
Table of Contents

This guide documents our recommendation on how to upgrade an existing installation of CFEngine Enterprise 3.7.x to 3.11. Community users can use these instructions as a guide skipping the parts that are not relavent.

We recommend upgrading the Masterfiles Policy Framework first so that you can verify that the new policy will work with your old clients across the infrastructure. Once the latest policy has been deployed successfully we recommend upgrading the Policy Server and finally the remote agents.

Upgrading to 3.11 from versions older than 3.7 is more complicated as some functionality introduced in 3.11 is not compatible with versions 3.6 and earlier.

Upgrade the Masterfiles Policy Framework

The Masterfiles Policy Framework is available in the hub package, separately on the download page, or directly from the masterfiles repository on github.

Normally most files can be replaced with new ones, files that typically contain user modifications include promises.cf, controls/*.cf, and services/main.cf.

Once the Masterfiles Policy Framework has been upgraded, deployed and verified working as expected against the current infrastructure you are ready to upgrade the binaries on the Policy Server.

Upgrade Policy Server (3.7 to 3.11.X)

  1. Make a backup of the Policy Server, a full backup of /var/cfengine (or your WORKDIR equivalent) is recommended.

    • Stop the CFEngine services.
    • Verify that the output of ps -e | grep cf is empty.
    • cp -r /var/cfengine/ppkeys/ /root/3.7/ppkeys
    • tar cvzf /root/3.7/cfengine.tar.gz /var/cfengine
  2. Save the list of hosts currently connecting to the Policy Server.

    • cf-key -s > /root/3.7/hosts
  3. Start the CFEngine services

    • service cfengine3 start
  4. Install the new CFEngine Policy Server package (you may need to adjust the package name based on CFEngine edition, version and distribution).

    • rpm -U cfengine-nova-hub-3.11.0-1.x86_64.rpm # Red Hat based distribution
    • dpkg --install cfengine-nova-hub_3.11.0-1_amd64.deb # Debian based distribution
    • Check /var/log/CFEngineHub-Install.log for errors.
    • Use the following snippet to see potential updates for your postgresql.conf and make changes accordingly.

      # If total memory is lower than 3GB, we use the default pgsql conf file
      # If total memory is beyond 64GB, we use a shared_buffers of 16G
      # Otherwise, we use a shared_buffers equal to 25% of total memory
      total=$(awk '/^MemTotal:.*[0-9]+\skB/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo)
      echo "$total" | grep -q '^[0-9]\+$'
      if [ $? -ne 0 ] ;then
      echo "Error calculating total memory for setting postgresql shared_buffers";
      upper=$(( 64 * 1024 * 1024 ))  #in KB
      lower=$(( 3 * 1024 * 1024 ))   #in KB
      if [ "$total" -gt "$lower" ]; then
       if [ "$total" -ge "$upper" ]; then
         effect="11GB"        #70% of 16G
         shared=$(( $total * 25 / 100 / 1024 ))   #in MB
         effect=$(( $total * 70 / 100 / 1024 ))   #in MB
       sed -i -e "s/^.effective_cache_size.*/effective_cache_size=$effect/" /var/cfengine/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.cfengine
       sed -i -e "s/^shared_buffers.*/shared_buffers=$shared/" /var/cfengine/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.cfengine
       sed -i -e "s/^maintenance_work_mem.*/maintenance_work_mem=$maint/" /var/cfengine/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.cfengine
       diff -u /var/cfengine/state/pg/data/postgresql.conf /var/cfengine/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.cfengine
       echo "Warning: not enough total memory needed to set shared_buffers=2GB"
  5. Re-bootstrap the Policy Server to itself.

    /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent -B <POLICY-SERVER-IP>
  6. Regenerate self-signed certificate

    • cf-agent -b cfe_enterprise_selfsigned_cert
  7. Run the policy on the hub several times to converge the system

    • for i in 1 2 3; do /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent -KIf update.cf; /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent -KI; done
  8. Verify client connectivity.

    • Use cf-key -s to verify that connections from all clients have been established within 5-10 minutes.

If everything looks good, you are ready to upgrade the clients, please skip to Prepare Client upgrade (all versions) followed by Complete Client upgrade (all versions) below.

Prepare Client upgrade (all versions)

  1. Make client packages available on the Policy Server in /var/cfengine/master_software_updates, under the appropriate directories for the OS distributions you use.

  2. Turn on the auto-upgrade policy by setting the trigger_upgrade class. Set masterfiles/controls/update_def.cf or the augments_file (also known as def.json) for a small set of clients. For example in the appropriate update_def.cf file(s) change !any to an appropriate class like an IP network ipv4_10_10_1|ipv4_10_10_2 or in def.json

      "classes": {
       "trigger_upgrade": [ "ipv4_10_10_1", "ipv4_10_10_2" ]
  3. Verify that the selected hosts are upgrading successfully.

    As an Enterprise user, confirm that the hosts start appearing in Mission Portal after 5-10 minutes. The easiest way to do this is to use an Inventory Report and add the "CFEngine Version" column. Otherwise, log manually into a set of hosts to confirm the successful upgrade.

Complete Client upgrade (all versions)

Please note, the policy to use this method is designed for Enterprise packages. Community users can adjust the policy as necessary in order to work with community packages.

  1. Widen the group of hosts on which the trigger_upgrade class is set.
  2. Continue to verify from cf-key -s or in the Enterprise Mission Portal that hosts are upgraded correctly and start reporting in.
  3. Verify that the list of hosts you captured before the upgrade, e.g. in /root/3.7/hosts correspond to what you see is now reporting in.

Optional steps

The steps listed here are not necessary unless you have special needs.

Migrating Mission Portal database

This step is not needed unless you are upgrading from CFEngine 3.8 or lower, to CFEngine 3.9 or higher, and you are unable to use the automatic migration.

Normally the package upgrade will do the migration for you, but if you have a very big database, or for other reasons don't have enough space to hold database backup files in the /var/cfengine/state/pg directory, you may perform these steps manually.

  1. Before installing the new version of CFEngine, dump the current content of the database to a file using pg_dump. You need to do this for each of the three databases, like this:
su cfpostgres -c "/var/cfengine/bin/pg_dump cfdb > cfdb-backup.sql"
su cfpostgres -c "/var/cfengine/bin/pg_dump cfsettings > cfsettings-backup.sql"
su cfpostgres -c "/var/cfengine/bin/pg_dump cfmp > cfmp-backup.sql"
  1. Shut down CFEngine and then delete or move the /var/cfengine/state/pg/data directory in order to prevent the automatic migration by the package scripts.

  2. Install the new CFEngine package.

  3. Restore the database dump into the new PostgreSQL database by running:

su cfpostgres -c "/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfdb < cfdb-backup.sql"
su cfpostgres -c "/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfsettings < cfsettings-backup.sql"
su cfpostgres -c "/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfmp < cfmp-backup.sql"