Cfengine 3 example unit_template2.html

body common control { bundlesequence => { "test" }; inputs => { "" }; } bundle agent test { methods: "any" usebundle => get_template("/tmp/sudoers","400"); "any" usebundle => get_template("/tmp/hosts","644"); } ############################################################# bundle agent get_template(final_destination,mode) { vars: # This needs to ne preconfigured to your site "masterfiles" string => "/home/mark/tmp"; "this_template" string => lastnode("$(final_destination)","/"); files: "$(final_destination).staging" comment => "Get template and expand variables for this host", perms => mo("400","root"), copy_from => remote_cp("$(masterfiles)/templates/$(this_template)","$(policy_server)"), action => if_elapsed("60"); "$(final_destination)" comment => "Expand the template", create => "true", edit_line => expand_template("$(final_destination).staging"), edit_defaults => empty, perms => mo("$(mode)","root"), action => if_elapsed("60"); } }