Unable to log into Mission Portal

Table of Contents

Mismatched names in SSL certificate

If your ssl certificate does not match the name used to access Mission Portal the api will not be able to authenticate and you will not be able to log in.

Verify the name used to access mission portal resolves correctly:

  • /etc/hosts contains a proper entry with the fqdn used to access Mission Portal listed in the second column. hub.cfengine.com hub
  • hostname -f returns the fqdn used to access Mission Portal.
  • hostname -s returns the short hostname

Mis-aligned oauth configuration

The API uses oauth internally to authenticate. Verify that client_secret for client_id MP matches $config['MP_CLIENT_SECRET'] in /var/cfengine/share/GUI/application/config/appsettings.php and $config['encryption_key'] in /var/cfengine/share/GUI/application/config/config.php.

Get MP client_secret:

[root@hub ~]# psql cfsettings -c "SELECT client_secret from oauth_clients where client_id = 'MP'";
(1 row)

Get $config['MP_CLIENT_SECRET'] in /var/cfengine/share/GUI/application/config/appsettings.php:

[root@hub ~]# grep MP_CLIENT_SECRET /var/cfengine/share/GUI/application/config/appsettings.php

Get $config['encryption_key'] in /var/cfengine/share/GUI/application/config/config.php.

[root@hub ~]# grep encryption_key /var/cfengine/share/GUI/application/config/config.php
$config['encryption_key'] = 'aUI2sAtrPpr1dmwZDCVuKONnMXHYHDLB';

Correct any mis-matches and run the policy to sync the application config and try to log into Mission Portal.

[root@hub ~]# cf-agent -Kf update.cf; cf-agent -KI
    info: Updated '/var/cfengine/httpd/htdocs/application/config/config.php' from source '/var/cfengine/share/GUI/application/config/config.php' on 'localhost'