Upgrade Instructions

This upgrade guide assumes that you are upgrading an existing CFEngine installation of one of the following versions:

2.2.x or 3.0.x

Upgrading CFEngine Enterprise needs some planning, since there may be dependencies on your existing policies and/or changes in naming convention/syntax in CFEngine itself. For this reason, it is currently a manual process. Automatic upgrade of agents is possible through the hub but again, needs careful planning and consideration before applying to a large schema.

Always verify the upgrade in a test environment prior to upgrading production environments!

Before embarking on the upgrade, you should familiarize yourself with the known issues and have a good understanding of the existing configuration of the hub or agents or both. As much as possible is covered in this document, taking into consideration its scope and intended audience. Other more detailed problems, specific to your own setup may not be covered here. It is therefore imperative that any questions or doubts you have are directed towards your support representative.

Please do not hesitate to contact your sales representative, or our support engineers through the support system

As a quick summary for a 3.0 upgrade, the Enterprise 3.0 clients work great with a 3.5.1 policy server and report correctly to the 3.5.1 hub. They work well with most 3.5.1 policy, although you have to test to be sure you have no incompatible functions or promise attributes before you push anything out to the clients.

3.5.1 clients may work with the 3.0 server but this is not supported, recommended, or tested.

Thus, for the upgrade from 3.0 we suggest upgrading the hub's policy to what comes with 3.5.1 (especially the update.cf in the top-level directory) and testing that with both 3.0 and 3.5.1 clients. Then upgrade the policy hub to 3.5.1. Then upgrade the clients in increasingly broader waves to make sure any issues only affect a small subset of the population.


  • CFEngine 3 Enterprise HUB version 2.2.x/3.0.x
  • Linux shell

Before you start: Make a Backup

Backup /var/cfengine/masterfiles to /var/cfengine/masterfiles_$(date) using the following command:

$ cp -r $WORKDIR/masterfiles $WORKDIR/masterfiles_$(date +%T_%F)

  • move/copy/update some files to the new policy framework

  • update /var/cfengine/bin/cf-twin to the latest version $ cp -vf $WORKDIR/bin/cf-agent $WORKDIR/bin/cf-twin

  • remove MongoDB lock file $ rm -f $WORKDIR/state/mongod.lock

In case of Failure: Restoring the previous installation from backup

  • remove /var/cfengine/masterfiles and /var/cfengine/inputs directories
  • rename /var/cfengine/masterfiles_$(date) to /var/cfengine/masterfiles
  • remove the 3.5.0 cfengine-nova-hub package
  • reinstall your previous cfengine packages
  • rebootstrap the HUB. MP should be up and running in less than 10 minutes

Prepare policy files when upgrading from 2.2.x

This section can be skipped if you are upgrading from 3.0.x to 3.5

As part of the process from 2.x to 3, more structure was introduced to the CFEngine working directory, such that CFE_ prefixed files were moved into a new subdirectory /var/cfengine/masterfiles/cfe_internal It's therefore necessary to make some edits to your /var/cfengine/masterfiles/promises.cf by adding cfe_internal/ to the path of all CFE_ prefixed files.

For example, in the old form, you might find:


the new form for 3.x would be:


A list of files that this applies to is:


Add cfe_internal/example_use_goals.cf to inputs section in '$WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf.'

Ensure that libraries/ is added as a prefix to any reference to cfengine_stdlib.cf.

Add services/ to path of file_change.cf (we group services together in a directory to avoid ending up cluttering the content of masterfiles when there are many service policies)

Add cfe_internal_hub_vars to bundlesequence section.

Add cfsketch_run to bundlesequence and cf-sketch-runfile.cf to inputs section.

If you've never modified failsafe.cf or update.cf...

Replace update.cf with update_bins.cf and update_policy.cf:

  $ sed -i 's/"update.cf",/"update_bins.cf",\n                    "update_policy.cf",/g' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf

   * rename goal_1 to goal_infosec
  $ sed -i 's/goal_1/goal_infosec/g' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf

   * rename goal_2 to goal_complicance
  $ sed -i 's/goal_2/goal_compliance/g' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf

   * remove commercial_customer class
  $ sed -i '/commercial_customer::/d' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf

   * remove nova_edition and constellation_editon classes
  $ sed -i '/nova_edition.*::/d' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf

   * remove garbage_collection because we have one in CFE_cfengine.cf
  $ sed -i '/maintenance.*goal_3/d' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf
  $ sed -i '/comment.*rotation.*Nova/d' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf
  $ sed -i '/usebundle.*garbage_collection/d' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/promises.cf

   * since the depends_on attribute has changed behavior (see the release notes), having it there might cause problems.
  $ sed -i '/depends_on/d' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/services/file_change.cf
  $ sed -i '/depends_on/d' $WORKDIR/masterfiles/update.cf

Once the edits are done, please make sure your policy is correct by verifying the resultant policy files.

