Enterprise ChangeLog

Table of Contents

See also: Core Changelog, Masterfiles Changelog

    - Mission Portal now has a new CFEngine Build application. This application
      allows you to combine multiple modules from build.cfengine.com into 1 project
      and subsequently deploy this project as a policy set on your hub.
    - Added compliance reports widget (ENT-8081)
    - Various parts of the UI was improved, especially dark mode and reports interfaces
    - Fixed export of ootb compliance reports
    - Compliance checks without a report are no longer imported (ENT-8259)
    - The import/export user interface now shows the settings menu on the left (ENT-8044)
    - CFEngine now runs cf-reactor, an event reaction daemon (ENT-7357)
    - Inventory refresh requests are now handled by cf-reactor not cf-hub
    - Host specific data in the __cmdb table is now deleted on host deletion (ENT-8570)
    - Fixed problems related to empty / NULL values in CMDB data
    - Added validation to exclude CFEngine variables from CMDB values
    - Fixed 'Inventory attribute not found' error while compliance report importing
    - Fixed false positive report email sending status (ENT-8046)
    - "info: New hosts discovered..." is no longer falsely reported by cf-hub
    - Made Meta tags field available for classes and variables in Report Builder
      (ENT-790, ENT-5568)
    - Made PromiseLog table available in Report Builder (ENT-7290)
    - Added comments on __PromiseLog table (ENT-8267)
    - Added comments for __contexts and __contextslog PostgreSQL tables
    - Adjusted cfdb schema to allow upgrades (ENT-7505)
    - An agent run is now triggered when FR hub state is changed (ENT-7965)
    - Reduced exclusive lock time during FR import (ENT-8727)
    - Feeder's data is now removed on feeder deletion (ENT-7970)

        Packaging changes:
    - 'cfbs' is now part of enterprise hub packages on
      platforms with Python 3.5 or newer (ENT-8439)
    - Enterprise hub packages now pull python3 as a (weak) dependency
    - Improve check for 'ss' command on newer debian distros (ENT-8293)
    - Stopped loading unused Apache modules by default on Enterprise Hubs:
      mod_actions (ENT-8503), mod_asis (ENT-8505), mod_auth_digest
      (ENT-8608), mod_authn_anon (ENT-8600), mod_authn_dbd (ENT-8601),
      mod_authn_dbm (ENT-8599), mod_authn_file (ENT-8598), mod_authnz_ldap
      (ENT-8512), mod_authz_groupfile (ENT-8603), mod_authz_user
      (ENT-8604), mod_autoindex (ENT-8514), mod_deflate (ENT-8523),
      mod_dumpio (ENT-8526), mod_env (ENT-8522), mod_expires (ENT-8610),
      mod_filter (ENT-8524), mod_include (ENT-8507), mod_ldap (ENT-8509),
      mod_log_forensic (ENT-8501), mod_mime_magic (ENT-8517),
      mod_negotiation (ENT-8511), mod_reqtimeout (ENT-8525), mod_spelling
      (ENT-8499), mod_unique_id (ENT-8519), mod_usertrack (ENT-8521),
      mod_version (ENT-8497), mod_vhost_alias (ENT-8513), substitute
      (ENT-8498), mod_info (ENT-8504), mod_status (ENT-8506), mod_webdav (ENT-8495)
    - Dropped support for CentOS 6 HUB package
    - Updated git from 2.34.1 to 2.36.1
    - Updated rsync from 3.2.3 to 3.2.4
    - Updated libcurl from 7.80.0 to 7.83.1
    - Updated openldap from 2.6.0 to 2.6.2
    - Updated apache from 2.4.51 to 2.4.53
    - Updated php from 8.0.12 to 8.1.7
    - Updated openssl from 1.1.1l to 3.0.3
    - Updated libiconv from 1.16 to 1.17
    - Updated postgresql from 13.5 to 14.3

    - Added API to get deleted hosts list (ENT-7469)
    - Added constraint disallowing empty strings for hostkey in __hosts
    - Added hover state to outline buttons (ENT-7399)
    - Added import/export compliance reports possibility (ENT-6470)
    - Added inventoryFile parameter to the Hosts by class API (ENT-7664)
    - Added vcs type dropdown the Version control repository settings
    - Added vcs type parameter to the VCS API (ENT-7710)
    - Adjusted PDF reports (ENT-7690)
    - Adjusted host info page styles (ENT-7429)
    - Changed NOTICE to DEBUG in cfdb schema.sql where appropriate to reduce noise
    - Changed Policy Deployment Alert to target hosts reporting policy_server
    - Changed UI toasts styles (ENT-7455)
    - Changed dark mode logo (ENT-7398)
    - Changed images for adding new widgets (ENT-7604)
    - Changed inventory condition explanations (ENT-7655)
    - Changed modal dialogs styles (ENT-7509)
    - Changed reports temporary directory (ENT-7465)
    - Changed widgets colors in dark mode (ENT-7351)
    - Check group checkbox when all permissions inside are checked on RBAC settings page
    - Copied masterfiles-stage CFBS changes from core (ENT-7709, ENT-7891)
    - Fixed Advanced Report filters SQL building (ENT-7520)
    - Fixed CMDB array textarea wrong value when losing focus with an empty value
    - Fixed adding multiple feeders in a row (ENT-7964)
    - Fixed adding multiple inventory widgets for the same attribute to a dashboard
    - Fixed issue with cli_tasks not working when HTTPS_PROXY env var set
    - Fixed links in compliance PDF reports (ENT-7366)
    - Fixed links in compliance PDF reports (ENT-7366)
    - Fixed tooltip indicating default bundle for CMDB variables was main instead of variables
    - Fixed troubleshooting guidance for host never collected from
    - Fixed typo in received entries from diagnostics table (ENT-7522)
    - Fixed up monitoring data on nodes (ENT-7353)
    - Fixed wrong time in changes reports (ENT-7912)
    - Fixed wrong widget alerts in a newly created dashboard with default widgets
    - Host selection and prioritization for report collection is now deterministic
    - Improved compliance form UX (ENT-7437)
    - Missing software version no longer causes patch failures in reporting
    - Provided overwrite option in the User management setting when a user exists
    - Replaced URLs with links in reports tables (ENT-7694)
    - Set JS and CSS cache permissions to 0440 (ENT-7261)
    - Showed IPv4 addresses from inventory on the Hub management (ENT-7232)
    - Sorted variables and classes alphabetically on the host info page
    - Trigger an agent run after enabling of the Policy analyzer or Federated reporting
    - Use advisory lock for Federated Reporting deadlock avoidance
    - Use advisory lock for Federated Reporting schema changes (ENT-7474)

        Packaging changes:
    - Changed 4th octet in Windows package version to match package release number
    - Enforced permissions for Postgres log (ENT-7961)
    - Moved httpd.pid to root of httpd workdir (ENT-7966)
    - VCS configuration now works on RHEL 8 hubs (ENT-7898)
    - Updated pcre from 8.44 to 8.45
    - Updated openssl from 1.1.1k to 1.1.1l
    - Updated diffutils from 3.7 to 3.8
    - Updated openldap from 2.5.5 to 2.6.0
    - Updated libcurl-hub from 7.77.0 to 7.80.0
    - Updated git from 2.32.0 to 2.34.1
    - Updated postgresql from 13.3 to 13.5
    - Updated libcurl from 7.77.0 to 7.80.0
    - Updated apache from 2.4.48 to 2.4.51
    - Updated php from 8.0.7 to 8.1.0

    - Added API to trigger agent run (ENT-6180)
    - Added CMDB API (ENT-6785)
    - Added Health diagnostics condition for multiple identities
      reporting same host identifier (ENT-6653)
    - Added breadcrumbs to compliance check reports (ENT-6462)
    - Added categorization for inventory attributes
      This change introduces two new inventory attributes:
      - 'Allowed users for cf-runagent'
      - 'Allowed hosts for cf-runagent'
      Two other inventory attributes have been renamed:
      - 'Kernel', previously referred to as 'OS type'
      - 'Kernel Release', previously referred to as 'OS kernel'
      Note: Old agents will continue to report under the old names.
    - Added confirmation window when closing unsaved forms (ENT-6492)
    - Added database table for hosts-specific CMDB data (ENT-6784)
    - Added default pin items to users profiles (ENT-6550)
    - Added description to compliance check tooltip (ENT-6461)
    - Added hostkey and OS columns to Software Updates alert report
    - Added new column to all hosts compliance check report which
      tells if a host is passing or failing (ENT-6741)
    - Added save button when editing compliance report title (ENT-6458)
    - Added the button to trigger an agent run from the Host info page
    - Changed compliance report URN from `/reports/compliance_report`
      to `/reports/compliance-report`(ENT-6891)
    - Changed host specific software installed/available reports (ENT-6771)
    - Changed redirect after host delete to dashboard (ENT-6427)
    - Changed reports endpoint URL from `/advancedreports#/` to `/reports/`
    - Cleared session storage before opening inventory report from the
      host info page to avoid loading previous report (ENT-6467)
    - Errors when reading cookie values from LMDB no longer cause
      "Hosts likely using the same identity" false positives (ENT-6476)
    - Fixed JS errors after clicking alerts widgets (ENT-6547)
    - Fixed dark theme charts on exported PDF reports (ENT-6739)
    - Fixed error when navigating back to a report from edit (ENT-6546)
    - Fixed issue causing report collection failures (ENT-6525)
    - Fixed plpgsql error in pgschema.sql pin_items_to_existing_users
    - Fixed sys.release for Windows Server 2019 (ENT-4496)
    - Greyed out items from dropdown after placing into inventory report
    - Hide graphical elements of inventory chart widgets when there
      are no data (ENT-6526)
    - Implemented new style of MP header, nav bar and tables (ENT-7085)
    - Improved UX of regex validation (ENT-6453)
    - Moved host info page buttons to the title section (ENT-7053)
    - Ordered categories and compliance checks alphabetically (ENT-6493)
    - Organized inventory/classes/variables on the host info page
    - Removed IP address from title when zooming in on measurement
      graphs (ENT-6515)
    - Removed index.php from URL (ENT-6464)
    - Send localhost address when triggering agent run on the hub
    - Show host filter in compliance check tooltip (ENT-6738)
    - cf-hub: Added --ignore-preferred-augments command line option
    - Added restart service policy option for Windows (ENT-4643)

