Table of Contents
Table of Contents
This is where body server control
is defined. body server control
is where
various settings related to cf-serverd
can be tuned.
server bundles
Prototype: access_rules
bundle server access_rules()
handle => "server_access_grant_access_policy",
shortcut => "masterfiles",
comment => "Grant access to the policy updates",
if => isdir( "$(def.dir_masterfiles)/" ),
admit => { @(def.acl) };
handle => "server_access_grant_access_binary",
comment => "Grant access to binary for cf-runagent",
if => isdir( "$(def.dir_bin)/" ),
admit => { @(def.acl) };
handle => "server_access_grant_access_modules",
shortcut => "modules",
comment => "Grant access to modules directory",
if => isdir( "$(def.dir_modules)/" ),
admit => { @(def.acl) };
handle => "server_access_grant_access_plugins",
comment => "Grant access to plugins directory",
if => isdir( "$(def.dir_plugins)/" ),
admit => { @(def.acl) };
handle => "server_access_grant_access_templates",
shortcut => "templates",
comment => "Grant access to templates directory",
if => isdir( "$(def.dir_templates)/" ),
admit => { @(def.acl) };
"$(def.dir_master_software_updates)/" -> { "ENT-4953" }
handle => "server_access_grant_access_master_software_updates",
shortcut => "master_software_updates",
comment => "Grant access for hosts to download cfengine packages for self upgrade",
if => isdir( "$(sys.workdir)/master_software_updates" ),
admit => { @(def.acl) };
resource_type => "query",
admit_ips => { @(def.mpf_access_rules_collect_calls_admit_ips) };
handle => "server_access_grant_access_shell_cmd",
comment => "Grant access to shell for cfruncommand",
admit => { @(def.policy_servers) };
handle => "server_access_grant_access_ppkeys_hubs",
comment => "Grant access to ppkeys for HA hubs",
if => isdir( "$(sys.workdir)/ppkeys/" ),
admit => { @(def.policy_servers) };
# Allow slave hub to synchronize cf_robot and appsettings content.
# Files are containing configuration that must be the same on all hubs.
handle => "server_access_grant_access_cf_robot",
comment => "Grant access to cf_robot file for HA hubs",
admit => { @(def.policy_servers) };
handle => "server_access_grant_access_appsettings",
comment => "Grant access to appsettings for HA hubs",
admit => { @(def.policy_servers) };
# Allow access to notification_scripts directory so passive hub
# will be able to synchronize its content. Once passive hub will
# be promoted to act as a master all the custom scripts will be
# accessible.
handle => "server_access_grant_access_notification scripts",
comment => "Grant access to notification scripts",
if => isdir( "/opt/cfengine/notification_scripts/" ),
admit => { @(def.policy_servers) };
# When HA is enabled clients are updating active hub IP address
# using data stored in master_hub.dat file.
handle => "server_access_grant_access_policy_server_dat",
comment => "Grant access to policy_server.dat",
admit => { @(def.acl) };
# Hubs keys working in HA configuration are stored in ppkeys_hubs directory.
# In order to perform failover while active hub is down clients needs to
# have all hubs keys. This gives ability to connect to slave hub promoted to active role
# once active is down.
handle => "server_access_grant_access_to_clients",
comment => "Grant access to hubs' keys to clients",
if => isdir("$(ha_def.hubs_keys_location)/"),
admit => { @(def.acl) };
"c:\program files\cfengine\bin\cf-agent.exe"
handle => "server_access_grant_access_agent",
comment => "Grant access to the agent (for cf-runagent)",
admit => { @(def.policy_servers) };
# Use roles to allow specific remote cf-runagent users to
# define certain soft-classes when running cf-agent on this host
".*" authorize => { "root" };
server bodies
Prototype: control
body server control
# List of ciphers the server accepts. For Syntax help see man page
# for "openssl ciphers". Default is "AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES256-SHA"
#allowciphers => "AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES256-SHA";
# List of hosts that may connect (change the ACL in
allowconnects => { "" , "::1", @(def.acl) };
# Out of them, which ones should be allowed to have more than one
# connection established at the same time?
allowallconnects => { "" , "::1", @(def.acl) };
# Out of the hosts in allowconnects, trust new keys only from the
# following ones. SEE COMMENTS IN
trustkeysfrom => { @(def.trustkeysfrom) };
## List of the hosts not using the latest protocol that we'll accept connections from
## (absence of this option or empty list means allow none)
allowlegacyconnects => { @(def.control_server_allowlegacyconnects) };
# Maximum number of concurrent connections.
# Suggested value >= total number of hosts
maxconnections => "$(def.control_server_maxconnections)";
# Allow connections from nodes which are out-of-sync
denybadclocks => "false";
call_collect_interval => "$(def.control_server_call_collect_interval)";
allowusers => { "root" };
cfruncommand => "$(sys.cf_agent) -I -D cf_runagent_initiated -f \"$(sys.update_policy_path)\" &
$(sys.cf_agent) -I -D cf_runagent_initiated";
# In 3.10 the quotation is properly closed when EOF is reached. It is left
# open so that arguments (like -K and --remote-bundles) can be appended.
# 3.10.x does not automatically append -I -Dcfruncommand
cfruncommand => "$(def.cf_runagent_shell) -c \'
$(sys.cf_agent) -I -D cf_runagent_initiated -f $(sys.update_policy_path) ;
$(sys.cf_agent) -I -D cf_runagent_initiated";
# 3.7.x does not properly close open quotes when EOF is reached preventing
# policy execution, so we must provide a trailing quote for cfruncommand.
# 3.7.x Automatically appends -I -Dcfruncommand to the cfruncommand. This
# results in an error about not being allowed to specify inputs for remote
# execution from the update policy. In order to preserve the ability for
# policy to know its execution provenance we define a different class
# `cf_runagent_initiated` that does not elicit the error.
cfruncommand => "$(def.cf_runagent_shell) -c \'
$(sys.cf_agent) -I -D cf_runagent_initiated -f $(sys.update_policy_path) ;
$(sys.cf_agent) -I -D cf_runagent_initiated\'";