Mustache templating

Table of Contents

How can I pass a data variable to template_data?

Just use template_data => @(mycontainer).

If you need to extract a portion of the container or merge it with another, use template_data => mergedata("mycontainer[piece]", "othercontainer").

Can I render a Mustache template into a string?

Yes, see string_mustache().

How do I render a section only if a given class is defined?

In this Mustache example the word 'Enterprise' will only be rendered if the class 'enterprise' is defined.

This template should not be passed a data container; it uses the datastate() of the CFEngine system. That's where classes.enterprise and vars.sys.cf_version came from.

Version: CFEngine {{#classes.enterprise}}Enterprise{{/classes.enterprise}} {{vars.sys.cf_version}}

How do I iterate over a list?

This template should not be passed a data container; it uses the datastate() of the CFEngine system. That's where vars.mon.listening_tcp4_ports came from.

  * {{.}}

Can you use nested classes?

You can. This is handy when options slightly differ for different operating systems. In this example for ssh daemon the authorized key configuration will only be added if class SSH_LDAP_PUBKEY_BUNDLE is true and for the class debian/centos diffenrent keywords are added.

AuthorizedKeysCommand {{vars.sara_data.ssh.authorized_keys_command}}
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser {{vars.sara_data.ssh.authorized_keys_commanduser}}
AuthorizedKeysCommand {{vars.sara_data.ssh.authorized_keys_command}}
AuthorizedKeysCommandRunAs {{vars.sara_data.ssh.authorized_keys_commanduser}}