Promise type is vars, context is any
Resource object 'master_location' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about vars)...
........................string => /home/mark/cfengine-inputs , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle update (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 7
Promise type is files, context is any
Resource object '/var/cfengine/inputs' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about files)...
........................perms => permssystem(p,
) .............................mode => '$(p)' if sub-body context any ........................copy_from => copy_frommycopy(from,
) .............................source => '$(from)' if sub-body context any => 'digest' if sub-body context any ........................depth_search => depth_searchrecurse(d,
) .............................depth => '$(d)' if sub-body context any ........................action => actionimmediate(no parameters) .............................ifelapsed => '1' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:00 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle update (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 13
Promise type is files, context is any
Resource object '/var/cfengine/bin' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about files)...
........................perms => permssystem(p,
) .............................mode => '$(p)' if sub-body context any ........................copy_from => copy_frommycopy(from,
) .............................source => '$(from)' if sub-body context any => 'digest' if sub-body context any ........................depth_search => depth_searchrecurse(d,
) .............................depth => '$(d)' if sub-body context any ........................action => actionimmediate(no parameters) .............................ifelapsed => '1' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:00 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle update (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 20
Promise type is vars, context is SuSE
Resource object 'crontab' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-common' (about vars)...
........................string => /var/spool/cron/tabs/root , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle g (type common) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 13
Promise type is vars, context is !SuSE
Resource object 'crontab' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-common' (about vars)...
........................string => /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle g (type common) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 17
Promise type is classes, context is any
Resource object 'integrate_cfengine2' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about classes)...
........................and => {'fileexists($(sys.workdir)/inputs/cfagent.conf,)','fileexists($(sys.workdir)/bin/cfagent,)'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle cfengine (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 31
Promise type is vars, context is any
Resource object 'cf2bits' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about vars)...
........................slist => {'cfenvd','cfservd','cfexecd'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle cfengine (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 38
Promise type is commands, context is integrate_cfengine2
Resource object '$(sys.workdir)/bin/cfagent' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about commands)...
........................action => actionlongjob(no parameters) .............................ifelapsed => '240' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle cfengine (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 46
Promise type is files, context is any
Resource object '$(sys.workdir)/inputs/.*' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about files)...
........................comment => Check if there are still promises about cfengine 2 that need removing , if body context any
........................edit_line => DeleteLinesMatching(.*$(cf2bits).*,) ........................file_select => file_selectOldCf2Files(no parameters) .............................leaf_name => ' {'','','','','.*.txt','.*.html','.*~','#.*'}' if sub-body context any .............................file_result => '!leaf_name' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
........................action => actionWarnOnly(no parameters) .............................action_policy => 'warn' if sub-body context any .............................ifelapsed => '60' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 09:55:06 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 1.6 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle cfengine (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 54
Promise type is files, context is any
Resource object '$(g.crontab)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about files)...
........................edit_line => upgrade_cfexecd , if body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:01 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle cfengine (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 63
Promise type is processes, context is exec_fix
Resource object 'cron' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about processes)...
........................signals => {'hup'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle cfengine (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 69
Promise type is vars, context is any
Resource object 'component' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about vars)...
........................slist => {'cf-monitord','cf-serverd'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle main (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 83
Promise type is files, context is any
Resource object '/tmp/resolv.conf' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about files)...
........................create => true , if body context any
........................edit_line => resolver , if body context any
........................edit_defaults => edit_defaultsdef(no parameters) .............................empty_file_before_editing => 'false' if sub-body context any .............................edit_backup => 'false' if sub-body context any .............................max_file_size => '100000' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:00 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle main (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 91
Promise type is processes, context is any
Resource object 'cfenvd' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about processes)...
........................signals => {'term'} , if body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:00 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle main (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 104
Promise type is processes, context is any
Resource object '$(component)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about processes)...
........................restart_class => canonify(start_$(component),)
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:00 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle main (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 114
Promise type is commands, context is any
Resource object '$(sys.workdir)/bin/$(component)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about commands)...
........................ifvarclass => canonify(start_$(component),)
Compliance last checked on Sat Mar 28 09:10:33 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.4 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle main (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 122
Promise type is files, context is any
Resource object '$(sys.workdir)/outputs' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about files)...