        Packaging changes:
    - Added redirect to remove index.php from Mission Portal's URL
    - Do not apply redirect from index.php to internal APIs (ENT-6464)
    - Enabled sockets in PHP config (ENT-6180)
    - Fixed broken redirect from http to htttps (ENT-7039)
    - Removed unused plugins directory (CFE-3518)
    - Updated libxml2 from 2.9.10 to 2.9.12
    - Updated openldap from 2.4.58 to 2.5.5
    - Updated libcurl-hub from 7.75.0 to 7.77.0
    - Updated apache from 2.4.46 to 2.4.48
    - Updated git from 2.31.1 to 2.32.0
    - Updated postgresql from 13.2 to 13.3
    - Updated php from 8.0.3 to 8.0.7
    - Updated libcurl from 7.75.0 to 7.77.0

    - Added button and API to trigger report collection for a host
    - Added dark mode to Mission Portal (ENT-6099)
    - Added copy-to-clipboard buttons in Mission Portal (ENT-5044)
    - You can now pin inventory, variables, and classes to the host info page
    - Mission portal roles can now be automatically synced using LDAP,
      for example with Active Directory roles/tags.(ENT-6151)
    - Added `is reported` and `is not reported` inventory filter conditions
    - Added an ansible-compatible Hosts API endpoint to get hosts grouped by class (ENT-6175)
    - Added an open report button to inventory widgets (ENT-6143)
    - Inventory widgets now open filtered reports when clicking items (ENT-6972)
    - Added regex support to Inventory API, filters and conditions (ENT-6057)
    - Hosts with reporting issues are now highlighted in other reports (ENT-6228)
    - Inventory attribute lists are now ordered by name (ENT-6456)
    - Reports now indicate whether a variable is empty or not reported (ENT-6159)
    - Query API now preserves null and empty string values from database (ENT-6159)
    - Added function to remove duplicate hosts (disabled by default) (ENT-6035)
    - There were several usability improvements to compliance reports UI.
      Compliance reports are now easier to navigate, more intuitive to edit,
      and provide a lot more useful information about checks and hosts. (ENT-6047)
    - Added links to view Passing/Failing/All hosts in compliance reports
    - Compliance checks can now be edited (ENT-6135)
    - Custom compliance check categories can now be added (ENT-6114)
    - Added tooltips describing Inventory conditions (ENT-6187)
    - Total host count in compliance reports now respect host filter (ENT-6054)
    - Fixed an issue causing `host bootstrapped at` to be unavailable (ENT-6112)
    - Fixed `Change data type` styles to fit in small elements (ENT-6185)
    - Fixed `JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1` JS error (ENT-6052)
    - Fixed `can't access property 0` JS error on a host page (ENT-6056)
    - Fixed `hosts never collected from` report by excluding deleted hosts
    - Fixed `remember me` option on the login page and set inactivity time
      before the next login will be required to 72 hours. (ENT-6106)
    - Fixed classes modal window overlapping (ENT-6094)
    - Fixed error in a browser console when clicking on inventory widget
    - Fixed inventory report columns adding when an empty filter has applied
    - Fixed issue where nova_cookies.lmdb wasn't closed for new hosts
    - Fixed a memory corruption/crash when dealing with secondary groups in
      user promises on windows (ENT-6223)
    - Fixed toggle button positioning in Firefox (ENT-6145)
    - Fixed issue causing windows user promises to always repair (ENT-6223, ENT-6379)
    - Fixed issue when trying to scroll to part 2 of legend in widgets (ENT-6378)

        Packaging changes:
    - Use /etc/os-release when detecting latest suse (ENT-5363)
    - Build packages specific for SUSE/SLES 11,12,15 (ENT-5335, ENT-5363)
    - Added diffutils 3.7 as vendored dependency (ENT-6373)
    - RHEL 8 is now a supported platform for CFEngine hubs (ENT-6103)
    - Updated lmdb from 0.9.24 to 0.9.27
    - Updated openssl from 1.1.1g to 1.1.1h
    - Updated openldap from 2.4.53 to 2.4.56
    - Updated git from 2.28.0 to 2.29.2
    - Updated postgresql from 12.4 to 13.1
    - Updated php from 7.4.10 to 7.4.12
    - Updated libcurl from 7.72.0 to 7.73.0

    - Added compliance reports
      Compliance reports allow you to implement custom, high level, 
      reports based on your compliance framework, requirements 
      or regulation (ENT-5559)
    - 'cf-hub --query' now triggers inventory refresh for the given hosts
    - Added CFEngine role information to the Host info page (ENT-5215)
    - Added IP address column to `Hosts never collected from` health
      diagnostic report (ENT-3936)
    - Added IPAddress column to __hosts table (ENT-5268)
    - Added ON_ERROR_STOP true to catch SQL errors earlier (ENT-5115)
    - Added OOTB inventory attributes for CFEngine Enterprise License
    - Added `created by` column to shared dashboard list (ENT-5229)
    - Added detailed hosts count information (ENT-4783)
    - Added error message when attempting to collect from a deleted host
    - Added fullscreen mode for widgets (ENT-5381)
    - Added information to show when scheduled reports will be sent in
      local time (ENT-5285)
    - Added inventory table widget to dashboard (ENT-5379)
    - Added logic to handle bad status/__status table situations (ENT-5396)
    - Added management of account expiration for Windows user promises
    - Added missing tables to clear_hosts_references() (ENT-5399)
    - Added possibility to always use browser time in Mission Portal
    - Added possibility to change timezone in user profile (ENT-5214)
    - Added possibility to clone shared dashboards (ENT-5232)
    - Added possibility to grant access to see non-reporting hosts
    - Added possibility to share dashboards with specific users or roles
    - Added reminder about exceeded license limit in Mission Portal
    - Added time_zone property to Users API (ENT-4067)
    - Added warning when user with no assigned role uses Mission Portal
    - Allowed to create dashboard with not unique name if someone already
      used this name (ENT-5320)
    - Changed postgresql connection hostname to use a unix-domain socket
      by default (ENT-2747)
    - Deleted hosts are now excluded from report collection
      Host delete is intended to be used for decommissioned hosts, so
      this should not be a problem. If you need a host to reappear,
      generate a new keypair and bootstrap it, as if it was a new host.
    - Deleted hosts now appear in __hosts table with a deletion time stamp
    - Dropped deprecated __PromiseExecutionsLog database table (ENT-5170)
    - Fixed HTML special characters displaying in Changes report (ENT-5417)
    - Fixed ProfileModel session usage in tests or CLI
    - Fixed a crash in cf-hub while applying reporting data (ENT-4409)
    - Fixed an issue with the client_history_timeout in cf-hub (ENT-4409)
    - Fixed deselecting Hub Id column in the Query builder when editing a
      reports (ENT-5200)
    - Fixed grammar in UI for creating condition based on file change
    - Fixed health diagnostics API parameters validation. Using sent
      parameters instead of default.
    - Fixed host search in Mission Portal which was returning "500 -
      Internal Server Error" (ENT-5250)
    - Fixed inventory report scheduling when applying filter to a
      report. (ENT-5167)
    - Fixed license info in Mission Portal when multiple rows in __hub table
    - Fixed crash (segmentation fault) when cf-hub shuts down
    - Fixed timing issues causing "patch failure" errors in reporting
    - Hosts deletions are now completed more quickly/frequently (ENT-5092)
    - Hosts which have not reported yet may now show up in __hosts table
      with LastReportTimestamp = NULL (ENT-5267)
    - Inventory attribute list on widget adding was improved: added search
      box, attribute list was alphabetized and grouped by category.
    - Inventory is now refreshed faster for call-collected hosts (ENT-4864)
    - Inventory is now refreshed for newly bootstrapped hosts (ENT-4864)
    - Inventory is now refreshed right after report collection (ENT-4864)
    - Reduced false positives in 'Last agent run unsuccessful' health check
    - Removed application/logs/index.html (ENT-5255)
    - Renamed old `Compliance` report category to `Promise outcomes` (ENT-5557)
    - __hosts table now has IP address information (ENT-5268)
    - cf-hub --show-license now has exit code 0 for free-25 (ENT-5297)
    - cf-hub no longer prints many verbose log message for query timeout
    - cf-hub: Fixed potential buffer overflow when parsing monitoring data