  • verify for syntax errors
      $ /var/cfengine/bin/cf-promises -f /var/cfengine/masterfiles/failsafe.cf
      $ /var/cfengine/bin/cf-promises -f /var/cfengine/masterfiles/promises.cf
  • if there is no error, please run failsafe to start up all CFEngine processes
      $ /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent -f /var/cfengine/masterfiles/failsafe.cf -IK
  • We highly recommend cosmetic re-work of the resulting policy to ensure readability. See our new 3.0.0 framework in /var/cfengine/share/NovaBase

  • You should keep all control bodies (body agent/executor/server/hub/reporter/monitor/runagent control) and server access_rule() bundle to at least have some suggested attributes

If you have modified failsafe.cf or update.cf?...

Synchronize the contents in failsafe.cf and update.cf manually.

For example; the promiser /var/cfengine/bin/mongod <parameters> in bundle update in update.cf: change it to run in file-based configuration mode (this bundle is called update_policy in the 3.0.0 policy framework).


        "mongodb_dir"        string => "$(sys.workdir)/state",
                            comment => "Directory where MongoDB files will be stored on hub - if changed: requires DB shutdown and move of files",
                             handle => "cfe_internal_update_policy_mongodb_dir";

        "mongodb_conf_file"  string => translatepath("$(inputs_dir)/failsafe/mongod.conf"),
                            comment => "Path to MongoDB configuration file",
                             handle => "cfe_internal_update_policy_mongodb_conf_file";



         "/var/cfengine/bin/mongod --dbpath $(update_policy.mongodb_dir) --config $(update_policy.mongodb_conf_file) > /dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1"

Some contents of your current bundle agent update_bins in update.cf might be outdated. Please keep it similar to /var/cfengine/share/NovaBase/failsafe/update_bins.cf as much as possible.

Migrate to new database structure

After an upgrade to from a 3.0 or 3.5.x release to 3.5.2, monitoring data needs to be migrated to a different data schema.

A script db-move-monitoring-to-cfmonitor.js that performs the migration is made available for download together with the 3.5.2 packages.

  1. Make sure you have 2X the database size (needed for db repair)

    #db size in mb
    $ /var/cfengine/bin/mongo --quiet cfreport --eval "printjson(db.stats(1024*1024)['fileSize'])";
  2. Run migration script

    $ /var/cfengine/bin/mongo --quiet admin db-move-monitoring-to-cfmonitor.js

Upgrade procedure for the hosts

For host upgrades there are 2 approaches: manual or automatic upgrade.


Update cfengine-nova on each client by rpm, dpkg or corresponding Windows command. For Linux/UNIX systems, update cf-twin as follows:

$ cp -vf /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent /var/cfengine/bin/cf-twin

For Windows systems copy/overwrite the content of C:\Program Files\Cfengine\bin to C:\Program Files\Cfengine\bin-twin


On the hub, copy the client cfengine-nova packages to the operating system specific distribution directories in /var/cfengine/master_software_updates and CFEngine 3 Enterprise will take care of the rest.

Agent package upgrade through the hub from v2.2.3

Please note that although it is possible to upgrade agents through the hub, for Debian format (.deb) packages (both x86_64 and i386) it is necessary to edit the update.cf on each agent before proceeding. The reason for this is that the naming convention used in 2.2.3 is at odds with the one that has since been adopted by CFEngine and in the wider community. As a result, the update.cf script in v2.2.3 clients expects i686 (hard coded) and x86_64 for the architecture part in the package name. So package upgrade will only work for .deb packages if the package is renamed before it is copied into the relevant architecture subdirectory under /var/cfengine/master_software_updates.

For example, if your upgrade package is named like this:

cfengine-nova_3.5.0XXXX_amd64.deb or cfengine-nova_3.5.0XXXX_i386.deb

you should rename them so they look like this:

cfengine-nova_3.5.0XXXX_x86_64.deb or cfengine-nova_3.5.0XXXX_i686.deb

before copying them into

/var/cfengine/master_software_updates/<arch subdirectory> on the hub