How can I tell what classes and variables are defined?
You can see a high level overview of the first order classes and variables using
cf-promises --show-classes
and cf-promises --show-vars
Both of those commands will take an optional regular expression you can use to
filter the classes or variables. For example cf-promises --show-classes=MT
will show all the classes that contain MT
like GMT_July
You can see the variables and namespace scoped classes defined at the end of an
agent execution by using the --show-evaluated-vars
options to cf-agent
. In addition to the
variables and classes shown by cf-promises --show-classes
or cf-promises
this will show variables and namespace scoped classes that get
defined during a full agent run where the system may be modified and more policy
is evaluated.
Show first order classes with cf-promises
cf-promises --show-classes
Class name Meta tags Comment
10_0_2_100 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
127_0_0_1 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
64_bit source=agent,hardclass
6_cpus source=agent,derived-from=sys.cpus,hardclass
Day11 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
February time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Day11 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_February time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Hr06 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Hr06_Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Hr6 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Lcycle_0 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Min25_30 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Min28 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Morning time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Tuesday time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Yr2025 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Hr06 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Hr06_Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Hr6 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Lcycle_0 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Min25_30 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Min28 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Morning time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Tuesday time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Yr2025 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
_control_agent_environment_vars_validated source=promise
_have_bin_env source=promise
_have_bin_journalctl source=promise
_have_bin_systemctl source=promise
_have_bin_timedatectl source=promise
_have_control_agent_files_single_copy source=promise
_stdlib_has_path_apt_cache source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_apt_config source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_apt_get source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_apt_key source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_aptitude source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_awk source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_bc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_cat source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_chkconfig source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_cksum source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_createrepo source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_crontab source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_crontabs source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_curl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_cut source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_date source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_df source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_diff source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dig source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dmidecode source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dmsetup source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_domainname source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dpkg source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dpkg_divert source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_echo source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_egrep source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_env source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ethtool source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_false source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_fdisk source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_find source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_free source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_getenforce source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_getent source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_getfacl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_git source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_grep source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_groupadd source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_groupdel source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_groupmod source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_hostname source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ifconfig source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_init source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ip source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_iptables source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_iptables_save source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_journalctl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_logger source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ls source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lsattr source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lshw source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lsmod source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lsof source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_mailx source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_netstat source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_nologin source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_npm source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_perl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_pgrep source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ping source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_pip source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_prelink source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_printf source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_realpath source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_restorecon source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_sed source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_semanage source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_service source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_setfacl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_shadow source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_sort source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ss source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ssh source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_svc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_sysctl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_systemctl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_tar source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_test source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_timedatectl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_tr source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_true source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_update_alternatives source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_update_rc_d source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_useradd source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_userdel source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_usermod source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_virtualenv source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_wc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_wget source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_cache source=promise It's useful to know if apt_cache exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_config source=promise It's useful to know if apt_config exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_get source=promise It's useful to know if apt_get exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_key source=promise It's useful to know if apt_key exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_awk source=promise It's useful to know if awk exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_cat source=promise It's useful to know if cat exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_cksum source=promise It's useful to know if cksum exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_curl source=promise It's useful to know if curl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_cut source=promise It's useful to know if cut exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_date source=promise It's useful to know if date exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_df source=promise It's useful to know if df exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_diff source=promise It's useful to know if diff exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_dmsetup source=promise It's useful to know if dmsetup exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_domainname source=promise It's useful to know if domainname exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_dpkg source=promise It's useful to know if dpkg exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_dpkg_divert source=promise It's useful to know if dpkg_divert exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_echo source=promise It's useful to know if echo exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_egrep source=promise It's useful to know if egrep exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_env source=promise It's useful to know if env exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_false source=promise It's useful to know if false exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_find source=promise It's useful to know if find exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_free source=promise It's useful to know if free exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_getent source=promise It's useful to know if getent exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_git source=promise It's useful to know if git exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_grep source=promise It's useful to know if grep exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_groupadd source=promise It's useful to know if groupadd exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_groupdel source=promise It's useful to know if groupdel exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_groupmod source=promise It's useful to know if groupmod exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_hostname source=promise It's useful to know if hostname exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_init source=promise It's useful to know if init exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_journalctl source=promise It's useful to know if journalctl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_logger source=promise It's useful to know if logger exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_ls source=promise It's useful to know if ls exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_lsattr source=promise It's useful to know if lsattr exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_nologin source=promise It's useful to know if nologin exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_npm source=promise It's useful to know if npm exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_perl source=promise It's useful to know if perl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_pgrep source=promise It's useful to know if pgrep exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_printf source=promise It's useful to know if printf exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_realpath source=promise It's useful to know if realpath exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_sed source=promise It's useful to know if sed exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_service source=promise It's useful to know if service exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_shadow source=promise It's useful to know if shadow exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_sort source=promise It's useful to know if sort exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_ssh source=promise It's useful to know if ssh exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_svc source=promise It's useful to know if svc exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_sysctl source=promise It's useful to know if sysctl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_systemctl source=promise It's useful to know if systemctl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_tar source=promise It's useful to know if tar exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_test source=promise It's useful to know if test exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_timedatectl source=promise It's useful to know if timedatectl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_tr source=promise It's useful to know if tr exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_true source=promise It's useful to know if true exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_update_alternatives source=promise It's useful to know if update_alternatives exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_update_rc_d source=promise It's useful to know if update_rc_d exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_useradd source=promise It's useful to know if useradd exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_userdel source=promise It's useful to know if userdel exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_usermod source=promise It's useful to know if usermod exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_wc source=promise It's useful to know if wc exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_wget source=promise It's useful to know if wget exists on the filesystem as defined
any source=agent,hardclass
cfengine inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3_24 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3_24_2a inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3_24_2a_6d6649d4e inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_internal_agent_email source=promise
cfengine_internal_rotate_logs source=promise
cfengine_recommendations_enabled source=promise
common cfe_internal,source=agent,hardclass
compiled_on_linux_gnu source=agent,hardclass
debian inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/debian_version,hardclass
debian_bookworm inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/debian_version,hardclass
debian_derived source=promise,inventory,attribute_name=none derived from Debian
disable_inventory_LLDP source=promise
disable_inventory_dmidecode source=promise
docs_revamp_22_working_container inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,based-on=sys.fqhost,hardclass
enable_cfe_internal_cleanup_agent_reports source=promise If reports are not collected for an extended period of time
the disk may fill up or cause additional collection
enterprise inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3_24 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3_24_2a inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3_24_2a_287769860 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_edition inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
f6ef2e49bf45 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.fqhost,hardclass
feature source=agent,hardclass
feature_copyfrom source=agent,hardclass
feature_copyfrom_restrict source=agent,hardclass
feature_copyfrom_restrict_keys source=agent,hardclass
feature_curl source=agent,hardclass
feature_def source=agent,hardclass
feature_def_json source=agent,hardclass
feature_def_json_preparse source=agent,hardclass
feature_host source=agent,hardclass
feature_host_specific source=agent,hardclass
feature_host_specific_data source=agent,hardclass
feature_host_specific_data_load source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_0 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_1 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_2 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_3 source=agent,hardclass
feature_xml source=agent,hardclass
feature_yaml source=agent,hardclass
has_lsb_release source=promise Check if we can get more info from /etc/lsb-release
has_proc_1_cmdline source=promise Check if we can read /proc/1/cmdline
ipv4_10 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_10_0 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_10_0_2 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_10_0_2_100 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127_0 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127_0_0 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127_0_0_1 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
linux inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.class,hardclass
linux_4_18_0_553_32_1_el8_10_x86_64 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.sysname,derived-from=sys.release,hardclass
linux_x86_64 source=agent,derived-from=sys.sysname,derived-from=sys.machine,hardclass
linux_x86_64_4_18_0_553_32_1_el8_10_x86_64 source=agent,derived-from=sys.sysname,derived-from=sys.machine,derived-from=sys.release,hardclass
linux_x86_64_4_18_0_553_32_1_el8_10_x86_64__1_SMP_Mon_Dec_2_06_32_20_EST_2024 source=agent,derived-from=sys.long_arch,hardclass
mac_ee_7b_61_e4_df_b1 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
mpf_stdlib_use_posix_utils source=promise
net_iface_lo source=agent,hardclass
net_iface_tap0 source=agent,hardclass
nova inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3_24 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3_24_2a inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3_24_2a_287769860 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_edition source=agent,hardclass
specific_linux_os source=promise