        Packaging changes:
    - 'systemctl enable' failure no longer stops the postinstall package
      scripts (ENT-5188)
    - Added checks for database state to avoid error messages during install
    - Enabled mbstring PHP extension
    - Made Mission Portal application log relocation more resilient
    - RHEL 8 CFEngine packages now rely on system OpenSSL libraries
    - Tighten Postgresql access permissions (ENT-2747)
      - Removed executable bit from unix socket
      - Removed local TCP access rules
    - Added OS specification to deb filenames (ENT-5306)
    - Added OS specification to rpm filenames (ENT-5306)
    - Added OS specification to solaris filenames (ENT-5306)
    - All secrets are now stored in secrets.ini file (ENT-5369)
    - Updated openssl from 1.1.1f to 1.1.1g
    - Updated libyaml from 0.2.2 to 0.2.5
    - Updated openldap from 2.4.49 to 2.4.50
    - Updated libcurl-hub from 7.68.0 to 7.70.0
    - Updated apache from 2.4.41 to 2.4.43
    - Updated git from 2.25.1 to 2.27.0
    - Updated postgresql from 12.2 to 12.3
    - Updated php from 7.4.2 to 7.4.6
    - Updated libcurl from 7.68.0 to 7.70.0

    - Added settings page to customize Mission Portal. Available options:
      Color schema, logo, additional text on the login page. (ENT-4914)
    - cf-hub can now detect when multiple hosts are using the same hostkey
      This is done using the new cookie protocol. Randomized cookies
      are exchanged during each report collection, and if there is a
      mismatch with the previous cookie, it will show up as alerts in
      Mission Portal. The health indicator "Hosts likely using the same 
      identity" is now using this system. The previous duplicate host
      detection system was done entirely in Database and had more false 
    - Admins can now delete hosts which are missing reporting data (ENT-4942)
    - Hosts that have not reported yet are no longer filtered out when RBAC
      is disabled (ENT-4712)
    - Added --show-license option to cf-hub
      This option prints the license information in a structured
      and easy to read way. (ENT-4971)
    - Hub now properly logs an error if license counts are exceeded
    - cf-hub query report collection timeout is now customizable
      --query-timeout command line option, and query_timeout
      constraint in body hub control can be used to customize the
      timeout. Previously it was a hardcoded 30 seconds. (ENT-3153)
    - Made cf-hub more robust against clients reporting bad timestamps
    - Empty host names in 'cf-hub --query -H' are now skipped (ENT-4866)
    - Removed unnecessary line endings in reporting protocol. These showed up
      as `#012#015` and `#015` in logs (escaped), and caused confusion.
    - Added average agent execution interval to the host info page
    - Added average agent execution time for each policy entry to the Host
      info page (ENT-4542)
    - Added classes and variables to the Host info page (ENT-3095)
    - Added first report collection time to the host info page (ENT-4540)
    - Added host bootstrapped at time to the host info page (ENT-4541)
    - Added last agent execution time  to the host info page (ENT-4539)
    - Added possibility to see inventory attributes and values on the host
      info page (ENT-710)
    - Added report collection methodology to the host info page (ENT-4537)
    - Added API call to get changed file list (ENT-3316)
    - Added possibility to filter by inventory attributes in Query API
    - Password entry fields in Mission Portal are now obscured by default,
      with a button to show password if necessary (ENT-5111)
    - Added File integrity monitoring report (ENT-3316)
    - Policy analyzer summary table grouped by promises execution frequency
    - Added hosts and inventory filters to Policy analyzer (ENT-4321)
    - Added possibility to select JOIN type in Query builder (ENT-4908)
    - Added scroll to dropdown inventory attributes list (ENT-5074)
    - Renamed Monitoring to Measurements
      The Monitoring module in Mission Portal is really data from measurement
      type promises. Monitoring brings to mind alerting, which we handle as a
      subset of our Dashboards. This name change clarifies the content. 
    - Changed session lock to allow parallel HTTP requests. Previously, the
      session library would create a lock and not allow new requests until
      the current one is not finished. This lock was introduced to avoid
      data overwriting when two or more parallel requests are writing into
      the same session variable, but this doesn't happen in our code
    - Changed response codes in User API from 204 No Content to 202 Accepted
      for update and delete requests (ENT-4803)
    - Deleted __LastSeenHostsLogs internal table and references (ENT-5052)
    - Added usernames to apache access logs (ENT-5138)
    - Reworked status table renaming to be more effective (ENT-4968)
    - Added 10 minutes threshold to "Agent not run recently" health 
      diagnostics category to avoid showing false positive warnings in case 
      of manual cf-agent execution (ENT-4228)
    - File changed alerts condition was added (ENT-4811)
    - File changes statistics API was added (ENT-4727)
    - File changes widget was added (ENT-4731)
    - New indexes were added to __promiselog and __promiseexecutions tables
    - Only read operations are now allowed via the query API (ENT-4938)
    - Optimized Query API by adding limit directly to a user query
    - Replaced promise_outcome type with character varying on
      __PromiseExecutions table to speed up select queries from
      PromiseExecutions view. Otherwise will be used sequence scan instead
      of index scan (ENT-4825)
    - View to select not kept not repaired hosts was added (ENT-4862)
    - Widget to show the total number of promises not kept and not repaired
      was added (ENT-4767)
    - `Promises not kept (failed) that have not been kept or repaired`
      report was added (ENT-4766)
    - Partitioned __inventory table for federated reporting (ENT-4842)
    - Fixed Event log date range filter default values
      Now correctly shows current date, instead of 1 week in the past.
    - Fixed email notification link to pause, edit or remove alerts
    - Fixed file changes PDF report.  Used " escape parameter instead of 
      default /  while CSV data parsing. Otherwise extra columns will be
      added. (ENT-4989)
    - Fixed help indicator UI bug (ENT-4819)
    - Fixed license owner to not show html characters (ENT-5024)
    - Fixed missing public namespace for some PL/pgSQL functions (ENT-5040)
    - Fixed incorrect Hub management UI "flashing" before being replaced by
      javascript (ENT-4787)
    - Fixed `matches` inventory filter condition when list had only 1 item
    - Fixed global search result active app. Change active application to
      hosts in case of global search result (ENT-4818)
    - Fixed number of remaining days on license in header (ENT-4941)
    - Fixed memory leak in windows version of glob matching (ENT-4895)
    - Fixed small memory leak in cf-serverd, when packing enterprise
      reporting data (ENT-4895)
    - Fixed potential memory leaks in nova API (ENT-4895)

    Packaging changes:
    - Added ON_ERROR_STOP=1 to psql commands to make postinstall easier to
      debug (ENT-5035)
    - Built packages now include mdb_load and mdb_copy lmdb utilities
    - Added proper release number to BFF (ENT-4691)
    - Addressed CVE-2019-1552 on Windows (ENT-4901)
    - Publish tarball with a filesystem image and accompanying files for 
      CoreOS (ENT-4758)
    - Enabled zlib extension in PHP to support png images with alpha channel
    - Fixed OOTB https redirection when hostname contains uppercase letters
    - Wait for postgresql to be available before rotating keys (ENT-4853)
    - 'systemctl enable' failure no longer stops the postinstall package
      scripts (ENT-5188)
    - Added build number to CoreOS and generic tarballs (ENT-4981)
    - Added explicit build numbers to Windows, Solaris and HP-UX builds
    - state/pg directory permissions are now updated on on every upgrade
    - Got rid of git commands and other DC legacy in postinstall script
    - Fixed SQL schema error during upgrade (ENT-4835)
    - Updated lmdb from 0.9.23 to 0.9.24
    - Updated openssl from 1.1.1b to 1.1.1d
    - Updated openldap from 2.4.47 to 2.4.48
    - Updated apache from 2.4.39 to 2.4.41
    - Updated git from 2.21.0 to 2.24.0
    - Updated postgresql from 11.3 to 12.1
    - Updated php from 7.3.5 to 7.4.0
    - Updated libcurl from 7.64.1 to 7.67.0

