Installing Enterprise on CoreOS

These instructions describe how to install the latest version of CFEngine Enterprise on CoreOS. The CoreOS package uses a file-system image in order to contain modifications to the root file-system.

Download Packages

Download the file-system image package for CoreOS from the Enterprise Downloads Page.

Install Package

  1. On the CoreOS Host, extract the fs-img-pkg.tar.gz archive:

    core@coreos ~ $ tar xvf cfengine-nova-3.19.0-1.x86_64.fs-img.pkg.tar.gz
  2. On the CoreOS Host, run the install script:

    core@coreos ~ $ sudo ./cfengine-nova-3.19.0-1.x86_64.fs-img.pkg/

Note: Install actions logged to /var/log/CFEngine-Install.log.


Run the bootstrap command:

core@coreos ~ $ sudo /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent --bootstrap <IP address of the Policy Server>

Next Steps

When bootstrapping is complete, CFEngine is up and running on your system. You can begin to manage the host through policy and report on its state from Mission Portal.