Cfengine 3 example promise_knowledge.html
# Copyright (C) Cfengine AS # This file is part of Cfengine 3 - written and maintained by Cfengine AS. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; version 3. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA # To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Enterprise # versions of Cfengine, the applicable Commerical Open Source License # (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See # included file COSL.txt. bundle knowledge CfengineSiteConfiguration { topics: references:: "bundle reference"; "used in promise"; "has current exemplars"; "is a promise of type"; "occurs in bundle"; "bundle contains promiser"; "makes promise of type"; "promises have been made by"; "makes promises"; "is a promise made by"; system_reports:: "audit report"; "performance report"; "all_locks report"; "active_locks report"; "hashes report"; "classes report"; "lastseen report"; "monitor now report"; "monitor history report"; "monitor summary report"; "compliance report"; "setuid report"; "file_changes report"; "installed software report"; "software patches report"; system_policy:: "bundles"; "bodies"; "contexts"; "promisees"; "promisers"; "promises" comment => "occurrences of promise topics or suggestions"; "promise types"; "body constraints"; "comments" association => a("see instances of","comment","is one of a number of"); "functions" comment => "In built functions that may be used to set variables or classes"; "values" comment => "Formal rvalues in constraint assignments and their legal ranges"; values:: "system signals" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern hup,int,trap,kill,pipe,cont,abrt,stop,quit,term,child,usr1,usr2,bus,segv, i.e. a unix signal name"; "boolean" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern true,false,yes,no,on,off, i.e. a positive or a negative"; "link type" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern symlink,hardlink,relative,absolute,none, i.e. a support link type"; "a time range" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern 0,2147483648, i.e. a value from zero to a maximum system time -- but you should use time functions to convert this"; "a positive integer" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern 0,99999999999, i.e. a number between zero and the maximum value"; "integer" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern -99999999999,9999999999, i.e. a number between the minus and positive maximum values"; "real number" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern -9.99999E100,9.99999E100, i.e. a number between the minus and positive maximum values"; "a single character" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern ^.$, i.e. one symbol"; "posix file mode or permission" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern [0-7augorwxst,+-]+, i.e. something that you would give as an argument to chmod"; "a cfengine class expression" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_!&|.()]+, i.e. an alphanumeric string with option underscores and logical operators"; "a cfengine identifier" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_$.]+, i.e. an alphanumeric string with option underscores"; "a user/group id" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_$.-]+, i.e. an alphanumeric string with option underscores and hyphens"; "a file path" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern [cC]:\\.*|/.*, i.e. a system file path suitable for the target system"; "a syslog level" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern LOG_USER,LOG_DAEMON,LOG_LOCAL0,LOG_LOCAL1,LOG_LOCAL2,LOG_LOCAL3,LOG_LOCAL4,LOG_LOCAL5,LOG_LOCAL6,LOG_LOCAL7, i.e. a syslog constant"; "An arbitrary string" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern , i.e. unspecified characters"; "An arbitrary string" comment =>"Should match the generic pattern .*, i.e. unspecified characters"; "boolean" association => a("is a special case of","int","is the generic type for"); "a time range" association => a("is a special case of","int","is the generic type for"); "a positive integer" association => a("is a special case of","int","is the generic type for"); "integer" association => a("is a special case of","int","is the generic type for"); "real number" association => a("is a special case of","real","is the generic type for"); "a cfengine class expression" association => a("is a special case of","class","is the generic type for"); "a cfengine identifier" association => a("is a special case of","string","is the generic type for"); "a user/group id" association => a("is a special case of","string","is the generic type for"); "a file path" association => a("is a special case of","string","is the generic type for"); "a syslog level" association => a("is a special case of","string","is the generic type for"); "An arbitrary string" association => a("is a special case of","string","is the generic type for"); "An arbitrary string" association => a("is a special case of","string","is the generic type for"); bundles:: "sys" comment => "cfengine's internal bundle of system specific values"; promise_types:: "vars"; body_constraints:: "string" comment => "A scalar string", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::vars","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "string" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A scalar string"; promise_types:: "vars"; body_constraints:: "int" comment => "A scalar integer", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::vars","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "int" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A scalar integer"; promise_types:: "vars"; body_constraints:: "real" comment => "A scalar real number", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::vars","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "real" association => a("is a body constraint of type","real","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A scalar real number"; promise_types:: "vars"; body_constraints:: "slist" comment => "A list of scalar strings", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::vars","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "slist" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of scalar strings"; "slist" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "vars"; body_constraints:: "ilist" comment => "A list of integers", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::vars","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ilist" association => a("is a body constraint of type","ilist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of integers"; "ilist" association => a("is a list of type","ilist","is used in"); promise_types:: "vars"; body_constraints:: "rlist" comment => "A list of real numbers", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::vars","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "rlist" association => a("is a body constraint of type","rlist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of real numbers"; "rlist" association => a("is a list of type","rlist","is used in"); promise_types:: "vars"; body_constraints:: "policy" comment => "The policy for (dis)allowing redefinition of variables", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::vars","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "policy" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The policy for (dis)allowing redefinition of variables"; promise_types:: "classes"; body_constraints:: "or" comment => "Combine class sources with inclusive OR", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::classes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "or" association => a("is a body constraint of type","clist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Combine class sources with inclusive OR"; promise_types:: "classes"; body_constraints:: "and" comment => "Combine class sources with AND", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::classes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "and" association => a("is a body constraint of type","clist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Combine class sources with AND"; promise_types:: "classes"; body_constraints:: "xor" comment => "Combine class sources with XOR", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::classes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "xor" association => a("is a body constraint of type","clist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Combine class sources with XOR"; promise_types:: "classes"; body_constraints:: "dist" comment => "Generate a probabilistic class distribution (strategy in cfengine 2)", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::classes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "dist" association => a("is a body constraint of type","rlist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Generate a probabilistic class distribution (strategy in cfengine 2)"; "dist" association => a("is a list of type","rlist","is used in"); promise_types:: "classes"; body_constraints:: "expression" comment => "Evaluate string expression of classes in normal form", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::classes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "expression" association => a("is a body constraint of type","class","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Evaluate string expression of classes in normal form"; promise_types:: "classes"; body_constraints:: "not" comment => "Evaluate the negation of string expression in normal form", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::classes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "not" association => a("is a body constraint of type","class","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Evaluate the negation of string expression in normal form"; promise_types:: "reports"; body_constraints:: "lastseen" comment => "Integer time threshold in hours since current peers were last seen, report absence", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::reports","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "lastseen" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Integer time threshold in hours since current peers were last seen, report absence"; promise_types:: "reports"; body_constraints:: "intermittency" comment => "Real number threshold [0,1] of intermittency about current peers, report above", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::reports","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "intermittency" association => a("is a body constraint of type","real","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Real number threshold [0,1] of intermittency about current peers, report above"; promise_types:: "reports"; body_constraints:: "showstate" comment => "List of services about which status reports should be reported to standard output", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::reports","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "showstate" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of services about which status reports should be reported to standard output"; "showstate" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "reports"; body_constraints:: "printfile" comment => "Quote part of a file to standard output", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::reports","can have body constraints"); "number_of_lines" comment => "Integer maximum number of lines to print from selected file", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","printfile","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "number_of_lines" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Integer maximum number of lines to print from selected file"; "file_to_print" comment => "Path name to the file that is to be sent to standard output", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","printfile","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "file_to_print" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Path name to the file that is to be sent to standard output"; promise_types:: "reports"; body_constraints:: "friend_pattern" comment => "Regular expression to keep selected hosts from the friends report list", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::reports","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "friend_pattern" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression to keep selected hosts from the friends report list"; promise_types:: "reports"; body_constraints:: "report_to_file" comment => "The path and filename to which output should be appended", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::reports","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "report_to_file" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The path and filename to which output should be appended"; promise_types:: "*"; body_constraints:: "action" comment => "Output behaviour", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::*","can have body constraints"); "action_policy" comment => "Whether to repair or report about non-kept promises", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "action_policy" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Whether to repair or report about non-kept promises"; "ifelapsed" comment => "Number of minutes before next allowed assessment of promise", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ifelapsed" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Number of minutes before next allowed assessment of promise"; "expireafter" comment => "Number of minutes before a repair action is interrupted and retried", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "expireafter" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Number of minutes before a repair action is interrupted and retried"; "log_string" comment => "A message to be written