    - Added Federated Reporting APIs (ENT-4379)
    - Added Health diagnostic API (ENT-4444)
    - Added SQL queries to change saved reports (ENT-4093)
    - Added data transfer module that allows to transfer Mission portal 
      data between hubs (ENT-4126)
    - Added decommissioned hosts widget to dashboard (ENT-4603)
    - Added hostname to host page header (ENT-4620)
    - Added log messages to the Policy analyser summary table (ENT-4323)
    - Added missing slash in async query result URL (ENT-4553)
    - Added new `is` match condition to software update alerts (ENT-569)
    - Added new widgets to default dashboard after upgrade (ENT-4301)
    - Added newline to API error responses (ENT-4747)
    - Added not kept badge count to Policy analyzer app (ENT-4275)
    - Added possibility to dismiss hosts from Health diagnostic reports
    - Added web role-based access control and RBAC API (ENT-4139)
    - Aligned host info and default saved reports for software updates available
    - Aligned host info software report columns with stock software report
    - Inventory API now allows multiple values for one filter (ENT-4371)
    - Made permissions of CFE_ROBOT user more strict (ENT-4513)
    - Changed clear_hosts_references to delete lastseenhosts based on hostkey
    - Changed columns type from integer to biginteger for existing tables
    - Changed hosts include/exclude requests to POST (ENT-4636)
    - Changed m_host to vm_hosts in API to avoid querying to the protected materialized view
    - Changed m_inventory into a regular table (ENT-4554)
    - Changed policy analyzer hosts source from vm_hosts to hosts (ENT-4740)
    - Changed trigger on insert into __hosts from EACH STATEMENT to EACH ROW
    - Changed trigger to refresh m_hosts from EACH ROW to EACH STATEMENT
    - Check processFilters function argument (ENT-4634)
    - Clarified error message when report collection data is invalid
    - Deny using materialized view over QUERY API (ENT-4477)
    - Disable database triggers in the data generator (ENT-4662)
    - Discover new hosts for report collection every minute (ENT-3844)
    - Do not generate rbac_role_permission for cf_remoteagent role
    - Do not wrap hostname in  tag (ENT-4216)
    - Expanded remote hub API with statistics data (ENT-4771)
    - Extended status API to return hub info (ENT-4567)
    - Fixed Host API deletion status codes (ENT-4265)
    - Fixed detection of recent Windows versions (ENT-3363)
    - Fixed edit sub-category dialog title (ENT-791)
    - Fixed empty 'Hosts never collected from' health diagnostic report (ENT-4696)
    - Fixed errors in cf-serverd when loading old JSON promise log (ENT-4555)
    - Fixed hanging reports with no errors in logs (ENT-4397)
    - Fixed host tree loading issue (ENT-4214)
    - Fixed host tree to show hosts when the uncategorized view is selected (ENT-4461)
    - Fixed JS error on scheduled reports (ENT-4638)
    - Fixed JSON content in the policy analyzer editor (ENT-4279)
    - Fixed Policy analyzer filter by directory/file (ENT-4405)
    - Fixed REST API basic authentication (ENT-4349)
    - Fixed broken ootb_import.sql (ENT-4303)
    - Fixed date extraction from table name in promise_log_partition_cleanup postgresql function
    - Fixed duplicate key value violates unique constraint variables_dictionary_attribute_name
    - Fixed inventory API limit in case of NULL value (ENT-4585)
    - Fixed inventory widget empty and duplicate values (ENT-4464)
    - Fixed license expiration in Mission Portal (ENT-4385)
    - Fixed wrong file owner of generated scheduled reports (ENT-4600)
    - Fixed 2 small memory leaks in enterprise agent (ENT-4313)
    - Fixed a segmentation fault in parsing of reporting data
      If csv files in /var/cfengine/state/ (generated by agent runs)
      were corrupted, cf-serverd would crash while reading them. (ENT-4505)
    - Fixed an issue with error handling in cf-hub delta queries
      cf-hub will now attempt a rebase if it cannot obtain the
      last report timestamp. This change only affects scheduled
      runs, not when invoked with `--query delta` from command
      line. This also means that hosts which are not present in
      status table will be rebased (not delta from 0). (ENT-4319)
    - Fixed an issue with manual cf-hub delta queries
      When invoked manually (cf-hub --query delta) it would request
      the wrong starting timestamp from client, causing patch failures. (ENT-4120)
    - Fixed edge case memory leak in enterprise agent/server (ENT-4313)
    - Fixed memory leaks in cf-hub (ENT-4313)
    - Fixed small memory leak in enterprise hub / agent (ENT-4313)
    - Fixed small memory leak when using HA (ENT-4586)
    - Fixed JS Errors in policy analyzer app (ENT-4799)
    - Implemented web role-based access control (ENT-4139)
    - Improved readability of reporting information on host info page
    - Made it possible to edit software available and installed reports and add new filters to them
    - Moved Health diagnostics from Mission portal to API (ENT-4444)
    - Prevented segmentation fault in enterprise API when LicenseInfo is empty
    - Relaced refresh materialized inventory view function by update_inventory
    - Removed xss_clean validation rule from LDAP settings form because it prevents saving specific characters
    - Renamed "IP Naming" to "Report Collection" (ENT-4471)
    - Renamed the "Status" table to "__Status" with RBAC-checked view
    - Renamed Host count widget to Newly bootstrapped hosts (ENT-4649)
    - Simplified error handling and error messages for failed report collection
    - Switched perms of various temporary files in state to 0600
      These files were created with 0644 permissions, and then
      repaired in policy. However, since they are deleted / recreated
      periodically, it causes INFO noise. Safer and better user
      experience to create them with restricted permissions to
      begin with.
      Affected files:
      * `$(sys.statedir)/context.cache.tmp`
      * `$(sys.statedir)/variable.cache.tmp`
      * `$(sys.statedir)/diff/*.diff`
      * `$(sys.statedir)/previous_state/*.cache`
    - Updated links to postgresql docs to match running version (ENT-4436)
    - Updated role database entry on POST requests instead of deletion and creation
      This change was made to avoid deleting related to role entries because previously while role updating the database entry is deleted and recreated.
    - HTTPS protocol is now used in CLI commands (ENT-4361)
    - Fixed license count for hosts with duplicate entries in lastseen DB
    - Variable values can no longer be NULL in reporting
      The reporting system doesn't distinguish between NULL
      and empty string. Previously, variables with value
      "" would show up in psql as NULL. This can be
      cumbersome when writing queries, and doesn't
      accurately reflect the variable value in policy.
      NULLs are now converted to empty string before
      insert. This change only affects 2 tables in
      postgresql: "variables" and "variableslog".
      This change can trigger a rebase if you already
      have reporting data with variablevalue=NULL.
    - cf-hub now validates that variable types are within range (ENT-4507)

        Packaging changes:
    - Added ubuntu 18 to the list of build platforms (ENT-4041)
    - Clean php extensions directory before install (ENT-2614)
    - Disable phar read only (ENT-4126)
    - Do not check for absence of postgresql directory before migration
    - Fixed patterns not to include square brackets (ENT-4515)
    - Fixed running cfengine3 init script in AIX RPMs (ENT-4305)
    - Rewrote PostgreSQL migration (ENT-4353)
    - Set -e in package scriptlets (ENT-3385)
    - Set explicit permissions on the install log file (ENT-4506)
    - Updated dependency table (ENT-4227)
    - Password operations are now hidden from the install log (ENT-4512)
    - Internal keys are now rotated on every upgrade (ENT-4515)
    - Updated lcov from 1.13 to 1.14
    - Updated lmdb from 0.9.22 to 0.9.23
    - Updated pcre from 8.42 to 8.43
    - Updated sasl2 from 2.1.26 to 2.1.27
    - Updated libiconv from 1.15 to 1.16
    - Updated libxml2 from 2.9.8 to 2.9.9
    - Updated libyaml from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2
    - Updated openldap from 2.4.46 to 2.4.47
    - Updated libcurl-hub from 7.61.1 to 7.64.1
    - Updated apr from 1.6.5 to 1.7.0
    - Updated apache from 2.4.35 to 2.4.39
    - Updated postgresql-hub from 11.0 to 11.3
    - Updated php from 7.2.11 to 7.3.5
    - Updated libcurl from 7.61.1 to 7.64.1
    - Updated OpenSSL from 1.1.1 to 1.1.1b
    - Updated git from 2.19.1 to 2.21.0
    - Upgraded CodeIgniter from 3.1.3 to 3.1.10 (ENT-4486)

