Maintaining your own sketch repository

Table of Contents

Some users and customers would like to maintain their own Design Center repo. It's pretty simple if you copy and paste these commands to run them as root. Add -v to see debug output if something goes wrong.

Create Your Sketches

For example, say we start with Utilities::Roles. Copy the roles directory from the Design Center (/var/cfengine/share/*Base/sketches/utilities/roles) to /my/repo/sketches and edit sketch.json and as needed, let's say changing the list of roles.

cp -rp /var/cfengine/share/*Base/sketches/utilities/roles /my/repo/sketches/

Copy The Sketch Template

cp -rp /var/cfengine/share/*Base/sketches/sketch_template /my/repo/sketches/

Make The cfsketches.json File

This will fail if the sketch.json files found are invalid, or if /my/repo/sketches doesn't exist. It creates the sketch index file.

/var/cfengine/design-center/bin/cf-sketch --make_cfsketches --inputs /my/repo --is=/my/repo/sketches/cfsketches.json

(Optional) Regenerate The Files

This will regenerate the files for each sketch, which will please your users.

/var/cfengine/design-center/bin/cf-sketch --make_readme --is=/my/repo/sketches/cfsketches.json

Install Your Sketches!

/var/cfengine/design-center/bin/cf-sketch --install-all --is=/my/repo/sketches/cfsketches.json --inputs=/var/cfengine/design-center

See also: Package The Sketch