to the log when a promise verification leads to a repair", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "log_string" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A message to be written to the log when a promise verification leads to a repair"; "log_level" comment => "The reporting level sent to syslog", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "log_level" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The reporting level sent to syslog"; "log_kept" comment => "This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to syslog", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "log_kept" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to syslog"; "log_repaired" comment => "This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to syslog", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "log_repaired" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to syslog"; "log_failed" comment => "This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to syslog", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "log_failed" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to syslog"; "audit" comment => "true/false switch for detailed audit records of this promise", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "audit" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false switch for detailed audit records of this promise"; "background" comment => "true/false switch for parallelizing the promise repair", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "background" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false switch for parallelizing the promise repair"; "report_level" comment => "The reporting level for standard output", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "report_level" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The reporting level for standard output"; "measurement_class" comment => "If set performance will be measured and recorded under this identifier", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","action","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "measurement_class" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "If set performance will be measured and recorded under this identifier"; promise_types:: "*"; body_constraints:: "classes" comment => "Signalling behaviour", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::*","can have body constraints"); "promise_repaired" comment => "A list of classes to be defined", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","classes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "promise_repaired" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of classes to be defined"; "promise_repaired" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "repair_failed" comment => "A list of classes to be defined", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","classes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "repair_failed" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of classes to be defined"; "repair_failed" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "repair_denied" comment => "A list of classes to be defined", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","classes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "repair_denied" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of classes to be defined"; "repair_denied" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "repair_timeout" comment => "A list of classes to be defined", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","classes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "repair_timeout" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of classes to be defined"; "repair_timeout" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "promise_kept" comment => "A list of classes to be defined", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","classes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "promise_kept" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of classes to be defined"; "promise_kept" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "persist_time" comment => "A number of minutes the specified classes should remain active", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","classes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "persist_time" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A number of minutes the specified classes should remain active"; "timer_policy" comment => "Whether a persistent class restarts its counter when rediscovered", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","classes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "timer_policy" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Whether a persistent class restarts its counter when rediscovered"; promise_types:: "*"; body_constraints:: "ifvarclass" comment => "Extended classes ANDed with context", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::*","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ifvarclass" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Extended classes ANDed with context"; promise_types:: "*"; body_constraints:: "handle" comment => "A unique id-tag string for referring to this as a promisee elsewhere", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::*","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "handle" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A unique id-tag string for referring to this as a promisee elsewhere"; promise_types:: "*"; body_constraints:: "depends_on" comment => "A list of promise handles that this promise builds on or depends on somehow (for knowledge management)", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::*","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "depends_on" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of promise handles that this promise builds on or depends on somehow (for knowledge management)"; "depends_on" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "*"; body_constraints:: "comment" comment => "A comment about this promise's real intention that follows through the program", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::*","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "comment" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A comment about this promise's real intention that follows through the program"; promise_types:: "*"; body_constraints:: "select_region" comment => "Limit edits to a demarked region of the file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::*","can have body constraints"); "select_start" comment => "Regular expression matching start of edit region", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","select_region","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "select_start" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression matching start of edit region"; "select_end" comment => "Regular expression matches end of edit region from start", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","select_region","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "select_end" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression matches end of edit region from start"; promise_types:: "commands"; body_constraints:: "args" comment => "Alternative string of arguments for the command (concatenated with promiser string)", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::commands","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "args" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Alternative string of arguments for the command (concatenated with promiser string)"; promise_types:: "commands"; body_constraints:: "contain" comment => "Containment options for the execution process", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::commands","can have body constraints"); "useshell" comment => "true/false embed the command in a shell environment (true)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "useshell" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false embed the command in a shell environment (true)"; "umask" comment => "The umask value for the child process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "umask" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The umask value for the child process"; "exec_owner" comment => "The user name or id under which to run the process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "exec_owner" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The user name or id under which to run the process"; "exec_group" comment => "The group name or id under which to run the process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "exec_group" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The group name or id under which to run the process"; "exec_timeout" comment => "Timeout in seconds for command completion", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "exec_timeout" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Timeout in seconds for command completion"; "chdir" comment => "Directory for setting current/base directory for the process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "chdir" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Directory for setting current/base directory for the process"; "chroot" comment => "Directory of root sandbox for process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "chroot" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Directory of root sandbox for process"; "preview" comment => "true/false preview command when running in dry-run mode (with -n)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "preview" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false preview command when running in dry-run mode (with -n)"; "no_output" comment => "true/false discard all output from the command", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","contain","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "no_output" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false discard all output from the command"; promise_types:: "commands"; body_constraints:: "module" comment => "true/false whether to expect the cfengine module protocol", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::commands","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "module" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to expect the cfengine module protocol"; promise_types:: "databases"; body_constraints:: "database_server" comment => "Credentials for connecting to a local/remote database server", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::databases","can have body constraints"); "db_server_owner" comment => "User name for database connection", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","database_server","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "db_server_owner" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "User name for database connection"; "db_server_password" comment => "Clear text password for database connection", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","database_server","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "db_server_password" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Clear text password for database connection"; "db_server_host" comment => "Hostname or address for connection to database, blank means localhost", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","database_server","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "db_server_host" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Hostname or address for connection to database, blank means localhost"; "db_server_type" comment => "The dialect of the database server", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","database_server","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "db_server_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The dialect of the database server"; "db_server_connection_db" comment => "The name of an existing database to connect to in order to create/manage other databases", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","database_server","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "db_server_connection_db" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The name of an existing database to connect to in order to create/manage other databases"; promise_types:: "databases"; body_constraints:: "database_type" comment => "The type of database that is to be manipulated", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::databases","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "database_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The type of database that is to be manipulated"; promise_types:: "databases"; body_constraints:: "database_operation" comment => "The nature of the promise - to be or not to be", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::databases","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "database_operation" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The nature of the promise - to be or not to be"; promise_types:: "databases"; body_constraints:: "database_columns" comment => "A list of column definitions to be promised by SQL databases", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::databases","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "database_columns" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of column definitions to be promised by SQL databases"; "database_columns" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "databases"; body_constraints:: "database_rows" comment => "An ordered list of row values to be promised by SQL databases", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::databases","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "database_rows" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "An ordered list of row values to be promised by SQL