    - Make class inventory available via inventory API (ENT-3885)
    - Add custom SQL condition info to the Help page. (ENT-3821)
    - Add line number to the promise execution log (ENT-3925)
    - Add the policy file hash to the promise execution log (ENT-3996)
    - Added an error summary when running cf-hub --query
    - Allow to deselect default role. (ENT-3854)
    - Change default limit of inventory widgets. (ENT-3875)
    - Change design center data processing. (ENT-3818)
    - Change/policy url format was changed (ENT-3895)
    - Changed exit codes of cf-hub to be much more useful
      In short, when using --query, exit code will be number of failed
      host report collections, up to 100. 101+ are reserved for specific
      error conditions. See documentation for full details.
      Ticket: (ENT-3829)
    - Fixed issue when Changes report sometimes was shown empty. (ENT-3894)
    - Clean up grammar in bootstrap tour (ENT-3912)
    - Clear hosts references in case of host was deleted. (ENT-3902)
    - Group hosts without category into a "hosts without category" category
      in a hosts tree (ENT-3877)
    - Export with several order by expressions was fixed. (ENT-3943)
    - Fix array encoding in Pest methods. (ENT-3818)
    - Fix different order in exported reports. (ENT-3982)
    - Fix error message on host tree when a user does not have any role.
    - Fix inventory filter value cannot be changed after clicking close button.
    - Fix waiting for element in selenium CustomAlertCondtionTest
    - Fix wrong hosts are using the same identity diagnostic reports.
    - Handle unauthorized XHR requests. (ENT-3992)
    - Hide edit user possibility for external users. (ENT-3940)
    - Link to host page was added in Inventory report. (ENT-516)
    - Method to define the default inventory filter condition was fixed.
    - New type of report was added to identify hosts likely using same identity.
    - Parsing of Changes/policy exclude and include parameters were changed.
    - Pause/Resume tour guide  possibility was added (ENT-3867)
    - Refresh materialized view in case of a host was bootstrapped.
    - Remove wrong code that produces warnings from cli_tasks. (ENT-3928)
    - Removing a user confirmation text was changed. (ENT-3643)
    - Report Hosts never collected from was added to health diagnostics
    - Report Hosts never collected from was added to health diagnostics
    - Report Several hosts likely using same identity (ENT-3550)
    - Fix issue with exporting big (2-5M records) reports by running export
      by parts (ENT-3870)
    - Set sendmail protocol selected by default. (ENT-3815)
    - Show apply, cancel, clear buttons on reports with filter. (ENT-3881)
    - Show ldap users into internal users tab. (ENT-3909)
    - Show license reminder when licenseGranted more than 25. (ENT-3653)
    - Silenced error about row number in error_log (ENT-3565)
    - The SQL query to get hosts information was fixed. (ENT-3900)
    - Tour guide about what's new in Mission Portal (ENT-3853)
    - Validation improvements on LDAP settings. (ENT-3816)
    - adjust enterprise code for atexit to cleanup refactoring (ENT-3756)
    - fix host count group by in Firefox (ENT-3893)
    - refine data_generator documentation (ENT-3887)

        Packaging changes:
    - Make runalerts.php executable. (ENT-3921)
    - Move old shared/GUI files aside during upgrade (ENT-3898)
    - Set right owner and permissions to httpd/htdocs. (ENT-3906)
    - Treat php.ini as a config file by pacakge (ENT-3835)
    - Update PHP from 7.2.6 to 7.2.11
    - Upgrade PostgreSQL from 10.4 to 11.0
    - Update git from 2.17.0 to 2.19.1
    - Update Apache from 2.4.33 to 2.4.35
    - Update APR from 1.6.3 to 1.6.5
    - Upgrade CURL from 7.59.0 to 7.61.0
    - Upgrade libacl from 2.2.52 to 2.2.53
    - Update libattr from 2.4.47 to 2.4.48
    - Upgrade YAML from 0.1.7 to 0.2.1
    - Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1

    - Get cmdline info about all processes at once on windows (ENT-2536)
    - Redis database and cf-consumer are no longer used
      All reports are applied to postgres from cf-hub worker threads.
      Logging and measurements have been updated to reflect this change.
      Reporting statuses (success, failure, rebase, retry) are no longer
      duplicated in these two databases. All statuses are stored and read
      from postgres
      The diagnostics measurement redis_processing_time_per_host has been
      replaced by hub_processing_time_per_host, tracking the time
      hub uses to apply reports to postgres (excluding time spent
      collecting report from client) (ENT-2814)
    - Added ability to exclude specific hosts from dashboard alert conditions
    - Added the option to skip mailing scheduled reports if 0 records added
    - System V init now notifies when it skips managing postgres because of HA
    - Inventory charts were added to dashboard (ENT-3234)
    - Custom SQL-based condition type was added (ENT-3553)
    - Remove old LDAP implementation
      /api/settings only supports ldapHost(ldapApiUrl) and ldapEnabled(ldap or
      internal) now. All other settings are managed with /ldap/settings API.
    - Mail settings were added into Settings and Welcome tour parts
    - Warn when attempting to delete missing *.diff file during serving rebase
      query by cf-serverd (ENT-3261)
    - Ensure that runalerts.php is shutdown when using sysvinit (ENT-3310)
    - Categorization view sharing in the hosts app fixed (ENT-3110)
    - Add default alert for failed policy deployment (ENT-3436)
    - Increase auto-increment limits for __PromiseLog, __MonitoringMgMeta,
      __MonitoringYrMeta tables (ENT-3404)
    - Add b-tree index for variable value - improving inventory and variable
      table equality and 'like' lookup performance (ENT-3393)
    - Improve loading of monitoring app (ENT-3232)
    - Reordered --help output and fixed smaller inconsistencies (ENT-3562)
    - Validate Class Regex properly in Mission Portal Hosts tree (ENT-3340)
    - Increase password limit to 100 characters (ENT-2767)
    - Sync masterfiles-stage with core-contrib (ENT-3434)
    - Remove extra column "host key" in report export (ENT-3102)
    - Inventory Policy Release ID by default (CFE-2097)
    - Fixed lastseen interval values in LastSeenHosts report (ENT-3320)
    - Include Agent Execution Status report in rebase query replies (ENT-3246)
    - Disable Design Center by default (ENT-3462)
    - Added inventory API
    - Speed up host tree loading (ENT-3474)
    - Include time to pack reports in benchmarks (ENT-3323)
    - Fix multiple users to subscribing to same report
    - Added Event API
    - Ignore non numeric values in free disk space report (ENT-3305)
    - Added Host count API and trend widget for dashboard (ENT-3484)
    - Inventory UI now uses inventory API (ENT-2801)
    - Increased cf-hub network timeout from 10 to 30 seconds (ENT-3153)
    - Changed exit codes of cf-hub to be much more useful
      In short, when using --query, exit code will be number of failed
      host report collections, up to 100. 101+ are reserved for specific
      error conditions. (ENT-3829)
    - Added an error summary when running cf-hub --query
    - Remove count of updates installed from host info page
      Updates installed are only available for some platforms and only from the legacy
      package promise implementation. It is being removed to avoid making users think
      no patches are installed when the platform doesn't differentiate patch installs
      from base packages (ENT-3401)
    - Query API response now properly informs of invalid requests (ENT-3226)
    - New type of report was added to identify hosts likely using same identity
    - Report Hosts never collected from was added to health diagnostics (ENT-3551)
    - Windows 10 OS is now correctly detected for platform classes (ENT-3363)

    Packaging changes:
    - Optimise Windows version generation
    - Use share/GUI as template when purging httpd/htdocs dir (ENT-3217)
    - Removed obsolete options from PostgreSQL config (ENT-3656)
    - Added cf_net.exe to msi packaging
    - Remove package installation of cf-twin (CFE-2029)
    - Remove unused sysconfig variable RUN_CF_HUB (CFE-2739)
    - Run ldap migration script in postinstall.sh (ENT-3284)
    - Ensure Enterprise Hub package upgrade aborts when backup fails (ENT-3336)
    - Enable LDAP support in PHP (ENT-3373)
    - Run ldap post-install.sh after installation (ENT-3382)
    - Set default memory_limit for php to 256M (ENT-3391)
    - Upgrade using pg_upgrade instead of dump/restore (ENT-3398)
    - Remove libphp5.so (ENT-3520)
    - Remove libmcrypt dependency
    - Update PCRE from 8.40 to 8.42
    - Update rsync from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3
    - Update PostgreSQL from 9.6.2 to 10.4
    - Update git from 2.13.0 to 2.17.1
    - Update LMDB from 0.9.19 to 0.9.22
    - Update libxml2 from 2.9.4 to 2.9.8
    - Update PHP from 5.6.30 to 7.2.6
    - Update OpenSSL from 1.0.2k to 1.1.0h
    - Update CURL from 7.54.0 to 7.60.0
    - Update OpenLDAP from 2.4.44 to 2.4.46
    - Update Apache from 2.4.25 to 2.4.33
    - Update APR from 1.5.2 to 1.6.3
    - Update APR-util from 1.5.4 to 1.6.1

    - Optimize Query API by removing subsequent count query for pagination
    - cf-monitord: fix custom measurements of type counter
    - Fix saved report access by roles (ENT-3099)
    - Add button for copy host link (ENT-3096)
    - Logs from mission portal moved outside webroot folder (ENT-2758)
    - Maintain sorting of columns in export inventory report (ENT-614)
    - Can't export csv fix (ENT-3092)
    - Make host links clickable (ENT-3094)
    - Show changes reports for “today” by default (ENT-2840)
    - Add global host search (ENT-3059)
    - Add CoreOS to the default hosts tree (ENT-3135)
    - Fix bogus error messages output from cf-monitord with custom measurements
      promises (ENT-2595)
    - Add possibility to save username with dots
    - Fix disapearing hosts after upgrade (ENT-3112)
    - Enforce license expiry correctly (remove extra month) (ENT-2261)
    - Fix file descriptor leak in hub's cf-serverd with call-collected clients
    - Stop service cfengine3 status from warning on multiple httpd processes
    - Monitoring app in Mission Portal never loads (ENT-3232)
    - BugFix: allow multiple users to subscribe to same report
    - Categorization view sharing in the hosts app fixed (ENT-3110)
    - Warn when attempting to delete missing *.diff file during serving rebase query by cf-serverd (ENT-3261)
    - Clear inventory lists from braces and quotes (ENT-154)

