SQL Queries

The standard way of creating reports in CFEngine Enterprise 3.0 is with SQL queries. See the chapter on SQL queries for an explanation. The API has a few ways of creating a report.

  • Synchronous query, where we issue a query and wait for the table to be sent back with the response.
  • Asynchronous query, where we get a response immediately with an id that we can later query to download the report.
  • Subscribed query, where we specify a query to be run on a schedule and have the result emailed to someone.

Synchronous Queries

Issuing a synchronous query is the most straight forward way of running an SQL query. We simply issue the query and wait for a result to come back.

Request(lines split and indented for presentability)

curl -k --user admin:admin https://test.cfengine.com/api/query -X POST -d
  "query": "SELECT ..."


  "meta": {
    "page": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "total": 1,
    "timestamp": 1351003514
  "data": [
      "query": "SELECT ...",
      "header": [
        "Column 1",
        "Column 2"
      "rowCount": 3,
      "rows": [
      "cached": false,
      "sortDescending": false

Asynchronous Queries

Because some queries may take some time to compute, it is possible to fire off a query and check the status of it later. This is useful for dumping a lot of data into CSV files for example. The sequence consists of three steps.

  1. Issue the asynchronous query and get a job id
  2. Check status of processing using the id
  3. When the query is completed, get a download link using the id

Issuing The Query


curl -k --user admin:admin https://test.cfengine.com/api/query/async -X POST -d
  "query": "SELECT Hosts.HostName, Hosts.IPAddress FROM Hosts JOIN Contexts ON Hosts.Hostkey = Contexts.HostKey WHERE Contexts.ContextName = \"ubuntu\""

Response(lines split and indented for presentability)

  "meta": {
    "page": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "total": 1,
    "timestamp": 1351003514
  "data": [
      "id": "32ecb0a73e735477cc9b1ea8641e5552",
      "query": "SELECT ..."

Checking Status


curl -k --user admin:admin https://test.cfengine.com/api/query/async/:id


  "meta": {
    "page": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "total": 1,
    "timestamp": 1351003514
  "data": [
      "id": "32ecb0a73e735477cc9b1ea8641e5552",
      "percentageComplete": 42,

Getting The Completed Report

This is the same API call as checking the status. Eventually, the percentageComplete field will reach 100 and there will be a link to the completed report available for downloading.


curl -k --user admin:admin https://test.cfengine.com/api/query/async/:id


  "meta": {
    "page": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "total": 1,
    "timestamp": 1351003514
  "data": [
      "id": "32ecb0a73e735477cc9b1ea8641e5552",
      "percentageComplete": 100,
      "href": "https://test.cfengine.com/api/static/32ecb0a73e735477cc9b1ea8641e5552.csv"

Subscribed Queries

Subscribed queries happen in the context of a user. Any user can create a query on a schedule and have it email to someone.

Request (lines split and indented for presentability)

curl -k --user admin:admin https://test.cfengine.com/api/user/name/
   subscription/query/file-changes-report -X PUT -d
  "to": "email@domain.com",
  "query": "SELECT ...",
  "schedule": "Monday.Hr23.Min59",
  "title": "Report title"
  "description": "Text that will be included in email"
  "outputTypes": [ "pdf" ]


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