databases"; "database_rows" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "databases"; body_constraints:: "registry_exclude" comment => "A list of regular expressions to ignore in key/value verification", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::databases","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "registry_exclude" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of regular expressions to ignore in key/value verification"; "registry_exclude" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "file_select" comment => "Choose which files select in a search", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "leaf_name" comment => "List of regexes that match an acceptable name", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "leaf_name" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of regexes that match an acceptable name"; "leaf_name" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "path_name" comment => "List of pathnames to match acceptable target", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "path_name" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of pathnames to match acceptable target"; "path_name" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "search_mode" comment => "A list of mode masks for acceptable file permissions", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "search_mode" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of mode masks for acceptable file permissions"; "search_mode" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "search_size" comment => "Integer range of file sizes", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "search_size" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Integer range of file sizes"; "search_owners" comment => "List of acceptable user names or ids for the file, or regexes to match", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "search_owners" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of acceptable user names or ids for the file, or regexes to match"; "search_owners" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "search_groups" comment => "List of acceptable group names or ids for the file, or regexes to match", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "search_groups" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of acceptable group names or ids for the file, or regexes to match"; "search_groups" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "search_bsdflags" comment => "String of flags for bsd file system flags expected set", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "search_bsdflags" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "String of flags for bsd file system flags expected set"; "ctime" comment => "Range of change times (ctime) for acceptable files", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ctime" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of change times (ctime) for acceptable files"; "mtime" comment => "Range of modification times (mtime) for acceptable files", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "mtime" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of modification times (mtime) for acceptable files"; "atime" comment => "Range of access times (atime) for acceptable files", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "atime" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of access times (atime) for acceptable files"; "exec_regex" comment => "Matches file if this regular expression matches any full line returned by the command", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "exec_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Matches file if this regular expression matches any full line returned by the command"; "exec_program" comment => "Execute this command on each file and match if the exit status is zero", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "exec_program" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Execute this command on each file and match if the exit status is zero"; "file_types" comment => "List of acceptable file types from menu choices", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "file_types" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(option list)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of acceptable file types from menu choices"; "issymlinkto" comment => "List of regular expressions to match file objects", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "issymlinkto" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of regular expressions to match file objects"; "issymlinkto" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "file_result" comment => "Logical expression combining classes defined by file search criteria", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","file_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "file_result" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Logical expression combining classes defined by file search criteria"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "copy_from" comment => "Criteria for copying file from a source", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "source" comment => "Reference source file from which to copy", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "source" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Reference source file from which to copy"; "servers" comment => "List of servers in order of preference from which to copy", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "servers" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of servers in order of preference from which to copy"; "servers" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "portnumber" comment => "Port number to connect to on server host", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "portnumber" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Port number to connect to on server host"; "copy_backup" comment => "Menu option policy for file backup/version control", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "copy_backup" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option policy for file backup/version control"; "stealth" comment => "true/false whether to preserve time stamps on copied file", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "stealth" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to preserve time stamps on copied file"; "preserve" comment => "true/false whether to preserve file permissions on copied file", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "preserve" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to preserve file permissions on copied file"; "linkcopy_patterns" comment => "List of patterns matching symbolic links that should be replaced with copies", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "linkcopy_patterns" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of patterns matching symbolic links that should be replaced with copies"; "linkcopy_patterns" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "copylink_patterns" comment => "List of patterns matching files that should be linked instead of copied", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "copylink_patterns" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of patterns matching files that should be linked instead of copied"; "copylink_patterns" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "compare" comment => "Menu option policy for comparing source and image file attributes", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "compare" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option policy for comparing source and image file attributes"; "link_type" comment => "Menu option for type of links to use when copying", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "link_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option for type of links to use when copying"; "type_check" comment => "true/false compare file types before copying and require match", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "type_check" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false compare file types before copying and require match"; "force_update" comment => "true/false force copy update always", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "force_update" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false force copy update always"; "force_ipv4" comment => "true/false force use of ipv4 on ipv6 enabled network", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "force_ipv4" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false force use of ipv4 on ipv6 enabled network"; "copy_size" comment => "Integer range of file sizes that may be copied", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "copy_size" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Integer range of file sizes that may be copied"; "trustkey" comment => "true/false trust public keys from remote server if previously unknown", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "trustkey" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false trust public keys from remote server if previously unknown"; "encrypt" comment => "true/false use encrypted data stream to connect to remote host", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "encrypt" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false use encrypted data stream to connect to remote host"; "verify" comment => "true/false verify transferred file by hashing after copy (resource penalty)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "verify" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false verify transferred file by hashing after copy (resource penalty)"; "purge" comment => "true/false purge files on client that do not match files on server when depth_search", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "purge" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false purge files on client that do not match files on server when depth_search"; "check_root" comment => "true/false check permissions on the root directory when depth_search", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "check_root" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false check permissions on the root directory when depth_search"; "findertype" comment => "Menu option for default finder type on MacOSX", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","copy_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "findertype" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option for default finder type on MacOSX"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "link_from" comment => "Criteria for linking file from a source", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "source" comment => "The source file to which the link should point", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","link_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "source" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The source file to which the link should point"; "link_type" comment => "The type of link used to alias the file", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","link_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "link_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The type of link used to alias the file"; "copy_patterns" comment => "A set of patterns that should be copied ansd synchronized instead of linked", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","link_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "copy_patterns" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A set of patterns that should be copied ansd synchronized instead of linked"; "copy_patterns" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "when_no_source" comment => "Behaviour when the source file to link to does not exist", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","link_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "when_no_source" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Behaviour when the source file to link to does not exist"; "link_children" comment => "true/false whether to link all directory's children to source originals", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","link_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "link_children" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to link all directory's children to source originals"; "when_linking_children" comment => "Policy for overriding existing files when linking directories of children", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","link_from","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "when_linking_children" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Policy for overriding existing files when linking directories of children"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "perms" comment => "Criteria for setting permissions on a file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "mode" comment => "File permissions (like posix chmod)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","perms","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "mode" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "File permissions (like posix chmod)"; "owners" comment => "List of acceptable owners or user ids, first is change target", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","perms","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "owners" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of acceptable owners or user ids, first is change target"; "owners" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "groups" comment => "List of acceptable groups of group ids, first is change target", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","perms","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "groups" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of acceptable groups of group ids, first is change target"; "groups" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "rxdirs" comment => "true/false add execute flag for directories if read flag is set", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","perms","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "rxdirs" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false add execute flag for directories if read flag is set"; "bsdflags" comment => "List of menu options for bsd file system flags to set", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","perms","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "bsdflags" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(option list)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of menu options for bsd file system flags to set"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "changes" comment => "Criteria for change management", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "hash" comment => "Hash files for change detection", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","changes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "hash" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Hash files for change detection"; "report_changes" comment => "Specify criteria for change warnings", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","changes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "report_changes" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Specify criteria for change warnings"; "update_hashes" comment => "Update hash values immediately after change warning", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","changes","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "update_hashes" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Update hash values immediately after change warning"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "delete" comment => "Criteria for deleting files", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "dirlinks" comment => "Menu option policy for dealing with symbolic links to directories during deletion", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "dirlinks" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option policy for dealing with symbolic links to directories during deletion"; "rmdirs" comment => "true/false whether to delete empty directories during recursive deletion", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "rmdirs" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to delete empty directories during recursive deletion"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "rename" comment => "Criteria for renaming files", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "newname" comment => "The desired name for the current file", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","rename","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "newname" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The desired name for the current file"; "disable_suffix" comment => "The suffix to add to files when disabling (.cfdisabled)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","rename","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "disable_suffix" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The suffix to add to files when disabling (.cfdisabled)"; "disable" comment => "true/false automatically rename and remove permissions", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","rename","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "disable" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false automatically rename and remove permissions"; "rotate" comment => "Maximum number of file rotations to keep", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","rename","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "rotate" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Maximum number of file rotations to keep"; "disable_mode" comment => "The permissions to set when a file is disabled", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","rename","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "disable_mode" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The permissions to set when a file is disabled"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "repository" comment => "Name of a repository for versioning", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "repository" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Name of a repository for versioning"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "edit_line" comment => "Line editing model for file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "edit_line" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(ext bundle)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Line editing model for file"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "edit_xml" comment => "XML editing model for file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "edit_xml" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(ext bundle)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "XML editing model for file"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "edit_defaults" comment => "Default promise details for file edits", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "edit_backup" comment => "Menu option for backup policy on edit changes", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_defaults","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "edit_backup" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option for backup policy on edit changes"; "max_file_size" comment => "Do not edit files bigger than this number of bytes", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_defaults","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "max_file_size" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Do not edit files bigger than this number of bytes"; "empty_file_before_editing" comment => "Baseline memory model of file to zero/empty before commencing promised edits", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_defaults","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "empty_file_before_editing" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Baseline memory model of file to zero/empty before commencing promised edits"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "depth_search" comment => "Criteria for file depth searches", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "include_dirs" comment => "List of regexes of directory names to include in depth search", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","depth_search","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "include_dirs" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of regexes of directory names to include in depth search"; "include_dirs" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "exclude_dirs" comment => "List of regexes of directory names NOT to include in depth search", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","depth_search","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "exclude_dirs" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of regexes of directory names NOT to include in depth search"; "exclude_dirs" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "include_basedir" comment => "true/false include the start/root dir of the search results", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","depth_search","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "include_basedir" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false include the start/root dir of the search results"; "depth" comment => "Maximum depth level for search", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","depth_search","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "depth" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Maximum depth level for search"; "xdev" comment => "true/false exclude directories that are on different devices", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","depth_search","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "xdev" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false exclude directories that are on different devices"; "traverse_links" comment => "true/false traverse symbolic links to directories (false)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","depth_search","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "traverse_links" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false traverse symbolic links to directories (false)"; "rmdeadlinks" comment => "true/false remove links that point to nowhere", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","depth_search","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "rmdeadlinks" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false remove links that point to nowhere"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "touch" comment => "true/false whether to touch time stamps on file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "touch" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to touch time stamps on file"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "create" comment => "true/false whether to create non-existing file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "create" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to create non-existing file"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "move_obstructions" comment => "true/false whether to move obstructions to file-object creation", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "move_obstructions" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether to move obstructions to file-object creation"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "transformer" comment => "Shell command (with full path) used to transform current file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "transformer" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Shell command (with full path) used to transform current file"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "pathtype" comment => "Menu option for interpreting promiser file object", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "pathtype" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option for interpreting promiser file object"; promise_types:: "files"; body_constraints:: "acl" comment => "Criteria for access control lists on file", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::files","can have body constraints"); "acl_method" comment => "Editing method for access control list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","acl","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "acl_method" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Editing method for access control list"; "acl_type" comment => "Access control list type for the affected file system", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","acl","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "acl_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Access control list type for the affected file system"; "acl_directory_inherit" comment => "Access control list type for the affected file system", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","acl","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "acl_directory_inherit" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Access control list type for the affected file system"; "aces" comment => "Native settings for access control entry", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","acl","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "aces" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Native settings for access control entry"; "aces" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "inherit_aces" comment => "Native settings for access control entry", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","acl","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "inherit_aces" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Native settings for access control entry"; "inherit_aces" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "insert_lines"; body_constraints:: "location" comment => "Specify where in a file an insertion will be made", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::insert_lines","can have body constraints"); "select_line_matching" comment => "Regular expression for matching file line location", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","location","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "select_line_matching" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression for matching file line location"; "before_after" comment => "Menu option, point cursor before of after matched line", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","location","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "before_after" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option, point cursor before of after matched line"; "first_last" comment => "Menu option, choose first or last occurrence of match in file", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","location","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "first_last" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option, choose first or last occurrence of match in file"; promise_types:: "insert_lines"; body_constraints:: "insert_type" comment => "Type of object the promiser string refers to (default literal)", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::insert_lines","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "insert_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Type of object the promiser string refers to (default literal)"; promise_types:: "insert_lines"; body_constraints:: "insert_select" comment => "Insert only if lines pass filter criteria", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::insert_lines","can have body constraints"); "insert_if_startwith_from_list" comment => "Insert line if it starts with a string