    Packaging changes:
    - Create a tar.gz binary package for CoreOS or other systems
    - Fix: Mission Portal availability on install without running policy
    - Fix inability to correctly manage cf-postgres service after
      upgrade (CFE-2545)
    - Relocate Mission Portal application logs
      Mission Portals application logs have moved from
      /var/cfengine/httpd/htdocs/application/logs to
      /var/cfengine/httpd/logs/application (ENT-2758)
    - Set default timezone for php to UTC (ENT-3131)
    - Update autoconf from 2.60 to 2.69
    - Update curl from 7.50.3 to 7.53.1
    - Update libiconv from 1.14 to 1.15
    - Upgrade to LMDB 0.9.19
    - Remove postgresql dependency on agents in our binary packages
    - Update libcurl to 7.54.1
    - Remove libvirt dependency from our binary packages (ENT-3164)
    - Update lcov from 1.10 to 1.13
    - Update PCRE from 8.39 to 8.41
    - Update Apache from 2.4.25 to 2.4.27
    - Update Redis from 3.2.6 to 3.2.9
    - Update PostgreSQL from 9.6.1 to 9.6.3
    - Update PHP from 5.6.29 to 5.6.31
    - Upgrade openldap from 2.4.44 to 2.4.45
    - Update Git from 2.10.2 to 2.13.3

    - Upgrade CFEngine dependencies to the following versions:
      - PostgreSQL 9.6.0
      - Redis 3.2.4
      - PHP 5.6.26
      - Git 2.10.1
    - Add: Inventory for system product name (model) (ENT-2780)
    - Change: Disable TCP and redis (ENT-2761)
    - Change: Rename duplicate bodies in ha_update.cf (ENT-2753)
    - Add: Ensure appropriate permissions for SSL files (ENT-760)
    - Fix cf-serverd being launched under wrong account on Windows.
    - Enterprise: Fix Postgres database migration from 3.8- to 3.9+.
    - Hub package no longer depends on libltdl. (ENT-2714)
    - Add: Enterprise appliaction log dir to rotation
    - Change: Session Cookies use HTTPOnly and secure attribtues (ENT-2781)
    - Change: re-enable hub process maintainance
    - Change: Disable RC4 Cipher for ssl in Mission Portal
    - Change: Reduce php info leak
    - Change: Reduce Enteprise webserver info
    - Fix errors of type "No file object exsists in path" on
    - Canonify class names stored in class history log. (ENT-2821)
    - Change: Disable autocomplete for login
    - Fix a bug which incorrectly detected PostgreSQL running
      status when running "/etc/init.d/cfengine3 status".
    - Optimize Query API by removing subsequent count query for
      pagination. (ENT-2829)

    - Change: Render Mission Portal httpd.conf with mustache
      (Jira ENT-2568)
    - Change: Switch to http redirect by default (Jira ENT-2071)
    - Fix exporting CSV reports through HTTPS. (Redmine #7267)
    - Add: Bundle to generate a self signed cert for Mission Portal
    - For call collect in Enterprise, default collect_window
      setting increased from 10 to 30 seconds for reliability reasons
      in large-scale environments.
    - Upgrade CFEngine dependencies to the following versions:
      - Apache     2.4.20
      - Git        2.8.3
      - PHP        5.6.22
      - PostgreSQL 9.5.3
      - Redis      3.0.7
      - rsync      3.1.2
      (Jira ENT-2720)
    - Fix scheduled report not beeing emailed when report type is set to only contain CSV file type.
      (Redmine #3780, #7619)
    - Introduce class json log. (Redmine #7951)
    - Introduce new promise log logging. (Redmine #7887)
    - Fix broken call collect. (Redmine #7701)
    - Fix error logging to MP via HTTPS. (Redmine #7687)

        No Enterprise specific fixes for 3.8.2, see Community changelog.

    - Upgrade CFEngine Enterprise dependencies to the following versions:
      - OpenSSL   1.0.2e
      - PCRE      8.38
      - libxml2   2.9.3
      - OpenLDAP  2.4.43
      - Redis     3.0.6
      - PHP       5.6.17
      - libcurl   7.46.0
      - Git       2.6.5

    - Move hub_log from /var/cfengine to /var/cfengine/log.
    - Change in behaviour: when running "cf-hub -q -H" manual
      report collection, policy is parsed before collecting, so there must be
      valid policy in inputs directory. (Redmine #7542)
    - Introduce by field truncation for promise execution entries.
      (Redmine #7466)
    - Move promise_summary.log into /var/cfengine/log directory.

    Bug fixes:
    - CFEngine on Windows no longer truncates log messages if the
      program in question is killed halfway through.
    - For call collect in Enterprise, default collect_window
      setting increased from 10 to 30 seconds for reliability reasons
      in large-scale environments.
    - Fix package not installing on Windows 2008 32-bit. (Redmine #7478)
    - Fix not being able to delete log files while CFEngine is running on
      Windows. (Redmine #7149)
    - Fix: Typo in cf-hub error message
    - Fix resource restrictions of SQL API matching table names as substrings.
      (Redmine #7536)
    - Removed error message from cf-serverd when not finding software inventory.
      E.g. "Failed to access current state for report: 'software'".
    - Fix last agent run timestamp in Agents not reporting (health bar).
      (Redmine #7406)

    Bug fixes:
    - For call collect in Enterprise, default collect_window
      setting increased from 10 to 30 seconds for reliability reasons
      in large-scale environments.
    - CFEngine on Windows no longer truncates log messages if the
      program in question is killed halfway through.
    - Fix: Typo in cf-hub error message
    - Removed error message from cf-serverd when not finding software inventory.
      E.g. "Failed to access current state for report: 'software'".

    Behavior changes:
    - Change in behaviour: when running "cf-hub -q -H" manual
      report collection, policy is parsed before collecting, so there must be
      valid policy in inputs directory. (Redmine #7542)

    Bug fixes:
    - Fix resource restrictions of SQL API matching table names as substrings.
      (Redmine #7536)
    - Add truncation for promise attribute sizes to prevent 
      from ignoring to long reports. (Redmine: #7466)
    - Fix last agent run timestamp in Agents not reporting (health bar).
      (Redmine #7406)
    - Fix noise from internal policy to upgrade windows agents
      (Redmine #7456)
    - Fix package not installing on Windows 2008 32-bit. (Redmine #7478)

    Mission Portal:
    - Multiple dashboards
    - Dashboard sharing
    - 'Changes' report type added
    - 'Changes' widget introduced
    - Added more out-of-the-box inventory variables

    Bug fixes:
    - Fix for health status in header occasionally not loading
    - Fixed icons disappearing from host categorization dropdown after editing
        - Process matching on Windows has been rewritten, which should make
          process promises work more reliable there. (Redmine #6977)
        - Failure in output log cleanup on Windows has been fixed. (Redmine

    - Introduce Changes API
    - Remove PromiseExecutionsLog (replaced with Changes API)
    - Remove SoftwareUpdatesLog

    Bug fixes:
    - Ignore empty log messages while logging promise executions in cf-agent evaluation.
    - Fix Postgres CPU usage spikes.
    - Fix upgrate for monitoring.
    - Fix duplicate key value violates unique constraint "status_pkey" error.
    - Reduce database size in high load hub by making vacuum strategy more aggressive.

        Bug fixes:
        - Fix cleaning-up monitoring during upgrade.
    - Remove unused bundles.lmdb to reduce agent I/O usage. 
        - Redesign classes and variables storage (for reporting) to reduce I/O usage.
        - Improve API performance for DELETE requests on /api/host/:id resources. 
        Mission Portal:
        - Small CSS changes
        - Widgets & alerts view - UI changes
        - Updated links to support portal

        Bug fixes:
        - Fix "cfe_autorun_inventory_dmidecode" error message on Windows if
          Powershell is not installed.
        - Fix bogus failed promise, "cfe_internal...", as a result of indexing
          packages for the inventory screen. (Redmine #6865)

        Mission Portal:
        - LDAP settings UI improvements
        - Unsaved SQL and Inventory Reports are preserved while refreshing/navigating in browser browser
        - Help text: Added instructions to turn on Monitoring data
        - Health bar dropdown labels and reports renamed

        - Introduce automatic rebase for the client if the client have not been successfully 
          collected for defined period of time. Timeout is set by client_history_timeout 
          attibute in hub body and if it is not set, it defaults to 6 hours.
          Note: During rebase all accumulated reports up till that event 
                are ignored and not collected by the cf-hub.

