Verifying package signatures

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On the Download CFEngine, you will find sha256 checksums of all downloadable files which you can verify by using sha256sum tool.

In addition to this, *.deb and *.rpm packages (with the exception of AIX rpms) are cryptographically signed using gpg.

Validating signature of RPM

NOTE: AIX rpms currently are NOT signed because it's not supported on older versions of AIX.

  1. Import the public GPG key.
# rpm --import
  1. Validate the signature.
# rpm -K ./cfengine-nova-hub-3.12.2-2.x86_64.rpm 
./cfengine-nova-hub-3.12.2-2.x86_64.rpm: rsa sha1 (md5) pgp md5 OK

NOTE: If you don't import the public key first, you will get an error about the key missing:

# rpm -K ./cfengine-nova-hub-3.12.2-2.x86_64.rpm 
./cfengine-nova-hub-3.12.2-2.x86_64.rpm: RSA sha1 ((MD5) PGP) md5 NOT OK (MISSING KEYS: (MD5) PGP#a86e7afa) 

Validating signature of DEB

  1. Import the public GPG key.
# wget
# mkdir /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/7061B663A86E7AFA
# gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/7061B663A86E7AFA/debsig.gpg --import gpg.key
  1. Create a policy.
# mkdir /etc/debsig/policies/7061B663A86E7AFA
# cat >/etc/debsig/policies/7061B663A86E7AFA/cfengine3.pol
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Policy xmlns="">
  <Origin Name="cfengine3" id="7061B663A86E7AFA" Description="CFEngine 3"/>
    <Required Type="origin" File="debsig.gpg" id="7061B663A86E7AFA"/>
  <Verification MinOptional="0">
    <Required Type="origin" File="debsig.gpg" id="7061B663A86E7AFA"/>
  1. Validate the signature.
# debsig-verify cfengine-nova-hub_3.12.2-2_amd64.deb
debsig: Verified package from 'CFEngine 3' (cfengine3)