in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","insert_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "insert_if_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Insert line if it starts with a string in the list"; "insert_if_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "insert_if_not_startwith_from_list" comment => "Insert line if it DOES NOT start with a string in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","insert_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "insert_if_not_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Insert line if it DOES NOT start with a string in the list"; "insert_if_not_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "insert_if_match_from_list" comment => "Insert line if it fully matches a regex in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","insert_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "insert_if_match_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Insert line if it fully matches a regex in the list"; "insert_if_match_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "insert_if_not_match_from_list" comment => "Insert line if it DOES NOT fully match a regex in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","insert_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "insert_if_not_match_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Insert line if it DOES NOT fully match a regex in the list"; "insert_if_not_match_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "insert_if_contains_from_list" comment => "Insert line if a regex in the list match a line fragment", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","insert_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "insert_if_contains_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Insert line if a regex in the list match a line fragment"; "insert_if_contains_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "insert_if_not_contains_from_list" comment => "Insert line if a regex in the list DOES NOT match a line fragment", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","insert_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "insert_if_not_contains_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Insert line if a regex in the list DOES NOT match a line fragment"; "insert_if_not_contains_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "insert_lines"; body_constraints:: "expand_scalars" comment => "Expand any unexpanded variables", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::insert_lines","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "expand_scalars" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Expand any unexpanded variables"; promise_types:: "field_edits"; body_constraints:: "edit_field" comment => "Edit line-based file as matrix of fields", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::field_edits","can have body constraints"); "field_separator" comment => "The regular expression used to separate fields in a line", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_field","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "field_separator" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The regular expression used to separate fields in a line"; "select_field" comment => "Integer index of the field required 1..n", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_field","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "select_field" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Integer index of the field required 1..n"; "value_separator" comment => "Character separator for subfields inside the selected field", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_field","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "value_separator" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Character separator for subfields inside the selected field"; "field_value" comment => "Set field value to a fixed value", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_field","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "field_value" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Set field value to a fixed value"; "field_operation" comment => "Menu option policy for editing subfields", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_field","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "field_operation" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option policy for editing subfields"; "extend_fields" comment => "true/false add new fields at end of line if necessary to complete edit", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_field","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "extend_fields" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false add new fields at end of line if necessary to complete edit"; "allow_blank_fields" comment => "true/false allow blank fields in a line (do not purge)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","edit_field","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "allow_blank_fields" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false allow blank fields in a line (do not purge)"; promise_types:: "replace_patterns"; body_constraints:: "replace_with" comment => "Search-replace pattern", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::replace_patterns","can have body constraints"); "replace_value" comment => "Value used to replace regular expression matches in search", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","replace_with","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "replace_value" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Value used to replace regular expression matches in search"; "occurrences" comment => "Menu option to replace all occurrences or just first (NB the latter is non-convergent)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","replace_with","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "occurrences" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option to replace all occurrences or just first (NB the latter is non-convergent)"; promise_types:: "delete_lines"; body_constraints:: "not_matching" comment => "true/false negate match criterion", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::delete_lines","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "not_matching" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false negate match criterion"; promise_types:: "delete_lines"; body_constraints:: "delete_select" comment => "Delete only if lines pass filter criteria", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::delete_lines","can have body constraints"); "delete_if_startwith_from_list" comment => "Delete line if it starts with a string in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "delete_if_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Delete line if it starts with a string in the list"; "delete_if_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "delete_if_not_startwith_from_list" comment => "Delete line if it DOES NOT start with a string in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "delete_if_not_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Delete line if it DOES NOT start with a string in the list"; "delete_if_not_startwith_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "delete_if_match_from_list" comment => "Delete line if it fully matches a regex in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "delete_if_match_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Delete line if it fully matches a regex in the list"; "delete_if_match_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "delete_if_not_match_from_list" comment => "Delete line if it DOES NOT fully match a regex in the list", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "delete_if_not_match_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Delete line if it DOES NOT fully match a regex in the list"; "delete_if_not_match_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "delete_if_contains_from_list" comment => "Delete line if a regex in the list match a line fragment", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "delete_if_contains_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Delete line if a regex in the list match a line fragment"; "delete_if_contains_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "delete_if_not_contains_from_list" comment => "Delete line if a regex in the list DOES NOT match a line fragment", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","delete_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "delete_if_not_contains_from_list" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Delete line if a regex in the list DOES NOT match a line fragment"; "delete_if_not_contains_from_list" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "interfaces"; body_constraints:: "tcp_ip" comment => "Interface tcp/ip properties", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::interfaces","can have body constraints"); "ipv4_address" comment => "IPv4 address for the interface", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","tcp_ip","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ipv4_address" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "IPv4 address for the interface"; "ipv4_netmask" comment => "Netmask for the interface", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","tcp_ip","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ipv4_netmask" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Netmask for the interface"; "ipv6_address" comment => "IPv6 address for the interface", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","tcp_ip","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ipv6_address" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "IPv6 address for the interface"; promise_types:: "methods"; body_constraints:: "usebundle" comment => "Specify the name of a bundle to run as a parameterized method", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::methods","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "usebundle" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(ext bundle)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Specify the name of a bundle to run as a parameterized method"; promise_types:: "packages"; body_constraints:: "package_policy" comment => "Criteria for package installation/upgrade on the current system", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::packages","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_policy" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Criteria for package installation/upgrade on the current system"; promise_types:: "packages"; body_constraints:: "package_method" comment => "Criteria for installation and verification", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::packages","can have body constraints"); "package_changes" comment => "Menu option - whether to group packages into a single aggregate command", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_changes" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Menu option - whether to group packages into a single aggregate command"; "package_file_repositories" comment => "A list of machine-local directories to search for packages", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_file_repositories" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of machine-local directories to search for packages"; "package_file_repositories" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "package_list_command" comment => "Command to obtain a list of installed packages", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_list_command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Command to obtain a list of installed packages"; "package_list_version_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package version string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_list_version_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package version string"; "package_list_name_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_list_name_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string"; "package_list_arch_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_list_arch_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string"; "package_patch_list_command" comment => "Command to obtain a list of available patches or updates", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_patch_list_command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Command to obtain a list of available patches or updates"; "package_patch_version_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update version string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_patch_version_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update version string"; "package_patch_name_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update name string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_patch_name_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update name string"; "package_patch_arch_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update architecture string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_patch_arch_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update architecture string"; "package_patch_installed_regex" comment => "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_patch_installed_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed"; "package_version_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package version string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_version_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package version string"; "package_name_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_name_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string"; "package_arch_regex" comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_arch_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string"; "package_installed_regex" comment => "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_installed_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed"; "package_add_command" comment => "Command to install a package to the system", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_add_command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Command to install a package to the system"; "package_delete_command" comment => "Command to remove a package from the system", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_delete_command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Command to remove a package from the system"; "package_update_command" comment => "Command to update to the latest version a currently installed package", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_update_command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Command to update to the latest version a currently installed package"; "package_patch_command" comment => "Command to update to the latest patch release of an installed package", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_patch_command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Command to update to the latest patch release of an installed package"; "package_verify_command" comment => "Command to verify the correctness of an installed package", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_verify_command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Command to verify the correctness of an installed package"; "package_noverify_regex" comment => "Regular expression to match verification failure output", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_noverify_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression to match verification failure output"; "package_noverify_returncode" comment => "Integer return code indicating package verification failure", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_noverify_returncode" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Integer return code indicating package verification failure"; "package_name_convention" comment => "This is how the package manager expects the file to be referred to, e.g. $(name).$(arch)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","package_method","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_name_convention" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "This is how the package manager expects the file to be referred to, e.g. $(name).$(arch)"; promise_types:: "packages"; body_constraints:: "package_version" comment => "Version reference point for determining promised version", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::packages","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_version" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Version reference point for determining promised version"; promise_types:: "packages"; body_constraints:: "package_architectures" comment => "Select the architecture for package selection", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::packages","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_architectures" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Select the architecture for package selection"; "package_architectures" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "packages"; body_constraints:: "package_select" comment => "A criterion for first acceptable match relative to \"package_version\"", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::packages","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "package_select" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A criterion for first acceptable match relative to \"package_version\""; promise_types:: "processes"; body_constraints:: "signals" comment => "A list of menu options representing signals to be sent to a process", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::processes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "signals" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(option list)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A list of menu options representing signals to be sent to a process"; promise_types:: "processes"; body_constraints:: "process_stop" comment => "A command used to stop a running process", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::processes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "process_stop" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A command used to stop a running process"; promise_types:: "processes"; body_constraints:: "process_count" comment => "Criteria for constraining the number of processes matching other criteria", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::processes","can have body constraints"); "match_range" comment => "Integer range for acceptable number of matches for this process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_count","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "match_range" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Integer range for acceptable number of matches for this process"; "in_range_define" comment => "List of classes to define if the matches are in range", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_count","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "in_range_define" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of classes to define if the matches are in range"; "in_range_define" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "out_of_range_define" comment => "List of classes to define if the matches are out of range", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_count","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "out_of_range_define" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of classes to define if the matches are out of range"; "out_of_range_define" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "processes"; body_constraints:: "process_select" comment => "Criteria for matching processes in the system process table", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::processes","can have body constraints"); "process_owner" comment => "List of regexes matching the user of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "process_owner" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of regexes matching the user of a process"; "process_owner" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "pid" comment => "Range of integers matching the process id of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "pid" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the process id of a process"; "ppid" comment => "Range of integers matching the parent process id of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ppid" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the parent process id of a process"; "pgid" comment => "Range of integers matching the parent group id of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "pgid" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the parent group id of a process"; "rsize" comment => "Range of integers matching the resident memory size of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "rsize" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the resident memory size of a process"; "vsize" comment => "Range of integers matching the virtual memory size of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "vsize" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the virtual memory size of a process"; "status" comment => "Regular expression matching the status field of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "status" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression matching the status field of a process"; "ttime_range" comment => "Range of integers matching the total elapsed time of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ttime_range" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the total elapsed time of a process"; "stime_range" comment => "Range of integers matching the start time of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "stime_range" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the start time of a process"; "command" comment => "Regular expression matching the command/cmd field of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "command" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression matching the command/cmd field of a process"; "tty" comment => "Regular expression matching the tty field of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "tty" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression matching the tty field of a process"; "priority" comment => "Range of integers matching the priority field (PRI/NI) of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "priority" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the priority field (PRI/NI) of a process"; "threads" comment => "Range of integers matching the threads (NLWP) field of a process", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "threads" association => a("is a body constraint of type","irange [int,int]","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Range of integers matching the threads (NLWP) field of a process"; "process_result" comment => "Boolean class expression returning the logical combination of classes set by a process selection test", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","process_select","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "process_result" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Boolean class expression returning the logical combination of classes set by a process selection test"; promise_types:: "processes"; body_constraints:: "restart_class" comment => "A class to be set if the process is not running, so that a command: rule can be referred to restart the process", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::processes","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "restart_class" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "A class to be set if the process is not running, so that a command: rule can be referred to restart the process"; promise_types:: "storage"; body_constraints:: "mount" comment => "Criteria for mounting foreign file systems", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::storage","can have body constraints"); "mount_type" comment => "Protocol type of remote file system", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","mount","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "mount_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Protocol type of remote file system"; "mount_source" comment => "Path of remote file system to mount", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","mount","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "mount_source" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Path of remote file system to mount"; "mount_server" comment => "Hostname or IP or remote file system server", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","mount","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "mount_server" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Hostname or IP or remote file system server"; "mount_options" comment => "List of option strings to add to the file system table (\"fstab\")", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","mount","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "mount_options" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of option strings to add to the file system table (\"fstab\")"; "mount_options" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); "edit_fstab" comment => "true/false add or remove entries to the file system table (\"fstab\")", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","mount","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "edit_fstab" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false add or remove entries to the file system table (\"fstab\")"; "unmount" comment => "true/false unmount a previously mounted filesystem", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","mount","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "unmount" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false unmount a previously mounted filesystem"; promise_types:: "storage"; body_constraints:: "volume" comment => "Criteria for monitoring/probing mounted volumes", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::storage","can have body constraints"); "check_foreign" comment => "true/false verify storage that is mounted from a foreign system on this host", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","volume","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "check_foreign" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false verify storage that is mounted from a foreign system on this host"; "freespace" comment => "Absolute or percentage minimum disk space that should be available before warning", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","volume","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "freespace" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Absolute or percentage minimum disk space that should be available before warning"; "sensible_size" comment => "Minimum size in bytes that should be used on a sensible-looking storage device", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","volume","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "sensible_size" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Minimum size in bytes that should be used on a sensible-looking storage device"; "sensible_count" comment => "Minimum number of files that should be defined on a sensible-looking storage device", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","volume","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "sensible_count" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Minimum number of files that should be defined on a sensible-looking storage device"; "scan_arrivals" comment => "true/false generate pseudo-periodic disk change arrival distribution", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","volume","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "scan_arrivals" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false generate pseudo-periodic disk change arrival distribution"; promise_types:: "access"; body_constraints:: "admit" comment => "List of host names or IP addresses to grant access to file objects", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::access","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "admit" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of host names or IP addresses to grant access to file objects"; "admit" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "access"; body_constraints:: "deny" comment => "List of host names or IP addresses to deny access to file objects", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::access","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "deny" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of host names or IP addresses to deny access to file objects"; "deny" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "access"; body_constraints:: "maproot" comment => "List of host names or IP addresses to grant full read-privilege on the server", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::access","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "maproot" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of host names or IP addresses to grant full read-privilege on the server"; "maproot" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "access"; body_constraints:: "ifencrypted" comment => "true/false whether the current file access promise is conditional on the connection from the client being encrypted", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::access","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "ifencrypted" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "true/false whether the current file access promise is conditional on the connection from the client being encrypted"; promise_types:: "access"; body_constraints:: "resource_type" comment => "The type of object being granted access. The default is access to files.", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::access","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "resource_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The type of object being granted access. The default is access to files."; promise_types:: "roles"; body_constraints:: "authorize" comment => "List of public-key user names that are allowed to activate the promised class during remote agent activation", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::roles","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "authorize" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of public-key user names that are allowed to activate the promised class during remote agent activation"; "authorize" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "topics"; body_constraints:: "association" comment => "Declare associated topics", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::topics","can have body constraints"); "forward_relationship" comment => "Name of forward association between promiser topic and associates", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","association","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "forward_relationship" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Name of forward association between promiser topic and associates"; "backward_relationship" comment => "Name of backward/inverse association from associates to promiser topic", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","association","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "backward_relationship" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Name of backward/inverse association from associates to promiser topic"; "associates" comment => "List of associated topics by this forward relationship", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","association","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "associates" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of associated topics by this forward relationship"; "associates" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "topics"; body_constraints:: "comment" comment => "Retained comment about this promise's real intention", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::topics","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "comment" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Retained comment about this promise's real intention"; promise_types:: "occurrences"; body_constraints:: "represents" comment => "List of subtopics that explains the type(s) of information represented by the occurrence", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::occurrences","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "represents" association => a("is a body constraint of type","slist","has possible body constraints"), comment => "List of subtopics that explains the type(s) of information represented by the occurrence"; "represents" association => a("is a list of type","slist","is used in"); promise_types:: "occurrences"; body_constraints:: "representation" comment => "How to interpret the promiser string e.g. actual data or reference to data", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::occurrences","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "representation" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "How to interpret the promiser string e.g. actual data or reference to data"; promise_types:: "occurrences"; body_constraints:: "web_root" comment => "Base URL of the occurrence when rendered as a web-URL (replaces path_root)", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::occurrences","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "web_root" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Base URL of the occurrence when rendered as a web-URL (replaces path_root)"; promise_types:: "occurrences"; body_constraints:: "path_root" comment => "Base path of the occurrence when locating file (replaced by web_root)", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::occurrences","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "path_root" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Base path of the occurrence when locating file (replaced by web_root)"; promise_types:: "measurements"; body_constraints:: "stream_type" comment => "The datatype being collected.", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::measurements","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "stream_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The datatype being collected."; promise_types:: "measurements"; body_constraints:: "data_type" comment => "The datatype being collected.", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::measurements","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "data_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The datatype being collected."; promise_types:: "measurements"; body_constraints:: "history_type" comment => "Whether the data can be seen as a time-series or just an isolated value", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::measurements","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "history_type" association => a("is a body constraint of type","(menu option)","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Whether the data can be seen as a time-series or just an isolated value"; promise_types:: "measurements"; body_constraints:: "units" comment => "The engineering dimensions of this value or a note about its intent used in plots", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::measurements","can have body constraints"); body_constraints:: "units" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "The engineering dimensions of this value or a note about its intent used in plots"; promise_types:: "measurements"; body_constraints:: "match_value" comment => "Criteria for extracting the measurement from a datastream", association => a("is a possible body constraint for","promise_types::measurements","can have body constraints"); "select_line_matching" comment => "Regular expression for matching line location", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","match_value","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "select_line_matching" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression for matching line location"; "select_line_number" comment => "Read from the n-th line of the output (fixed format)", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","match_value","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "select_line_number" association => a("is a body constraint of type","int","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Read from the n-th line of the output (fixed format)"; "extraction_regex" comment => "Regular expression that should contain a single backreference for extracting a value", association => a("is a possible sub-body constraint for","match_value","may have sub-body constraints"); body_constraints:: "extraction_regex" association => a("is a body constraint of type","string","has possible body constraints"), comment => "Regular expression that should contain a single backreference for extracting a value"; "action"; "classes"; "ifvarclass"; "handle"; "depends_on"; "comment"; "select_region"; functions:: "accessedbefore" comment => "True if arg1 was accessed before arg2 (atime)", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "accumulated" comment => "Convert an accumulated amount of time into a system representation", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "ago" comment => "Convert a time relative to now to an integer system representation", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "canonify" comment => "Convert an abitrary string into a legal class name", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "changedbefore" comment => "True if arg1 was changed before arg2 (ctime)", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "classify" comment => "True if the canonicalization of the argument is a currently defined class", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "classmatch" comment => "True if the regular expression matches any currently defined class", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "execresult" comment => "Execute named command and assign output to variable", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "fileexists" comment => "True if the named file can be accessed", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "filesexist" comment => "True if the named list of files can ALL be accessed", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "getindices" comment => "Get a list of keys to the array whose id is the argument and assign to variable", association => a("returns data-type","slist","is returned by function"); "getgid" comment => "Return the integer group id of the named group on this host", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "getuid" comment => "Return the integer user id of the named user on this host", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "groupexists" comment => "True if group or numerical id exists on this host", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "hash" comment => "Return the hash of arg1, type arg2 and assign to a variable", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "hashmatch" comment => "Compute the hash of arg1, of type arg2 and test if it matches the value in arg 3", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "hostrange" comment => "True if the current host lies in the range of enumerated hostnames specified", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "hostinnetgroup" comment => "True if the current host is in the named netgroup", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "iprange" comment => "True if the current host lies in the range of IP addresses specified", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "irange" comment => "Define a range of integer values for cfengine internal use", association => a("returns data-type","irange [int,int]","is returned by function"); "isdir" comment => "True if the named object is a directory", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "isgreaterthan" comment => "True if arg1 is numerically greater than arg2, else compare strings like strcmp", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "islessthan" comment => "True if arg1 is numerically less than arg2, else compare strings like NOT strcmp", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "islink" comment => "True if the named object is a symbolic link", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "isnewerthan" comment => "True if arg1 is newer (modified later) than arg2 (mtime)", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "isplain" comment => "True if the named object is a plain/regular file", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "isvariable" comment => "True if the named variable is defined", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "lastnode" comment => "Extract the last of a separated string, e.g. filename from a path", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "ldaparray" comment => "Extract all values from an ldap record", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "ldaplist" comment => "Extract all named values from multiple ldap records", association => a("returns data-type","slist","is returned by function"); "ldapvalue" comment => "Extract the first matching named value from ldap", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "now" comment => "Convert the current time into system representation", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "on" comment => "Convert