       Mission Portal:
       - Added license information to header
       - General UI cleanups and small bug fixes
       - Optimization of Software Updates alert
       - Inventory reports:
         - Made software filtering case insensitive
         - Updated help text
         - Performance improvements
       - Alerts:
         - Bug fix for duplicate alerts in overview
         - Bug fixes for deleting alerts & widgets
       - Settings:
         - LDAP search filter help text & validation

       - Monitoring magnified and monitoring yearly database schema have been redesigned
         to reduce database disk space usage over time.
       - RBAC backend have been redesigned from dynamically generated tmp views 
         to static global views that use session variables for passing context filters
         and host identifier. Filtering also switched from dynamically generated queries
         to Full Text Search.
        Mission Portal:
        - UI changes: redesigned alerts + conditions overview screen
        - Layout improvement of alert results view
        - Added navigation menu buttons to dashboard + alerts screens
        - High Availability status added to header bar
        - Custom notification script UI added to settings and alert editing
        - Added 'Low disk space' alert + 'System health' widget OOTB
        - Bug fixing/small UI improvements

       - 'cf-key --install-license' installs hub-specific license key file "fqname-hostkey.dat"
         in $WORKDIR/licenses, where they can easily be managed centrally via a VCS
       - hub-specific license file is searched in $WORKDIR/licenses before license.dat is searched
         in $WORKDIR, $WORKDIR/inputs and $WORKDIR/masterfiles
       - Where appropriate, Enterprise API returns proper NULL json objects rather than literal
         "NULL" values

       Mission Portal:
       - streamlined UI for inventory reporting
       - fix username/role lookup failures if external authentication backend is case insensitive
       - reduce number of LDAP roundtrips
       - allow filtering of reports by category
       - allow reordering of widgets on dashboard
       - UI for bulk-deleting decommissioned hosts from "health" menu
       - various behind-the-scene fixes and improvements to speed up UI and reporting

       Platform support:
       - Introduced Windows support into the CFEngine 3.6 series.

       Mission Portal:
       - UI and layout improvements and cleanups
       - Dashboard and alerts introduced
       - Inventory report type and view introduced
       - Report categories introduced
       - CFEngine health indicator added to UI with links to associated reports
       - Host number indicator added to UI
       - Inline help and help pop-ups added for new features
       - Welcome tour pop-up introduced
       - Host filter UI improvements - search host name, select/deselect all
       - About CFEngine page - license and version information has moved to a dedicated page in settings
       - Fixes for IE8 compatibility
       - Added option in UI to allow logging in to Mission Portal over https
       - Design Center sketch catalog redesign - sketches can now be filtered by category, tag, or search
       - UI to reset git settings in Design Center

       - Remove --cache / -a command line option from cf-hub binary
       - Remove --index / -i command line option from cf-hub binary
       - Remove --maintain / -m command line option from cf-hub binary (Maintenance process have been implemented in the policy)
       - Remove MongoDB Diagnostics
       - Promise repaired/notkept log have been removed from report collection. It have been replaced by promise executions report.
       - Total compliance report have been removed from report collection.
       - Setuid report have been removed.
       - Promise definitions report have been removed.
       - Promise and bundle compliance reports have been removed. Their functionality have been replaced with promise executions report.
       - Reporting database and report collection architecture have been redesigned to improve performance and scalability characteristics.
       - MongoDB reporting database have been replaced with PostgreSQL 9.3
       - Context, Variable, Software Installed, Software Patches and Promise Execution reports support history over time.
         History length is controlled per report type and can be configured in cfe_internal_hub_maintain bundle.
       - Introduce new hub query type: 'rebase' ('full' query aliases 'rebase') for re-downloading full state of the client in current moment.
         Rebase query result overwrites all non-historical entries about the host in the database.
       - Include meta data contents to contexts and variables reports.

       Enterprise Rest API:
       - Rest interface for Design center
       - Additional information returned for host (lastreport and firstseen)
       - Rest API 2.2 (/rest API) have been removed.
       - Enterprise API performance have been improved.
       - SQL API table schema have been redesigned.
       - Remove API cache.
       - Pagination and sorting improvements.
       - Introduce 'hostIdentifier' setting to /api/settings.
       - Fixes in LDAP support.
       - Delete host API now additionally removes host from lastseen database as also removes host public key.

       Bug fixes:
       - Removed MongoDB
       - cf-serverd for Windows now binds to both IPv4 and IPv6 by default, not just IPv6. (Redmine #3980)
       - cf-agent now reports host packages installed and available by default. (Redmine #3257)
       - Fixed incorrect file diff generation when a line had moved within a file, and
         certain other corner cases. (Redmine #5015)
       - Windows fixes:
         - CFEngine now handles Windows newlines correctly within text files when editing or using
           the module protocol. Existing text files will keep their newline type (either LF or
           CRLF), whereas new files will get CRLF newlines. (Redmine #4733)
         - CFEngine will no longer display a blocking popup if it crashes.
         - CFEngine now reports uptime correctly on Windows.

       Enterprise extensions:
       - Remove promise_notkept_log_include, promise_notkept_log_exclude, promise_repaired_log_include, promise_repaired_log_exclude (syntax is valid but not functional)
       - Remove classes_include, classes_exclude, variables_include, variables_exclude (syntax is valid but not functional)
       - Introduce promise_handle_include, promise_handle_exclude attributes from report_data_select
       - Introduce metatags_include, metatags_exclude attributes from report_data_select
       - Deprecate export_zenoss attribute
       - Introduce promise_execution.log containing outcome and information about all executed promises.
         It can be found under cfengine/state/ data format is CSV.
       - Agent execution time have been included into benchmarks report.
       - After disabling report_data_select filtering rule, include last known value in next packaged report.

       Bug fixes:
       - purge old data for promises with long promise handles (Redmine #3438)
       - fix constraint violation in PromiseDefinitions table which resulted in error everytime this table was loaded (Redmine #3370)
       - enable update of promise definitions database from policy
       - fix cfengine3 init.d script to correctly detect debian systems with yum installed (Redmine #3589)

       Mission Portal:
       - various layout and UI fixes
       - fix editing of event trackers
       - speed up listing of hosts for promises not kept - maintain host context (Redmine #3474)
       - ability to manually add context filter in the SQL app (Redmine #3466)
       - host identifier settings simplified (Redmine #3101)

       Packaging fixes:
       - Correct php.ini path in the packaged httpd (Redmine #3445)
       - Add missing mongodb tools in ubuntu/debian hub packages (Redmine #3444)
       - Fix manpath error for SLES (Redmine #3539)
       - Fix file permissions - some policy files had executable bit set (Redmine #3521)

       - MongoDB has been upgraded to version 2.2.4
       - monitoring data has moved into a separate database
         See db-move-monitoring-to-cfmonitor.js script to migrate data

       Bug Fixes:
       - Fix segfault of cf-serverd on HP-UX
       - Do not to start a mongodb repair unnecessarily
       - cf-hub -H now supports multiple hosts

       Mission Portal:
       - Reports can be published and shared between users
       - Various UI improvements
       - Optimizations in the report engine

       Mission Portal:
       - SQL queries can be shared between users
       - Fix timing issues for downloading large SQL reports
       - Purge sketch data when no longer used by active sketches
       - Uninstall sketches that have no activation
       - Support for boolean, menu option and optional parameters in Design Center UI
       - UI fixes to user and role management pages
       - Delete navigation tree definitions of deleted uses
       - Fixes to password reset
       - General UI improvments
       - Fixes for IE8 compatibility

       - Perform a database repair from init script if unclean shutdown of mongod is detected - Redmine #3035
       - Data collection and cf-hub
           - Improved database connection handling during report collection by cf-hub.
       - REST APIs support an optional disableCache flag; when set, the backend always hits the MongoDB - Redmine #2945

       Bug Fixes:
       - don't generate ERR message during maintenance if environments couldn't be queried, changed to INFO message
       - Fix usemodule on Windows (Redmine #1884)
       - Fixed replica set detection (regression in 3.5) - Redmine #2806
       - Set correct precision format when storing db diagnostics to avoid null-values
       - Fix possible division-by-zero bug in compliance meters (Redmine #2734)

       New features:
       - Mission Portal
           - added Design Center UI to simplify sketch activation, including MP specific git settings to support version control of sketch configurations
           - re-focused apps support quick navigation
           - added persisting host and policy context between apps
           - extended the SQL builder interface with more tables
               - Added FirstReportTimeStamp into Hosts table in SQL REST API.
                 This time value represent fist report time after bootstrap,
                 already bootstrapped agents will set this with first report after update.
               - Added regular expression support to SQL queries
               - HostContext filter support in SQL REST API.
           - added global navigation trees which are only editable by admins, including the option to share trees with other users

       - REST API extensions
           - New optional parameters for REST API were added: hostContextInclude and hostContextExclude (array type)
           - PromiseContext filter support in SQL REST API.
             New optional parameter for REST API was added: promiseContext (input: all / user / system)

       - Data collection and cf-hub
           - Added set and clear triggers for persistently disabling CFEngine components.
             eg. to disable cf-monitord, run cf-agent with "-Dset_persistent_disable_cf_monitord"
             to re-enable use: "-Dclear_persistent_disable_cf_monitord"
           - Host side report content filter for class, variable, promise log and monitoring reports.
             Controlled by report_data_select body in access promise.
           - Diagnostics logging and SQL REST API for MongoDB, report collection and maintenance process on the enterprise hub.
       - Windows
           - Windows Powershell support. execresult(), returnszero() and commands promises now
             supports "powershell" as an option in addition to the "noshell" and "useshell" variants.
             "powershell" is also added as a hard class in order to test whether Powershell is available.

