamic, so the variable types are interchangeable, but when you declare a variable to be type rlist, CFEngine verifies that each value you assign to it looks like a real number (e.g., 3, 3.1415, .17, 6.02e23, -9.21e-17).

Some functions return rlists, and an rlist may contain the values copied from another slist, rlist, or ilist. See policy

Data container variables

The data variables are obtained from functions that return data containers, such as readjson() or parsejson(), or from merging existing data containers with mergedata(). They can NOT be modified, once created.

Data containers can be passed to another bundle with the @(varname) notation, similarly to the list passing notation.

Some useful tips for using data containers:

  • they act like "classic" CFEngine arrays in many ways
  • getindices() and getvalues() work on any level, e.g. getvalues("container[x][y]")
  • in reports, you have to reference a part of the container that can be expressed as a string. So for instance if you have the container c with data { "x": { "y": 50 }, "z": [ 1,2,3] } we have two top-level keys, x and z. If you report on $(c[x]) you will not get data, since there is no string there. But if you ask for $(c[x][y]) you'll get 50, and if you ask for $(c[z]) you'll get implicit iteration on 1,2,3 (just like a slist in a "classic" CFEngine array).
  • read the examples below carefully to see some useful ways to access data container contents

Iterating through a data container is only guaranteed to respect list order (e.g. [1,3,20] will be iterated in that order). Key order for maps, as per the JSON standard, is not guaranteed. Similarly, calling getindices() on a data container will give the list order of indices 0, 1, 2, ... but will not give the keys of a map in any particular order. Here's an example of iterating in list order:

body common control
      bundlesequence => { run };

bundle agent run
      "x" data => parsejson('[
 { "one": "a" },
 { "two": "b" },
 { "three": "c" }

      # get the numeric indices of x: 0, 1, 2
      "xi" slist => getindices(x);

      # for each xi, make a variable xpiece_$(xi) so we'll have
      # xpiece_0, xpiece_1, xpiece_2. Each xpiece will have that
      # particular element of the list x.
      "xpiece_$(xi)" string => format("%S", "x[$(xi)]");

      "$(xi): $(xpiece_$(xi))";


R: 0: {"one":"a"}
R: 1: {"two":"b"}
R: 2: {"three":"c"}

Often you need to iterate through the keys of a container, and the value is a key-value property map for that key. The example here shows how you can pass the "animals" container and an "animal" key inside it to a bundle, which can then report and use the data from the key-value property map.

body common control
      bundlesequence => { run };

bundle agent run
      "animals" data => parsejson('
         "dog": { "legs": 4, "tail": true, "names": [ "Fido", "Cooper", "Sandy" ] },
         "cat": { "legs": 4, "tail": true, "names": [ "Fluffy", "Snowball", "Tabby" ] },
         "dolphin": { "legs": 0, "tail": true, "names": [ "Flipper", "Duffy" ] },
         "hamster": { "legs": 4, "tail": true, "names": [ "Skullcrusher", "Kimmy", "Fluffadoo" ] },

      "keys_unsorted" slist => getindices("animals");
      "keys" slist => sort(keys_unsorted, "lex");

      "animals_$(keys)" data => mergedata("animals[$(keys)]");

      # pass the container and a key inside it
      "any" usebundle => analyze(@(animals), $(keys));

bundle agent analyze(animals, a)
      "names" slist => getvalues("animals[$(a)][names]");
      "names_str" string => format("%S", names);

      "$(this.bundle): possible names for animal '$(a)': $(names_str)";
      "$(this.bundle): describe animal '$(a)' => name = $(a), legs = $(animals[$(a)][legs]), tail = $(animals[$(a)][tail])";


R: analyze: possible names for animal 'cat': { "Fluffy", "Snowball", "Tabby" }
R: analyze: describe animal 'cat' => name = cat, legs = 4, tail = true
R: analyze: possible names for animal 'dog': { "Fido", "Cooper", "Sandy" }
R: analyze: describe animal 'dog' => name = dog, legs = 4, tail = true
R: analyze: possible names for animal 'dolphin': { "Flipper", "Duffy" }
R: analyze: describe animal 'dolphin' => name = dolphin, legs = 0, tail = true
R: analyze: possible names for animal 'hamster': { "Skullcrusher", "Kimmy", "Fluffadoo" }
R: analyze: describe animal 'hamster' => name = hamster, legs = 4, tail = true


Description: A data container structure

Type: data

Allowed input range: (arbitrary string)



     "loaded1" data => readjson("/tmp/myfile.json", 40000);
     "loaded2" data => parsejson('{"key":"value"}');
     "merged1" data => mergedata(loaded1, loaded2);



Description: The policy for (dis)allowing (re)definition of variables

Variables can either be allowed to change their value dynamically (be redefined) or they can be constant.

Type: (menu option)

Allowed input range:


Default value:

policy = free



      "varid" string => "value...",
              policy => "free";


The policy free and overridable are synonyms. The policy constant is deprecated, and has no effect. All variables are free or overridable by default which means the variables values may be changed.

The policy ifdefined applies only to lists and implies that unexpanded or undefined lists are dropped. The default behavior is otherwise to retain this value as an indicator of the failure to quench the variable reference, for example:

    "one" slist => { "1", "2", "3" };

    "list" slist => { "@(one)", @(two) },
          policy => "ifdefined";

This results in @(list) being the same as @(one), and the reference to @(two) disappears. This is useful for combining lists.

For example:

     string => "",
    comment => "Define a global domain for hosts in the domain";

# The promise above will be overridden by one of the ones below on hosts
# within the matching subdomain

     string => "",
    comment => "Define a global domain for hosts in the domain";

     string => "",
    comment => "Define a global domain for hosts in the domain";