an exact date/time to an integer system representation", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "peers" comment => "Get a list of peers (not including ourself) from the partition to which we belong", association => a("returns data-type","slist","is returned by function"); "peerleader" comment => "Get the assigned peer-leader of the partition to which we belong", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "peerleaders" comment => "Get a list of peer leaders from the named partitioning", association => a("returns data-type","slist","is returned by function"); "randomint" comment => "Generate a random integer between the given limits", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "readfile" comment => "Read max number of bytes from named file and assign to variable", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "readintarray" comment => "Read an array of integers from a file and assign the dimension to a variable", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "readintlist" comment => "Read and assign a list variable from a file of separated ints", association => a("returns data-type","ilist","is returned by function"); "readrealarray" comment => "Read an array of real numbers from a file and assign the dimension to a variable", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "readreallist" comment => "Read and assign a list variable from a file of separated real numbers", association => a("returns data-type","rlist","is returned by function"); "readstringarray" comment => "Read an array of strings from a file and assign the dimension to a variable", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "readstringlist" comment => "Read and assign a list variable from a file of separated strings", association => a("returns data-type","slist","is returned by function"); "readtcp" comment => "Connect to tcp port, send string and assign result to variable", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "regarray" comment => "True if arg1 matches any item in the associative array with id=arg2", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "regcmp" comment => "True if arg2 is a regular expression matching arg1", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "registryvalue" comment => "Returns a value for an MS-Win registry key,value pair", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "regline" comment => "True if arg2 is a regular expression matching a line in file arg1", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "reglist" comment => "True if arg2 matches any item in the list with id=arg1", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "regldap" comment => "True if arg6 is a regular expression matching a value item in an ldap search", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "remotescalar" comment => "Read a scalar value from a remote cfengine server", association => a("returns data-type","string","is returned by function"); "returnszero" comment => "True if named shell command has exit status zero", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "rrange" comment => "Define a range of real numbers for cfengine internal use", association => a("returns data-type","rrange [real,real]","is returned by function"); "selectservers" comment => "Select tcp servers which respond correctly to a query and return their number, set array of names", association => a("returns data-type","int","is returned by function"); "splayclass" comment => "True if the first argument's time-slot has arrived, according to a policy in arg2", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "splitstring" comment => "Convert a string in arg1 into a list of max arg3 strings by splitting on a regular expression in arg2", association => a("returns data-type","slist","is returned by function"); "strcmp" comment => "True if the two strings match exactly", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "usemodule" comment => "Execute cfengine module script and set class if successful", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); "userexists" comment => "True if user name or numerical id exists on this host", association => a("returns data-type","class","is returned by function"); topics: bundles:: "update"; contexts:: "any"; promisers:: "master_location" association => a("occurs in bundle","bundles::update","bundle contains promiser"); "master_location" association => a("makes promise of type","promise_types::vars","promises have been made by"); "master_location" association => a("makes promises","promise_unit_update_cf_13","is a promise made by"); promise_types:: "vars" association => a("is employed in bundle","update","employs promises of type"); promises:: "promise_unit_update_cf_13" comment => "(Uncommented promise of type vars made by: master_location..)"; "promise_unit_update_cf_13" association => a("is activated by class context","any","activates promises"); "promise_unit_update_cf_13" association => a("is a promise of type","vars","has current exemplars"); occurrences: promise_unit_update_cf_13:: "" comment => "A promise of type vars made by: master_location", represents => { "any", "vars" }; any:: "" represents => { "promise", "master_location", "vars" }; update:: "" represents => { "bundle reference" }; string:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_13" }; topics: bundles:: "update"; contexts:: "any"; promisers:: "pservers" association => a("occurs in bundle","bundles::update","bundle contains promiser"); "pservers" association => a("makes promise of type","promise_types::vars","promises have been made by"); "pservers" association => a("makes promises","promise_unit_update_cf_15","is a promise made by"); promise_types:: "vars" association => a("is employed in bundle","update","employs promises of type"); promises:: "promise_unit_update_cf_15" comment => "IP address to locate your policy host."; "promise_unit_update_cf_15" association => a("is activated by class context","any","activates promises"); "promise_unit_update_cf_15" association => a("is a promise of type","vars","has current exemplars"); occurrences: promise_unit_update_cf_15:: "" comment => "IP address to locate your policy host.", represents => { "any", "vars" }; any:: "" represents => { "promise", "pservers", "vars" }; update:: "" represents => { "bundle reference" }; int:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_15" }; comment:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_15" }; "IP address to locate your policy host." representation => "literal", represents => { "promise_unit_update_cf_15" }; promise_unit_update_cf_15:: "IP address to locate your policy host." representation => "literal", represents => { "comment" }; topics: bundles:: "update"; contexts:: "!have_ppkeys"; promisers:: "/usr/local/sbin/cf-key" association => a("occurs in bundle","bundles::update","bundle contains promiser"); "/usr/local/sbin/cf-key" association => a("makes promise of type","promise_types::commands","promises have been made by"); "/usr/local/sbin/cf-key" association => a("makes promises","promise_unit_update_cf_31","is a promise made by"); promise_types:: "commands" association => a("is employed in bundle","update","employs promises of type"); promises:: "promise_unit_update_cf_31" comment => "(Uncommented promise of type commands made by: /usr/local/sbin/cf-key..)"; "promise_unit_update_cf_31" association => a("is activated by class context","!have_ppkeys","activates promises"); "promise_unit_update_cf_31" association => a("is a promise of type","commands","has current exemplars"); occurrences: promise_unit_update_cf_31:: "" comment => "A promise of type commands made by: /usr/local/sbin/cf-key", represents => { "!have_ppkeys", "commands" }; _have_ppkeys:: "" represents => { "promise", "/usr/local/sbin/cf-key", "commands" }; update:: "" represents => { "bundle reference" }; topics: bundles:: "update"; contexts:: "xx"; promisers:: "/var/cfengine/inputs" association => a("occurs in bundle","bundles::update","bundle contains promiser"); "/var/cfengine/inputs" association => a("makes promise of type","promise_types::files","promises have been made by"); "/var/cfengine/inputs" association => a("makes promises","update_policy","is a promise made by"); promise_types:: "files" association => a("is employed in bundle","update","employs promises of type"); promises:: "update_policy" comment => "(Uncommented promise of type files made by: /var/cfengine/inputs..)"; "update_policy" association => a("is activated by class context","xx","activates promises"); "update_policy" association => a("is a promise of type","files","has current exemplars"); occurrences: update_policy:: "" comment => "A promise of type files made by: /var/cfengine/inputs", represents => { "xx", "files" }; xx:: "" represents => { "promise", "/var/cfengine/inputs", "files" }; update:: "" represents => { "bundle reference" }; handle:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; perms:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; mode:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; copy_from:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; source:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; compare:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; trustkey:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; servers:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; depth_search:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; depth:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; action:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; ifelapsed:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "update_policy" }; topics: bundles:: "update"; contexts:: "xx"; promisers:: "/var/cfengine/bin" association => a("occurs in bundle","bundles::update","bundle contains promiser"); "/var/cfengine/bin" association => a("makes promise of type","promise_types::files","promises have been made by"); "/var/cfengine/bin" association => a("makes promises","promise_unit_update_cf_47","is a promise made by"); promise_types:: "files" association => a("is employed in bundle","update","employs promises of type"); promises:: "promise_unit_update_cf_47" comment => "(Uncommented promise of type files made by: /var/cfengine/bin..)"; "promise_unit_update_cf_47" association => a("is activated by class context","xx","activates promises"); "promise_unit_update_cf_47" association => a("is a promise of type","files","has current exemplars"); occurrences: promise_unit_update_cf_47:: "" comment => "A promise of type files made by: /var/cfengine/bin", represents => { "xx", "files" }; xx:: "" represents => { "promise", "/var/cfengine/bin", "files" }; update:: "" represents => { "bundle reference" }; perms:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; mode:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; copy_from:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; source:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; compare:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; trustkey:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; servers:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; depth_search:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; depth:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; action:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; ifelapsed:: "" represents => { "used in promise", "promise_unit_update_cf_47" }; topics: bundles:: "update"; contexts:: "any|bootstrap_mode.policy_host"; promisers:: "I am the policy host - i.e. with ipv4 address $(policy_server[0])" association => a("occurs in bundle","bundles::update","bundle contains promiser"); "I am the policy host - i.e. with ipv4 address $(policy_server[0])" association => a("makes promise of type","promise_types::reports","promises have been made by"); "I am the policy host - i.e. with ipv4 address $(policy_server[0])" association => a("makes promises","promise_unit_update_cf_56","is a promise made by"); promise_types:: "reports" association => a("is employed in bundle","update","employs promises of type"); promises:: "promise_unit_update_cf_56" comment => "(Uncommented promise of type reports made by: I am the policy host - i...)"; "promise_unit_update_cf_56" association => a("is activated by class context","any|bootstrap_mode.policy_host","activates promises"); "promise_unit_update_cf_56" association => a("is a promise of type","reports","has current exemplars"); occurrences: promise_unit_update_cf_56:: "" comment => "A promise of type reports made by: I am the policy host - i.e. with ipv4 address $(policy_server[0])", represents => { "any|bootstrap_mode.policy_host", "reports" }; any_bootstrap_mode_policy_host:: "" represents => { "promise", "I am the policy host - i.e. with ipv4 address $(policy_server[0])", "reports" }; update:: "" represents => { "bundle reference" }; topics: bundles:: "update"; contexts:: "nofile"; promisers:: "found file" association => a("occurs in bundle","bundles::update","bundle contains promiser"); "found file" association => a("makes promise of type","promise_types::reports","promises have been made by"); "found file" association => a("makes promises","promise_unit_update_cf_60","is a promise made by"); promise_types:: "reports" association => a("is employed in bundle","update","employs promises of type"); promises:: "promise_unit_update_cf_60" comment => "(Uncommented promise of type reports made by: found file..)"; "promise_unit_update_cf_60" association => a("is activated by class context","nofile","activates promises"); "promise_unit_update_cf_60" association => a("is a promise of type","reports","has current exemplars"); occurrences: promise_unit_update_cf_60:: "" comment => "A promise of type reports made by: found file", represents => { "nofile", "reports" }; nofile:: "" represents => { "promise", "found file", "reports" }; update:: "" represents => { "bundle reference" }; } }