
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Prototype: readreallist(filename, comment, split, maxentries, maxbytes)

Return type: rlist

Description: Splits the file filename into separated values and returns the list.

The comment field is a multiline regular expression and will strip out unwanted patterns from the file being read, leaving unstripped characters to be split into fields. Using the empty string ("") indicates no comments.


  • filename : File name to read, in the range "?(/.*)
  • comment : Unanchored regex matching comments, in the range .*
  • split : Unanchored regex to split data, in the range .*
  • maxentries : Maximum number of entries to read, in the range 0,99999999999
  • maxbytes : Maximum bytes to read, in the range 0,99999999999



printf "one\ntwo\nthree\n" > /tmp/list.txt
printf "1\n2\n3\n"         >> /tmp/list.txt
printf "1.0\n2.0\n3.0"   >> /tmp/list.txt


bundle agent example_readreallist
        rlist => readreallist( "/tmp/list.txt", # File to read
                              "^(\D+)",         # Ignore any non-digits
                              "\n",             # Split on newlines
                              inf,              # Maximum number of entries
                              inf );            # Maximum number of bytes to read

      "my_list_of_reals includes '$(my_list_of_reals)'";
bundle agent __main__
  methods: "example_readreallist";


R: my_list_of_reals includes '1'
R: my_list_of_reals includes '2'
R: my_list_of_reals includes '3'
R: my_list_of_reals includes '1.0'
R: my_list_of_reals includes '2.0'
R: my_list_of_reals includes '3.0'

See also: readstringlist(), readintlist()