........................delete => deletetidy(no parameters) .............................dirlinks => 'delete' if sub-body context any .............................rmdirs => 'true' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
........................file_select => file_selectdays_old(days,
) .............................mtime => 'irange(ago(1,0,0,0,0,0,)ago(0,0,$(days),0,0,0,))' if sub-body context any .............................file_result => 'mtime' if sub-body context any ........................depth_search => depth_searchrecurse(d,
) .............................depth => '$(d)' if sub-body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:00 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle garbage_collection (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 136
Promise type is reports, context is rootprocs_high_dev2
Resource object 'RootProc anomaly high 2 dev on $( at $(sys.env_time) measured value $(sys.value_rootprocs) av $(sys.average_rootprocs) pm $(sys.stddev_rootprocs)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about reports)...
........................showstate => {'rootprocs'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle anomalies (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 182
Promise type is reports, context is entropy_www_in_high&anomaly_hosts.www_in_high_anomaly
Resource object 'HIGH ENTROPY Incoming www anomaly high anomaly dev!! on $( at $(sys.env_time)
- measured value $(sys.value_www_in) av $(sys.average_www_in) pm $(sys.stddev_www_in)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about reports)...
........................showstate => {'incoming.www'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle anomalies (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 189
Promise type is reports, context is entropy_www_in_low.anomaly_hosts.www_in_high_anomaly
Resource object 'LOW ENTROPY Incoming www anomaly high anomaly dev!! on $( at $(sys.env_time)
- measured value $(svalue_www_in) av $(average_www_in) pm $(stddev_www_in)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about reports)...
........................showstate => {'incoming.www'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle anomalies (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 196
Promise type is reports, context is entropy_tcpsyn_in_low.anomaly_hosts.tcpsyn_in_high_dev2
Resource object 'Anomalous number of new TCP connections on $( at $(sys.env_time)
- measured value $(sys.value_tcpsyn_in) av $(sys.average_tcpsyn_in) pm $(sys.stddev_tcpsyn_in)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about reports)...
........................showstate => {'incoming.tcpsyn'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle anomalies (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 203
Promise type is reports, context is entropy_dns_in_low.anomaly_hosts.dns_in_high_anomaly
Resource object 'Anomalous (3dev) incoming DNS packets on $( at $(sys.env_time)
- measured value $(sys.value_dns_in) av $(average_dns_in) pm $(sys.stddev_dns_in)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about reports)...
........................showstate => {'incoming.dns'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle anomalies (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 210
Promise type is reports, context is entropy_dns_in_low.anomaly_hosts.udp_in_high_dev2
Resource object 'Anomalous (2dev) incoming (non-DNS) UDP traffic on $( at $(sys.env_time)
- measured value $(sys.value_udp_in) av $(sys.average_udp_in) pm $(sys.stddev_udp_in)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about reports)...
........................showstate => {'incoming.udp'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle anomalies (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 217
Promise type is reports, context is anomaly_hosts.icmp_in_high_anomaly.!entropy_icmp_in_high
Resource object 'Anomalous low entropy (3dev) incoming ICMP traffic on $( at $(sys.env_time)
- measured value $(sys.value_icmp_in) av $(sys.average_icmp_in) pm $(sys.stddev_icmp_in)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-agent' (about reports)...
........................showstate => {'incoming.icmp'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle anomalies (type agent) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 224
Promise type is access, context is any
Resource object '/home/mark/LapTop' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-server' (about access)...
........................admit => {''} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle access_rules (type server) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 237
Promise type is access, context is any
Resource object '/home/mark/.cfagent/bin/cf-agent' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-server' (about access)...
........................admit => {''} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle access_rules (type server) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 241
Promise type is roles, context is any
Resource object '.*' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-server' (about roles)...
........................authorize => {'mark'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle access_rules (type server) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 245
Promise type is vars, context is any
Resource object 'search' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-edit_line' (about vars)...
........................slist => {'search'} , if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle resolver (type edit_line) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 70
Promise type is insert_lines, context is any
Resource object '$(search)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-edit_line' (about insert_lines)...
........................location => locationstart(no parameters) .............................before_after => 'before' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
Compliance last checked on Sat Apr 25 11:23:00 2009. At that time the system was COMPLIANT. Average compliance 100.0 pm 0.0 percent.
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle resolver (type edit_line) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 78
Promise type is delete_lines, context is any
Resource object '$(regex)' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-edit_line' (about delete_lines)...
........................action => actionWarnOnly(no parameters) .............................action_policy => 'warn' if sub-body context any .............................ifelapsed => '60' if sub-body context any
, if body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle DeleteLinesMatching (type edit_line) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 105
Promise type is classes, context is any
Resource object 'exec_fix' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-edit_line' (about classes)...
........................not => regline(.*cf-execd.*,$(edit.filename),)
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle upgrade_cfexecd (type edit_line) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 124
Promise type is insert_lines, context is exec_fix
Resource object '0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /var/cfengine/bin/cf-execd -F' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-edit_line' (about insert_lines)...
