Managing Settings

Table of Contents

Most of the settings configurable in the API relate to LDAP authentication of users. Settings support two operations, GET (view settings) and POST (update settings). When settings are updated, they are sanity checked individually and as a whole. All or no settings will be updated for a request.

Example: Viewing settings


curl --user admin:admin


  "meta": {
    "page": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "total": 1,
    "timestamp": 1350992335
  "data": [
      "ldapPort": 389,
      "ldapPortSSL": 636,
      "hostIdentifier": "default.sys.fqhost",
      "rbacEnabled": true,
      "logLevel": "error",
      "ldapEnabled": true,
      "ldapUsername": "",
      "ldapPassword": "",
      "ldapEncryption": "ssl",
      "ldapLoginAttribute": "uid",
      "ldapHost": "",
      "ldapBaseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
      "ldapFilter": "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)",
      "blueHostHorizon": 900,
      "sketchActivationAlertTimeout": 60

Example: Configuring LDAP

The setting ldapEnabled turns external authentication on or off. When turned on, the API will check to see that the other LDAP related settings make sense, and attempt to authenticate using the configured credentials. If it is not successful in doing this, no settings will be changed. The API will notify you with a return code an a message describing the error.


curl --user admin:admin -X POST -d
  "ldapEnabled": true,
  "ldapBaseDN": "DC=ldap,DC=example,DC=com",
  "ldapEncryption": "ssl",
  "ldapHost": "",
  "ldapLoginAttribute": "uid",
  "ldapFilter": "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)",
  "ldapPassword": "password",
  "ldapUsername": "test",


204 No Content

Example: Changing The Log Level

The API uses standard Unix syslog to log a number of events. Additionally, log events are sent to stderr, which means they may also end up in your Apache log. Log events are filtered based on the log level in settings. Suppose you wanted to have greater visibility into the processing done at the backend. The standard log level is error. Changing it to info is done as follows.


curl --user admin:admin -X POST -d
  "logLevel": "info"


204 No Content