
Table of Contents

This is an Enterprise-only feature.

By default,CFEngine's monitoring component cf-monitord records performance data about the system. These include process counts, service traffic, load average and CPU utilization and temperature when available.

CFEngine Enterprise extends this in two ways. First it adds a three year trend summary based any 'shift'-averages. Second, it adds customizable measurements promises to monitor or log very specific user data through a generic interface. The end-result is to either generate a periodic time series, like the above mentioned values, or to log the results to custom-defined reports.

Promises of type measurement are written just like all other promises within a bundle destined for the agent concerned, in this case monitor. However, it is not necessary to add them to the bundlesequence, because cf-monitord executes all bundles of type monitor.

    bundle monitor self_watch
      # Follow a special process over time
      # using CFEngine's process cache to avoid resampling


          handle => "monitor_self_watch",
          stream_type => "file",
          data_type => "int",
          history_type => "weekly",
          units => "kB",
          match_value => proc_value(".*cf-monitord.*",

    body match_value proc_value(x,y)
      select_line_matching => "$(x)";
      extraction_regex => "$(y)";

It is important to specify a promise handle for measurement promises, as the names defined in the handle are used to determine the name of the log file or variable to which data will be reported. Log files are created under WORKDIR/state. Data that have no history type are stored in a special variable context called mon, analogous to the system variables in sys. Thus the values may be used in other promises in the form $(mon.handle).

    bundle monitor watch_diskspace
      # Discover disk device information

          handle => "free_diskspace_watch",
          stream_type => "pipe",
          data_type => "slist",
          history_type => "static",
          units => "device",
          match_value => file_systems;
          # Update this as often as possible


    body match_value file_systems
      select_line_matching => "/.*";
      extraction_regex => "(.*)";

The general pattern of these promises is to decide whether the source of the information is either a file or pipe, determine the data type (integer, string etc.), specify a pattern to match the result in the file stream and then specify what to do with the result afterwards.



Description: The datatype being collected.

CFEngine treats all input using a stream abstraction. The preferred interface is files, since they can be read without incurring the cost of a process. However pipes from executed commands may also be invoked.

Type: (menu option)

Allowed input range:



stream_type => "pipe";


Description: The datatype being collected.

When CFEngine observes data, such as the attached partitions in the example above, the datatype determines how that data will be handled. Integer and real values, counters etc., are recorded as time-series if the history type is 'weekly', or as single values otherwise. If multiple items are matched by an observation (e.g. several lines in a file match the given regular expression), then these can be made into a list by choosing slist, else the first matching item will be selected.

Type: (menu option)

Allowed input range:




      handle => "free_disk_watch",
      stream_type => "pipe",

      data_type => "slist",

      history_type => "static",
      units => "device",
      match_value => file_systems,
      action => sample_min(10,15);


Description: Whether the data can be seen as a time-series or just an isolated value

Type: (menu option)

Allowed input range:

  • scalar

A single value, with compressed statistics is retained. The value of the data is not expected to change much for the lifetime of the daemon (and so will be sampled less often by cf-monitord).

  • static

A synonym for 'scalar'.

  • log

The measured value is logged as an infinite time-series in \$(sys.workdir)/state.

  • weekly

A standard CFEngine two-dimensional time average (over a weekly period) is retained.



      handle => "free_memory_watch",
      stream_type => "file",
      data_type => "int",
      history_type => "weekly",
      units => "kB",
      match_value => free_memory;


Description: The engineering dimensions of this value or a note about its intent used in plots

This is an arbitrary string used in documentation only.

Type: string

Allowed input range: (arbitrary string)



      handle => "monitor_self_watch",
      stream_type => "file",
      data_type => "int",
      history_type => "weekly",
      units => "kB",
      match_value => proc_value(".*cf-monitord.*",



Type: body match_value


Description: Regular expression for matching line location

The expression is anchored, meaning it must match a whole line, and not a fragment within a line.

This attribute is mutually exclusive of select_line_number.

Type: string

Allowed input range: .*


     # Editing

     body location example
     select_line_matching => "Expression match.* whole line";

     # Measurement promises

     body match_value example
     select_line_matching => "Expression match.* whole line";


Description: Read from the n-th line of the output (fixed format)

This is mutually exclusive of select_line_matching.

Type: int

Allowed input range: 0,99999999999


     body match_value find_line
     select_line_number => "2";



Description: Regular expression that should contain a single back-reference for extracting a value.

A single parenthesized back-reference should be given to lift the value to be measured out of the text stream. The regular expression is unanchored, meaning it may match a partial string

Type: string

Allowed input range: (arbitrary string)


     body match_value free_memory
     select_line_matching => "MemFree:.*";
     extraction_regex => "MemFree:\s+([0-9]+).*";


Description: If true, CFEngine remembers the position to which is last read when opening the file, and resets to the start if the file has since been truncated

This option applies only to file based input streams. If this is true, CFEngine treats the file as if it were a log file, growing continuously. Thus the monitor reads all new entries since the last sampling time on each invocation. In this way, the monitor does not count lines in the log file redundantly.

This makes a log pattern promise equivalent to something like tail -f logfile | grep pattern in Unix parlance.

Type: boolean


     bundle monitor watch


              handle => "line_counter",
         stream_type => "file",
           data_type => "counter",
         match_value => scan_log("MYLINE.*"),
        history_type => "log",
              action => sample_rate("0");



     body match_value scan_log(x)
     select_line_matching => "^$(x)$";
     track_growing_file => "true";


     body action sample_rate(x)
     ifelapsed => "$(x)";
     expireafter => "10";


Description: Regular expression for matching line location

This option governs how CFEngine handles multiple matching lines in the input stream. It can average or sum values if they are integer or real, or use first or last representative samples. If non-numerical data types are used only the first match is used.

Type: (menu option)

Allowed input range:



     body match_value myvalue(xxx)
      select_line_matching => ".*$(xxx).*";
      extraction_regex => "root\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+).*";
      select_multiline_policy => "sum";

History: Was introduced in 3.4.0 (2012)