
Table of Contents

Prototype: storejson(data_container)

Return type: string

Description: Converts a data container to a JSON string.

This function can accept many types of data parameters.


  • data_container: string - CFEngine variable identifier or inline JSON - in the range: .*


bundle common globals
      "example_data" data => '{ "msg": "Hello from $(this.bundle)" }';
bundle agent example_storejson
      "example_data" data => '{ "msg": "Hello from $(this.bundle)" }';

      # Using storejson with data from remote bundle

      # "json_string_zero" -> { "CFEngine 3.16.0"}
      #    string => storejson( globals.example_data )
      #    comment => "Unquoted with . (dot) present will cause the parser to error";

      "json_string_one"   string => storejson( @(globals.example_data) );
      "json_string_two"   string => storejson( "globals.example_data" );

      # Using storejson with data from this bundle
      "json_string_three" string => storejson( @(example_storejson.example_data) );
      "json_string_four"  string => storejson( "example_storejson.example_data");
      "json_string_five"  string => storejson( example_data );
      "json_string_six"   string => storejson( "$(this.bundle).example_data");
      "json_string_seven" string => storejson( @(example_data) );

      "json_string_one and json_string_two are identical:$(const.n)$(json_string_one)"
        if => strcmp( $(json_string_one), $(json_string_two) );

      "json_string_{one,two,three,four,five,six,seven} are identical:$(const.n)$(json_string_three)"
        if => and(
                   strcmp( $(json_string_three), $(json_string_four) ),
                   strcmp( $(json_string_four), $(json_string_five) ),
                   strcmp( $(json_string_five), $(json_string_six) ),
                   strcmp( $(json_string_six), $(json_string_seven) )

bundle agent __main__
  methods: "example_storejson";
R: json_string_one and json_string_two are identical:
      "msg": "Hello from globals"
R: json_string_{one,two,three,four,five,six,seven} are identical:
      "msg": "Hello from example_storejson"

This policy can be found in /var/cfengine/share/doc/examples/ and downloaded directly from github.


See also: readjson(), readyaml(), parsejson(), parseyaml(), about collecting functions, and data documentation.