Storage Bundles and Bodies

Table of Contents

See the storage promises documentation for a comprehensive reference on the body types and attributes used here.

To use these bodies, add the following to your policy:

body file control
    inputs => { "" }

volume bodies


Prototype: min_free_space(free)

Description: Warn if the storage doesn't have at least free free space.

A warnings is also generated if the storage is smaller than 10K or as less than 2 file entries.


  • free: Absolute or percentage minimum disk space that should be available before warning


body volume min_free_space(free)
      check_foreign  => "false";
      freespace      => "$(free)";
      sensible_size  => "10000";
      sensible_count => "2";

mount bodies


Prototype: nfs(server, source)

Description: Mounts the storage at source on server via nfs protocol.

Also modifies the file system table.


  • server: Hostname or IP of remote server
  • source: Path of remote file system to mount

See also: nfs_p(), unmount()


body mount nfs(server,source)
      mount_type => "nfs";
      mount_source => "$(source)";
      mount_server => "$(server)";
      edit_fstab => "true";


Prototype: nfs_p(server, source, perm)

Description: Mounts the storage via nfs, with perm passed as options to mount.

Also modifies the file system table.


  • server: Hostname or IP of remote server
  • source: Path of remote file system to mount
  • perm: A string of options that's passed to the mount command

See also: nfs, unmount()


body mount nfs_p(server,source,perm)
      mount_type => "nfs";
      mount_source => "$(source)";
      mount_server => "$(server)";
      mount_options => {"$(perm)"};
      edit_fstab => "true";


Prototype: unmount

Description: Unmounts the nfs storage.

Also modifies the file system table.

See also: nfs(), nfs_p()


body mount unmount
      mount_type => "nfs";
      edit_fstab => "true";
      unmount => "true";