       - Mission Portal
           - new visual design
           - streamlined interactions for building new trees
           - trees are now loaded lazily
           - general clean-up to the tree controls
           - hosts in trees are no longer color coded
           - hosts are only classified as red, green or missing data
           - operating system tree is now loaded by default
           - SQL queries are now run by default after clicking their respective links, running a query is now primary action in the UI (#2393)
           - data and result sets can now by filtered based on navi-tree
           - logged-in user's name is visible again in the toolbar
           - removed beta apps
       - Windows
           - Improved ACL handling on Windows, which led to some syntax changes. We now consistently
             use the term "default" to describe ACLs that can be inherited by child objects. These
             keywords have received new names:
               acl_directory_inherit -> acl_default
                specify_inherit_aces -> specify_default_aces
             The old keywords are deprecated, but still valid. In addition, a new keyword
             "acl_inherit" controls inheritance behavior on Windows. This feature does not exist on
             Unix platforms.
       - Enterprise API
           - Export SQL results to sqlite3 database file
       - Data Collection and cf-hub
           - cf-hub has got an option -q to query reports from the running agent.
             This option used to reside in cf-runagent, and has been moved to cf-hub.
           - Full and delta reports send only mon and sys variables as also hosts excluding policy
             server are reporting only subset of monitoring data.
             This can be changed using access promise in default cf_serverd.cf policy.
       - Removed license checking on hosts.

       - Mission Portal
           - promise finder now does string matching
           - assigning roles in user management now makes sense
           - report builder now has a "new query" button
           - blue hosts' lacking data history is indicated correctly now
           - CSS fixes
           - finders no longer load duplicate list items
           - Fix inconsistent behavior of black host status directly after install.
       - Enterprise API
           - Fix some REST queries not working on replica secondaries (eg. the /rest/host/:id)
       - Remove HTML output from Total Compliance report

3.0.x   Removed unused options "[-t][-r][-u]" from cf-know

3.0.1   $(sys.licenses_installtime) variable removed from "Enterprise Free"

3.0.0   New Reporting Engine: A SQL interface to reports collected by hub.

    We allow all standardised SQL SELECT constructs to query the SQL reports database, with the following additions:
        - TIMESTAMP_UNIX() - seconds elapsed since 1970
        - TIMESTAMP_UNIX_DAYS() - days elapsed since 1970
    These are added to avoid use of non-portable SQL date/time functions.

        Enterprise API:
                Read + write REST interface for
                - report querying(utilizes underlying reporting engine)
                - user management
                - can be used with REST API v1 in parallel

        Configurable hostnames(host/system identifier) in reports
                - can take any of the sys variables(eg.$(sys.fqhost))

        When decommissioning (deleting a host) from the Mission Portal/Enterprise API,
        the public keys of the clients are also removed

        Ability to delete multiple hosts from the mission portal

        Improvements on the hub maintenance process
                - less resource intensive and configurable
                - New option for cf-hub added (-m) for Enterprise database maintenance

        Fixes on database connections problems
                - If you were seeing "connection refused because too many open connections",
                  in database log please consider upgrading

        Changed "nova>" to "enterprise>" in agent verbose output
                - Please update email filters

        Removed internal CFE promises from reporting

        New classes enterprise, enterprise_X, enterprise_X_Y, enterprise_X_Y_Z
    on CFEngine Enterprise, to reflect the version running. New variable
    sys.enterprise_version that holds the CFEngine Enterprise version.
    This complements the Nova classes and the sys.nova_version variable,
    which will eventually be deprecated.

        Fix file change report containing warning message as filename for new/deleted files

        File diff log (nova_diff.log) have been extended with promise handle name.

        Total compliance output in cf-agent verbose mode and promise_summary.log
        have been extended with user and cfengine internal compliance level.

        System variables are collected by hub in every delta query

        Fix software reports showing "(never)" in the "Last seen" column

        Fix "blue hosts" list being empty for clients that don't have class keys

        Sendmail is installed by default on the hub - required for emailing of reports

        32-bit hub installations no longer supported

    Created a variable update_policy.mongodb_dir, for cases where MongoDB
    should not run out of /var/cfengine/state (could grow to tens of gigabytes).

    Removed commercial_customer class, as it was unused in internal policies.
    Please use enterprise_edition instead if you used this in your policies.

    New performance report events: DBPurgeHostsAll, DBMaintenance,
    DBMaintenanceTimestampsSingleHost, DBCacheCompliance, DBReportCollectAll.

    License verification is made more robust by not relying on the last-seen
    database anymore. This means you do not need to bootstrap a client to
    verify the license. See the cf-key --install-license option.

    More diagnostics on report collection from cf-hub. Logging more
    useful information in cf-hub -l, measuring total collection time
    in benchmarks report, under id "ReportCollectAll".

    Fixed issue where client would show as green in the Mission Portal when no
    data was received, e.g. due to access or license error at client.
    Now correctly shows as blue in these cases.

    Greatly reduced amount of connections from cf-hub
    to localhost mongodb. Now there is one connection per
    cf-hub run (max 50), before it was three per client.

    Software and variable report now contains end-node discovery time.

    Software and patches available/status reports contain maximum 5-minute old data,
    improved from 6 hours in last release. This will only apply to clients
    that are upgraded to 2.2.0.

    Software report query from Mission Portal is much faster on larger data-sets due
    to removal of autocomplete feature.

    Upgraded mongod from version 1.8.2 to 2.0.4, which increases
    efficiency on concurrency and reduces memory usage.

    New function hostswithclass() that generates a list of hosts in a given class
    on the hub.

    The bundled failsafe.cf policy now has trustkey=false to avoid IP spoofing
    attacks in default policy

    New interface with interactive graphs on Nova hub.

    User management on hub.

    Allowing TAB in file diff report. Better handling
    of large diffs and attempts to diff binaries.

    Support for adding notes to all hosts and reports.

    Support for policy staging environments.

    Nova reports can be exported to file and imported manually
    using cf-report -x and cf-report -i.

    Faster collection of monitoring (vitals) data due to
    new protocol and data structure.

    Long-term storage (one year) of diff and changes reports.

    The variables report got a last-seen column. Now variables
    are stored in the hub for a longer time like classes,
    and not overwritten on every update.

    The report of reports-promises are shown in the promise repaired log
    in the Mission Portal.

    New option cf-hub --cache, recreates the cache data needed
    by the web interface.

    Only showing the last seen host name and ip address when
    listing hosts and on the host page.

    Reliability improvements, especially when querying
    the variables report.

    Much faster report querying.

    Allows to specify age interval when querying promise not
    kept and repaired.

    Promiser conflict identifcation.

    Built with Cfengine Community Edition 3.1.4.

    Fixed promise query of not kept/promise repaired logs.

    Windows Event Logs include output_prefix if set, and which component
    reported the event. The verbosity of event logs have been reduced
    by not including promise kept and repaired events, this can now be
    tuned with action.log_level.

    Take out network communications from total state calculation,
    as it gets counted twice.

    Encryption problems fixed in Community Edition.

    Built with Cfengine Community Edition 3.0.4p3.

    Regular expressions in file paths supported on Windows by using
    forward slash as path separator.

    CPU utilization report on Windows.
    Users logged in report on Windows.

    On the Windows cf-serverd, requests for /var/cfengine are
    translated to $(sys.workdir)\Cfengine, and path separators are
    automatically adjusted ("/" becomes "\"). This yields support for
    more platform-independent promises and allows for automatic
    copying of reports from Windows clients to the policy server.

    Scale on graphs in the Knowledge Map, and different background
    color gives more readability.

    Special functions added for accessing remote classes for distributed cooperation.

    Reports added to cf-report for compliance, setuid, file_changes etc.
    Added csv format also

    Automating topic map integration of policy, with impact analysis
    using promisee and builds_on promises.

    Literal string lookup in server.

    Database SQL and registry functions added. Verification and sanity
    checking of SQL database table structure. Create and destroy
    databases convergently.

    Access control list support for Linux.

    Powerful and lightweight promises for Customizable monitoring and
    system discovery promises added to cf-monitord.

    Longterm memory for 3 year trend analysis.