Cfengine 3 example unit_remoteclasses.html

######################################################## # # Remote classes from server connection to cfServer # ######################################################## # # run this as follows: # # cf-serverd -f [-d2] # cf-agent -f # # Notice that the same file configures all parts of cfengine ######################################################## body common control { bundlesequence => { job_chain("Hr16|Hr17") }; version => "1.2.3"; } ######################################################## bundle common g { vars: # Signals are in scope of promiser and promisee "signal" string => "pack_a_name"; } ######################################################## bundle agent job_chain(time) { vars: "client" string => "localhost"; "server" string => "localhost"; "margin" string => "5"; # mins deadtime classes: "client_primed" expression => classmatch(canonify("$(client)")), ifvarclass => "$(time)"; "server_primed" expression => classmatch(canonify("$(server)")), ifvarclass => "$(time)"; client_primed:: "succeeded" expression => remoteclassesmatching("$(g.signal)","$(server)","yes","myprefix"); # # Now the job itself # methods: client_primed:: "downstream" usebundle => do_job("Starting local follow-up job"), action => if_elapsed("$(margin)"), ifvarclass => "myprefix_$(g.signal)"; server_primed:: "upstream" usebundle => do_job("Starting remote job"), action => if_elapsed("$(margin)"), classes => signal_repaired("$(g.signal)"); reports: !succeeded:: "Server communication failed", ifvarclass => "$(time)"; "Job completed on the server...", ifvarclass => "$(g.signal)"; } ######################################################### bundle agent do_job(job) { commands: # do whatever... "/bin/echo $(job)"; } ######################################################### # Server config ######################################################### body server control { allowconnects => { "" , "::1" }; allowallconnects => { "" , "::1" }; trustkeysfrom => { "" , "::1" }; allowusers => { "mark" }; } ######################################################### bundle server access_rules() { vars: "localvar" string => "literal string"; access: "$(g.signal)" handle => "test_class_signal", resource_type => "context", admit => { "" }; } ######################################################### # Standard library ######################################################### body action if_elapsed(x) { ifelapsed => "$(x)"; } ######################################################### body classes signal_repaired(x) { promise_repaired => { "$(x)" }; persist_time => "10"; } }