Table of Contents

The configuration management database (CMDB) API enables you to manage classes and variables for specific hosts.


You can see a list of stored host-specific configurations


Method: GET

Parameters: * fromEpoch (integer) Returns configurations with epoch value greater than set in the filter. Epoch is the sequence number of the latest CMDB change. In every API list request, cmdb_epoch will be present in the meta section, which contains the maximum epoch value among selected items. Optional parameter. * fromTime (timestamp) Include changes performed within interval. Format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS or YYYY-mm-dd. Optional parameter. * toTime (timestamp) Include changes performed within interval. Format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS or YYYY-mm-dd. Optional parameter. * skip (integer) Number of results to skip for the processed query. The Mission Portal uses this for pagination. Optional parameter. * limit (integer) Limit the number of results in the query. Optional parameter. * hostContextInclude (array) Includes only results that concern hosts which have all specified CFEngine contexts (class) set. Optional parameter. * hostContextExclude (array) Excludes results that concern hosts which have specified CFEngine context (class) set. Hosts that have at least one of the specified contexts set will be excluded from the results. Optional parameter.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X GET \[]=ubuntu 

Example response:

HTTP 200 Ok
    "data": {
        "SHA=fdab725e8fb18aa0ad194477be8a2a1338b4b29f6a8597819af89697e432418f": {
            "classes": {
                "My_class": {},
                "My_class2": {
                    "comment": "comment helps to understand what this class serves for"
            "variables": {
                "HubCMDB:My.hostname": {
                    "value": "",
                    "comment": "comment"
                "Namespace:BundleName.VariableName": {
                    "value": "myvalue"
    "meta": {
        "count": "1",
        "page": 1,
        "timestamp": 1619116399,
        "total": "1",
        "cmdb_epoch": "13"

Get host's specific configuration


Method: GET

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier.

  • type (string) Configuration type. Allowed value: variables, classes

  • name (string) Configuration name. Classes or variables name.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X GET \

Example response:

HTTP 200 Ok
    "hostkey": "SHA=437d63cdc0b13ad18bb2d9de2490bfabe4edc8aa59f248b5b5b050c77bf4eeef",
    "variables": {
        "default:def.augment_inputs": {
            "tags": [
            "value": [],
            "comment": "Add filenames to this list to make the CFEngine agent parse them. Note: Update the bundle sequence to evaluate bundles from these policy files."

Get host's configurations


Method: GET

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X GET \ 

Example response:

HTTP 200 Ok
    "hostkey": "SHA=f622992fa4525070f47da086041a38733496f03a77880f70b1ce6784c38f79ab",
    "value": {
        "classes": {
            "My_class": {},
            "My_class2": {
                "comment": ""
        "variables": {
            "HubCMDB:My.hostname": {
                "value": "",
                "comment": "My hostname should be set to this"
            "Namespace:BundleName.VariableName": {
                "value": "myvalue"

Create configuration


Method: POST

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier.

  • type (string) Configuration type. Allowed value: variables, classes

  • name (string) Configuration name. Classes or variables name.

Request body parameters:

  • value (string|array) Variable value, can be array or text. Classes do not support values.

  • comment (string) Variables or classes description. Optional parameter.

  • tags (array) Variables or classes tags. Optional parameter.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '
  { "value": ["80", "443"],
    "comment":"Openning ports",
    "tags" : ["ports", "tag"]

Example response:

HTTP 200 Ok

Batch create configurations


Method: POST

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier. * classes (JSON object) The format is a JSON object where the key is class name and value is another JSON object with optionals comment and tags property. Example:

      "My_class": {},
      "My_class2": {
         "comment":"comment body",
         "tags": ["suggestion-001", "reporting"]
  • variables (JSON object) The format is a JSON object where the key is variable name and value is another JSON object with a required value property and optionals comment and tags. Example:

         "comment":"My hostname should be set to this",
         "tags": ["suggestion-001", "reporting"]

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
       "My_class": {},
         "comment":"comment body",
         "tags": ["suggestion-001", "reporting"]
         "comment":"My hostname should be set to this"

Example response:

HTTP 201 Created

Update configuration


Method: PATCH

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier.

  • type (string) Configuration type. Allowed value: variables, classes

  • name (string) Configuration name. Classes or variables name.

Request body parameters:

  • value (string|array) Variable value, can be array or text. Classes do not support values.

  • comment (string) Variables or classes description. Optional parameter.

  • tags (array) Variables or classes tags. Optional parameter.

  • name (string) New name, in case of renaming. Optional parameter.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X PATCH \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '
  { "value": ["80", "443"],
    "comment":"Openning ports",
    "tags" : ["ports", "tag"]

Example response:

HTTP 200 Ok

Batch update configurations


Method: PATCH

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier. * classes (JSON object) The format is a JSON object where the key is class name and value is another JSON object with an optional comment property. Example:


         "comment":"comment body"

If you need to delete all classes from host you need to set null value:

    "classes": null

If your request body misses classes then the previous value will be preserved.

  • variables (JSON object) The format is a JSON object where the key is variable name and value is another JSON object with a required value property and an optional comment property. Example:

         "comment":"My hostname should be set to this"

If you need to delete all variables from host you need to set null value:

    "variables": null

If your request body misses variables then the previous value will be preserved.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X PATCH \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
         "comment" : ""
      "My_class": {}
         "comment":"My hostname should be set to this"

Example response:

HTTP 200 Ok

Delete host's configurations


Method: DELETE

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \
  -X DELETE \ 

Example response:

HTTP 204 No Content

Delete specific configuration


Method: DELETE

Parameters: * hostkey (string) Unique host identifier.

  • type (string) Configuration type. Allowed value: variables, classes

  • name (string) Configuration name. Classes or variables name.

Example request (curl):

curl -k --user <username>:<password> \

Example response:

HTTP 204 No Content