ubuntu inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/os-release,hardclass
ubuntu_22 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.flavor,hardclass
ubuntu_22_04 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/os-release,hardclass
x86_64 source=agent,derived-from=sys.machine,hardclass
Show first order variables with cf-promises
cf-promises --show-vars
Class name Meta tags Comment
10_0_2_100 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
127_0_0_1 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
64_bit source=agent,hardclass
6_cpus source=agent,derived-from=sys.cpus,hardclass
Day11 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
February time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Day11 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_February time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Hr06 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Hr06_Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Hr6 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Lcycle_0 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Min25_30 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Min28 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Morning time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Tuesday time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
GMT_Yr2025 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Hr06 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Hr06_Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Hr6 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Lcycle_0 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Min25_30 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Min28 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Morning time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Q2 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Tuesday time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Yr2025 time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
_control_agent_environment_vars_validated source=promise
_have_bin_env source=promise
_have_bin_journalctl source=promise
_have_bin_systemctl source=promise
_have_bin_timedatectl source=promise
_have_control_agent_files_single_copy source=promise
_stdlib_has_path_apt_cache source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_apt_config source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_apt_get source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_apt_key source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_aptitude source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_awk source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_bc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_cat source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_chkconfig source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_cksum source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_createrepo source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_crontab source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_crontabs source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_curl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_cut source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_date source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_df source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_diff source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dig source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dmidecode source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dmsetup source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_domainname source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dpkg source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_dpkg_divert source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_echo source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_egrep source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_env source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ethtool source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_false source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_fdisk source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_find source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_free source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_getenforce source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_getent source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_getfacl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_git source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_grep source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_groupadd source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_groupdel source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_groupmod source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_hostname source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ifconfig source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_init source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ip source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_iptables source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_iptables_save source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_journalctl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_logger source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ls source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lsattr source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lshw source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lsmod source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_lsof source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_mailx source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_netstat source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_nologin source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_npm source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_perl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_pgrep source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ping source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_pip source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_prelink source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_printf source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_realpath source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_restorecon source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_sed source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_semanage source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_service source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_setfacl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_shadow source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_sort source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ss source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_ssh source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_svc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_sysctl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_systemctl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_tar source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_test source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_timedatectl source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_tr source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_true source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_update_alternatives source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_update_rc_d source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_useradd source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_userdel source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_usermod source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_virtualenv source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_wc source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_has_path_wget source=promise It's useful to know if a given path is defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_cache source=promise It's useful to know if apt_cache exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_config source=promise It's useful to know if apt_config exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_get source=promise It's useful to know if apt_get exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_apt_key source=promise It's useful to know if apt_key exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_awk source=promise It's useful to know if awk exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_cat source=promise It's useful to know if cat exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_cksum source=promise It's useful to know if cksum exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_curl source=promise It's useful to know if curl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_cut source=promise It's useful to know if cut exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_date source=promise It's useful to know if date exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_df source=promise It's useful to know if df exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_diff source=promise It's useful to know if diff exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_dmsetup source=promise