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle upgrade_cfexecd (type edit_line) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 130
Promise type is replace_patterns, context is any
Resource object 'cfexecd' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-edit_line' (about replace_patterns)...
........................replace_with => replace_withWith(x,
) .............................replace_value => '$(x)' if sub-body context any .............................occurrences => 'all' if sub-body context any
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle upgrade_cfexecd (type edit_line) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 134
Promise type is reports, context is exec_fix
Resource object 'Added a 5 minute schedule to crontabs' make the promise to default promisee 'cf-edit_line' (about reports)...
Promise (version not specified) belongs to bundle upgrade_cfexecd (type edit_line) in '/home/mark/.cfagent/inputs/' near line 140
All Bodies
commoncontrol(no parameters) .............................bundlesequence => ' {'update','garbage_collection','main','cfengine'}' if sub-body context any .............................inputs => ' {'','',''}' if sub-body context any
agentcontrol(no parameters) .............................ifelapsed => '15' if sub-body context any
monitorcontrol(no parameters) .............................forgetrate => '0.7' if sub-body context any .............................histograms => 'true' if sub-body context any
executorcontrol(no parameters) .............................splaytime => '1' if sub-body context any .............................mailto => '' if sub-body context any .............................smtpserver => 'localhost' if sub-body context any .............................mailmaxlines => '30' if sub-body context any .............................schedule => ' {'any'}' if sub-body context any .............................exec_command => '$(sys.workdir)/bin/cf-agent -f && $(sys.workdir)/bin/cf-agent' if sub-body context any
reportercontrol(no parameters) .............................reports => ' {'performance','last_seen','monitor_history'}' if sub-body context any .............................build_directory => '/tmp/nerves' if sub-body context any .............................report_output => 'html' if sub-body context any
runagentcontrol(no parameters) .............................hosts => ' {''}' if sub-body context any
servercontrol(no parameters) .............................allowconnects => ' {'','::1'}' if sub-body context any .............................allowallconnects => ' {'','::1'}' if sub-body context any .............................trustkeysfrom => ' {'','::1'}' if sub-body context any .............................cfruncommand => '$(sys.workdir)/bin/cf-agent -f && $(sys.workdir)/bin/cf-agent' if sub-body context any .............................allowusers => ' {'root'}' if sub-body context any
) .............................mode => '$(p)' if sub-body context any
file_selectcf3_files(no parameters) .............................leaf_name => ' {'cf-.*'}' if sub-body context any .............................file_result => 'leaf_name' if sub-body context any
) .............................source => '$(from)' if sub-body context any => 'digest' if sub-body context any
actionimmediate(no parameters) .............................ifelapsed => '1' if sub-body context any
file_selectOldCf2Files(no parameters) .............................leaf_name => ' {'','','','','.*.txt','.*.html','.*~','#.*'}' if sub-body context any .............................file_result => '!leaf_name' if sub-body context any
actionmeasure(no parameters) .............................measurement_class => 'Detect Changes in /usr' if sub-body context any .............................ifelapsed => '240' if sub-body context any .............................expireafter => '240' if sub-body context any
) .............................owners => ' {'$(user)'}' if sub-body context any .............................mode => '$(mode)' if sub-body context any
) .............................depth => '$(d)' if sub-body context any
deletetidy(no parameters) .............................dirlinks => 'delete' if sub-body context any .............................rmdirs => 'true' if sub-body context any
) .............................mtime => 'irange(ago(1,0,0,0,0,0,)ago(0,0,$(days),0,0,0,))' if sub-body context any .............................file_result => 'mtime' if sub-body context any
changeslay_trip_wire(no parameters) .............................hash => 'best' if sub-body context any .............................report_changes => 'content' if sub-body context any .............................update_hashes => 'yes' if sub-body context any
actionlongjob(no parameters) .............................ifelapsed => '240' if sub-body context any
edit_defaultsdef(no parameters) .............................empty_file_before_editing => 'false' if sub-body context any .............................edit_backup => 'false' if sub-body context any .............................max_file_size => '100000' if sub-body context any
locationstart(no parameters) .............................before_after => 'before' if sub-body context any
actionWarnOnly(no parameters) .............................action_policy => 'warn' if sub-body context any .............................ifelapsed => '60' if sub-body context any
) .............................replace_value => '$(x)' if sub-body context any .............................occurrences => 'all' if sub-body context any
) .............................source => '$(from)' if sub-body context any => 'digest' if sub-body context any .............................encrypt => 'true' if sub-body context any .............................verify => 'true' if sub-body context any