File Permissions

Table of Contents

ACL file example

body common control
      bundlesequence => { "acls" };

bundle agent acls

      depth_search => include_base,
      acl => template;

body acl template
      acl_method => "overwrite";
      acl_type => "posix";
      acl_directory_inherit => "parent";
      aces => { "user:*:r(wwx),-r:allow", "group:*:+rw:allow", "mask:x:allow", "all:r"};

body acl win
      acl_method => "overwrite";
      acl_type => "ntfs";
      acl_directory_inherit => "nochange";
      aces => { "user:Administrator:rw", "group:Bad:rwx(Dpo):deny" };

body depth_search include_base
      include_basedir => "true";

ACL generic example

body common control
      bundlesequence => { "acls" };

bundle agent acls

      depth_search => include_base,
      acl => test;

body acl test
      acl_type => "generic";
      aces => {"user:bob:rwx", "group:staff:rx", "all:r"};

body depth_search include_base
      include_basedir => "true";

ACL secret example

body common control
      bundlesequence => { "acls" };

bundle agent acls
      acl => win,
      depth_search => include_base,
      comment => "Secure the secret directory from unauthorized access";

body acl win
      acl_method => "overwrite";
      aces => { "user:Administrator:rwx" };

body depth_search include_base
      include_basedir => "true";