It's useful to know if dmsetup exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_domainname source=promise It's useful to know if domainname exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_dpkg source=promise It's useful to know if dpkg exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_dpkg_divert source=promise It's useful to know if dpkg_divert exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_echo source=promise It's useful to know if echo exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_egrep source=promise It's useful to know if egrep exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_env source=promise It's useful to know if env exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_false source=promise It's useful to know if false exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_find source=promise It's useful to know if find exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_free source=promise It's useful to know if free exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_getent source=promise It's useful to know if getent exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_git source=promise It's useful to know if git exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_grep source=promise It's useful to know if grep exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_groupadd source=promise It's useful to know if groupadd exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_groupdel source=promise It's useful to know if groupdel exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_groupmod source=promise It's useful to know if groupmod exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_hostname source=promise It's useful to know if hostname exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_init source=promise It's useful to know if init exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_journalctl source=promise It's useful to know if journalctl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_logger source=promise It's useful to know if logger exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_ls source=promise It's useful to know if ls exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_lsattr source=promise It's useful to know if lsattr exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_nologin source=promise It's useful to know if nologin exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_npm source=promise It's useful to know if npm exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_perl source=promise It's useful to know if perl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_pgrep source=promise It's useful to know if pgrep exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_printf source=promise It's useful to know if printf exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_realpath source=promise It's useful to know if realpath exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_sed source=promise It's useful to know if sed exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_service source=promise It's useful to know if service exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_shadow source=promise It's useful to know if shadow exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_sort source=promise It's useful to know if sort exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_ssh source=promise It's useful to know if ssh exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_svc source=promise It's useful to know if svc exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_sysctl source=promise It's useful to know if sysctl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_systemctl source=promise It's useful to know if systemctl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_tar source=promise It's useful to know if tar exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_test source=promise It's useful to know if test exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_timedatectl source=promise It's useful to know if timedatectl exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_tr source=promise It's useful to know if tr exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_true source=promise It's useful to know if true exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_update_alternatives source=promise It's useful to know if update_alternatives exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_update_rc_d source=promise It's useful to know if update_rc_d exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_useradd source=promise It's useful to know if useradd exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_userdel source=promise It's useful to know if userdel exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_usermod source=promise It's useful to know if usermod exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_wc source=promise It's useful to know if wc exists on the filesystem as defined
_stdlib_path_exists_wget source=promise It's useful to know if wget exists on the filesystem as defined
any source=agent,hardclass
cfengine inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3_24 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3_24_2a inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_3_24_2a_6d6649d4e inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
cfengine_internal_agent_email source=promise
cfengine_internal_rotate_logs source=promise
cfengine_recommendations_enabled source=promise
common cfe_internal,source=agent,hardclass
compiled_on_linux_gnu source=agent,hardclass
debian inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/debian_version,hardclass
debian_bookworm inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/debian_version,hardclass
debian_derived source=promise,inventory,attribute_name=none derived from Debian
disable_inventory_LLDP source=promise
disable_inventory_dmidecode source=promise
docs_revamp_22_working_container inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,based-on=sys.fqhost,hardclass
enable_cfe_internal_cleanup_agent_reports source=promise If reports are not collected for an extended period of time
the disk may fill up or cause additional collection
enterprise inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3_24 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3_24_2a inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_3_24_2a_287769860 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
enterprise_edition inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
f6ef2e49bf45 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.fqhost,hardclass
feature source=agent,hardclass
feature_copyfrom source=agent,hardclass
feature_copyfrom_restrict source=agent,hardclass
feature_copyfrom_restrict_keys source=agent,hardclass
feature_curl source=agent,hardclass
feature_def source=agent,hardclass
feature_def_json source=agent,hardclass
feature_def_json_preparse source=agent,hardclass
feature_host source=agent,hardclass
feature_host_specific source=agent,hardclass
feature_host_specific_data source=agent,hardclass
feature_host_specific_data_load source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_0 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_1 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_2 source=agent,hardclass
feature_tls_1_3 source=agent,hardclass
feature_xml source=agent,hardclass
feature_yaml source=agent,hardclass
has_lsb_release source=promise Check if we can get more info from /etc/lsb-release
has_proc_1_cmdline source=promise Check if we can read /proc/1/cmdline
ipv4_10 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_10_0 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_10_0_2 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_10_0_2_100 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127_0 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127_0_0 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
ipv4_127_0_0_1 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
linux inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.class,hardclass
linux_4_18_0_553_32_1_el8_10_x86_64 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.sysname,derived-from=sys.release,hardclass
linux_x86_64 source=agent,derived-from=sys.sysname,derived-from=sys.machine,hardclass
linux_x86_64_4_18_0_553_32_1_el8_10_x86_64 source=agent,derived-from=sys.sysname,derived-from=sys.machine,derived-from=sys.release,hardclass
linux_x86_64_4_18_0_553_32_1_el8_10_x86_64__1_SMP_Mon_Dec_2_06_32_20_EST_2024 source=agent,derived-from=sys.long_arch,hardclass
mac_ee_7b_61_e4_df_b1 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
mpf_stdlib_use_posix_utils source=promise
net_iface_lo source=agent,hardclass
net_iface_tap0 source=agent,hardclass
nova inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3_24 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3_24_2a inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_3_24_2a_287769860 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
nova_edition source=agent,hardclass
specific_linux_os source=promise
ubuntu inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/os-release,hardclass
ubuntu_22 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from=sys.flavor,hardclass
ubuntu_22_04 inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,derived-from-file=/etc/os-release,hardclass
x86_64 source=agent,derived-from=sys.machine,hardclass