Reset administrative credentials

Table of Contents

The default admin user can be reset to defaults using the following SQL.


INSERT INTO "users" ("username", "password", "salt", "name", "email", "external", "active", "roles", "changetimestamp")
       SELECT 'admin', 'SHA=aa459b45ecf9816d472c2252af0b6c104f92a6faf2844547a03338e42e426f52', 'eWAbKQmxNP', 'admin',  '', false, '1',  '{admin,cf_remoteagent}', now()
ON CONFLICT (username, external) DO UPDATE 
  SET password = 'SHA=aa459b45ecf9816d472c2252af0b6c104f92a6faf2844547a03338e42e426f52', 
      salt = 'eWAbKQmxNP';

To reset the CFEngine admin user run the following sql as root on your hub

root@hub:~# psql cfsettings < cfsettings-setadminpassword.sql